5 Habits That Are Aging You Faster
/in EMA Spotlight, Personal /by Mary Beth MartinIntroduction
Your skin is a direct reflection of what you put in your body and how you treat it. Aging gracefully and avoiding common skin concerns like acne, sun/age spots, eczema, psoriasis, melasma, premature aging, and rosacea starts from within. At Elite, we take a holistic approach to aesthetics, meaning that we offer many different skin treatments and injectables to help target skin issues, BUT we also provide our clients with wellness information regarding common root causes that may be contributing to skin concerns.
🌱 💉 In simple terms, we take a 360 approach: mind, body, wellness, and aesthetic treatments to help our clients reach their optimal goals. Combining 1. Regular skin treatments with 2. A total body and wellness approach is the key to healthy skin and feeling your best.
On top of that, when we do offer an aesthetic treatment, we ensure that we are using the cleanest and safest products available on the market. We really believe in the ingredients we put into our bodies, whether from nutrition or a treatment!
In this blog we uncover and explain five common lifestyle habits that may be:
- Wreaking havoc on our gut and detoxification
- Killing our collagen production
- Making us age faster
- Negatively impacting our skin
- Interfering with healthy hormone function
Table of Contents
Of note: This is not an inclusive list of how these things affect your body, just a brief explanation on how these 5 things affect your skin exclusively. Additionally, this post is informational ONLY, always talk to your healthcare provider about what may be best for you and if you have any questions or concerns about your individual health.
1. Eating out all the time

Eating an inflammatory diet includes eating out all the time. These types of inflammatory foods are filled with poor quality protein, processed foods, sugar, low quality dairy, Americanized gluten, vegetable/seed oils, and exposure to pesticides and cause an inflammatory response in the body.
When the body experiences inflammation for an extended period of time, it starts to negatively impact our DNA, gut health, natural detoxification processes, cellular function, and hormone health (just to name a few). When our bodies are experiencing these imbalances, it is not uncommon for our skin to suffer through potential skin concerns like:
- Premature aging
- Eczema
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Melasma
- Redness/broken capillaries
This is not a full list of potential skin concerns or body imbalances, just a list of popular ones that we see as an aesthetic office.
What foods improve skin health?
We encourage our clients to cut out inflammatory foods and seed oils, and start to incorporate nutrient dense foods (or follow an ancestral or “pegan” diet method) that is filled with real foods that contain the vitamins and minerals to fuel our bodies, fight against free radicals, reverse signs of aging, and support healthier skin overall. This in turn, can also heal our bodies, and we tend to feel better in every aspect of our health when we focus on eating a balanced diet with limited/to no inflammatory foods.
🌟 Keep in mind that some foods (even if they are healthy) can also be causing inflammation in the body, so if you are experiencing side effects even after limiting the above, please contact your health care provider or a functional nutritionist to run tests/labs to help rule out what may be a culprit for you.
Do toxic skincare products cause acne or eczema?
In many cases, yes. Toxic skincare products can trigger/worsen inflammatory skin conditions like acne, eczema, and others. At Elite, we take pride in carrying non-toxic, fragrance free skincare that is effective, yet safe to use as a healthier option. Commonly used and marketed medical grade skincare can contain MANY different chemicals, fragrances, and dyes, even though they may market that it helps relieve certain skin concerns. This also is the same with several pharmaceutical topical skincare products like antibiotic creams, retinols, acids, and steroids.
Pro Tip: Read your product labels, do your research, and find a skincare routine with beneficial, less toxic products! This is important for anyone using skincare products. What we put on our bodies everyday has a huge impact on our health. Read our full blog on this topic by clicking the pink button below.
💜 If you are unsure what skincare products might be beneficial for you, schedule a consultation with one of our NP providers and learn more about options best suited for you!
2. Over consumption of alcohol & caffeine
Drinking too many caffeinated beverages and alcoholic drinks can cause an array of issues within our bodies, which in turn effects our skin. Some, but not all, of these issues may include:
- Chronic dehydration
- Poor gut health
- Sluggish liver
- Imbalanced hormones
With all of this to say, when these issues (listed above) are happening within our bodies, our skin may start showing signs of dehydration, dryness, crepiness, premature aging, unhealthy color, rosacea, redness, broken capillaries, acne, melasma, eczema, and much more.
Tip: while the occasional drink with friends or cup of coffee is normal, be mindful of the quality of the alcohol and coffee you consume. For example, mold-free, organic coffee over Starbucks and organic, no-sugar wine/quality tequila over a sugary cocktail are better options!

What are helpful tips to limit caffeine and alcohol?
We encourage our clients to limit their alcohol and caffeinated beverages, and focus on not only drinking more water, but quality electrolytes every day (no, not Gatorade or other brands with dyes and sugar!). Quality electrolytes ensure that your skin/body is hydrated sufficiently, rather than over-diluting our bodies with water alone, which can cause mineral deficiencies.
Alongside water and electrolytes, we especially love herbal infusions, organic teas, lemon water, fresh-pressed organic juice, quality sparkling water like spindrift, and kombucha for healthier drink alternatives that have added “skin-benefits”. Swapping these types of drinks out for alcohol and caffeine is better for your overall health, too!
For a healthier dose of caffeine in the morning, consider green tea or a home-made matcha latte with collagen, honey and coconut milk instead of coffee. Also drink any caffeine AFTER eating a healthy high protein breakfast.
What are the best drinks for healthy skin?
Like mentioned above, there are many drinks that can help contribute to healthy, hydrated skin. Some of these options may include: organic coconut water, green juices (organic and fresh), herbal teas like roobios, hibiscus, ginger, spearmint, quality electrolytes like Pickleball Cocktail or Needed, lemon water, and aloe vera juice.
For easy and cheap electrolytes, also consider drinking a large glass of filtered water first thing in the morning with a few dashes of sea salt or pink Himalayan salt with a splash of lemon!
3. Having to always be busy

In today’s culture, it is “normal” (and sometimes even glorified) to be overly busy and have jammed packed schedules. However, this type of chronic busy-ness can lead to an overload of stress, overwhelm, and fatigue, resulting in over-worked and drained mind and bodies. While there are going to be seasons of life where our schedules are busier than usual, or stress arises from occasional situations, red flags should pop up when this becomes a lifestyle. You may start to notice your skin changing/becoming compromised, and can continue to decline or worsen with time.
Without a doubt, chronic stress/busy-ness leads to adrenal fatigue and cortisol spikes within our bodies, which has a negative impact, leaving us in a constant “fight or flight” state. Potential skin concerns from this may include:
- Acne
- Premature aging
- Inflammatory concerns
- Under eye bags
- Hollowing/loss of volume
Plus, this lifestyle does not leave much time for a proper skincare routine, regular skin treatments, or self care.
Helpful tips for reducing stress and feeling the need to be busy:
We encourage our clients to make time for themselves each day to do something relaxing or that they love, even if it is just for 30 minutes. We find it beneficial to incorporate things like:
- Mindfulness
- Deep breathing
- Reading
- Meditation
- Getting outdoors
- Monthly/weekly self care appointments
- Daily gratitude practice
These practices “fill your cup” and allow for you to “just be”. Slowing down, even on a busy work day, and enjoying the present moment can help with freeing yourself from “fight or flight” and cortisol spikes. In doing so, you may notice your skin looking more refreshed, youthful, and any skin concerns starting to calm down and heal.
📕 As as team, we do a monthly bookclub that encourages practices like this, and lets us focus on time with each other to become the best versions of ourselves, both at work and in our personal lives.
Tip: it can be hard to consider adding in extra things when life feels really crazy, so start with slowing down just one thing. Start walking slower, eating slower, or even brushing your teeth more slowly. Stay present with whatever you’re doing.
How do I make time for a skincare routine when I am busy?
Prioritize yourself, you deserve it! View your skincare routine as self care, and set time in your schedule for it. There’s no need to rush through it, enjoy it, and make it feasible for your lifestyle. It is also less overwhelming when your skincare routine is simple with fewer more efficient products customized to your needs, rather than the 10-step skincare routines you see on social media.
Also, getting routine skin treatments help with targeting skin concerns and getting you to desired results quicker and more efficiently. This is also a great form of self care and allows for you to feel confident in your skin.
We also believe that taking time for you, and prioritizing your needs, will help set a positive tone for everything else in your life to follow.
4. Being lazy or cheap with sunscreen
Appropriate amounts of sun in healthy people* may have benefits such as vitamin D production, improved mitochondrial function, and better circadian rhythm to name a few. However, on your face, it is crucial to be diligent in wearing a quality mineral sunscreen everyday to protect your skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays and prevent sunburns (yes, even in the winter months). You can get the benefits of the sun without directly exposing your face. If you don’t like sunscreen, then wear a wide brim hat to protect your face.
Even your body should either be covered with protective clothing or with mineral sunscreen after 5-15 min in the sun (depending on total body inflammation and sun tolerance–> the more inflamed you are the less natural tolerance you will have in the sun).
Not only does wearing sunscreen everyday help protect you from certain skin cancers, but it also lessens your risk of sun spots, age spots, freckling, redness, wrinkles, lines, rosacea, worsening melasma, and pre-mature aging!
Also, keep in mind that damage from the sun typically does not start appearing via sun spots on our skin until our 30’s+, so wearing sunscreen while you are young is super important.

What types of sunscreen are the best to prevent sun damage?
At Elite, we carry multiple brands and types of sunscreens to have options for our clients. We always say “the best sunscreen is the one you will religiously wear every day”. Luckily, there are many mineral based sunscreens that range from tinted, matte/oil-free, hydrating, powder-form, spray, and much more to suit an individual’s need and skin type.
We also encourage clients to get a yearly skin check-up with a reputable dermatologist, and to see a healthcare provider if you notice anything suspicious or concerning on your skin.
☀️ If you need help finding the right type of sunscreen for you, or want to address sun damage concerns, book a consultation with one of our nurse practitioners HERE.
Does getting sun make your skin look better?
*While there is some debate on if the sun is “good” or “bad” for your skin, here is our approach to it 👇
- Yes, as above, the sun can have benefits such as reducing inflammation by producing more vitamin D, improving mitochondrial function and resetting circadian rhythm. However, with that being said, benefits only occur if they can tolerate the sun and do not instantly burn (which unfortunately is not very many people in America due to chronic stress and inflammation). Once someone works on eating an anti-inflammatory diet, focuses on a healthy gut, gets adequate sleep, and so on, then they may tolerate the sun better for short periods of time. As a side note: It can be beneficial for everyone to enjoy a small amount of sunshine first thing in the morning to help regulate their circadian rhythm while the rays are not at their most intense.
- Bottom line is, wearing a mineral based SPF every day is important to keeping your skin protected from the harmful rays. We especially encourage clients to wear SPF every day on AT LEAST their face, neck, and chest if they are using active skincare ingredients (ie retinols, acids, other exfoliants) and if they are getting regular skincare treatments like IPL/lasers/chemical peels. Wearing quality sunscreen can also decrease your chances of premature aging and help to maintain your treatment results.
Learn more on this topic from Ali, NP’s holistic approach to the sun and sunscreen below:
5. Not prioritizing sleep and rest

There is no negotiating that our bodies need adequate sleep and rest to recover. Lack of sleep can: weaken our immune systems, affect our hormones, slow down natural cellular recovery and so much more. When these things start to occur in our bodies, it negatively impacts collagen and elastin production within our skin leading to pre-mature aging concerns.
More importantly, when you don’t get enough sleep your body doesn’t have enough time to produce human growth hormone, which is responsible for healthy cell production. A lack of this can cause:
- Thinner skin
- More lines and wrinkles
- Dehydrated skin
- Crepey skin
- Inflammatory skin responses
- Lack of ability to fight of free radicals from day-to-day pollutants causing pigmentation, acne, and other unwanted skin concerns
The saying “I can sleep when I am dead” is not a healthy way of living. Our team read the book “Power of Vulnerability” by Brene Brown where she explains how this perception on not sleeping is harmful to us in many ways.
What are helpful tips for quality rest and sleep?
It is important to prioritize your sleep by unwinding in the evenings, limiting blue light/devices a few hours before bed, reading, taking a warm bath, sipping on camomile tea, consider taking magnesium bisglycinate (consult with your healthcare provider), getting sunlight first thing in the morning, and ultimately finding a night time routine that sets you up for successful sleep.
- Rest also comes in many forms, and for some that may be enjoying quiet time in the afternoon or mornings, short naps, meditations throughout the day, grounding in nature, talking to a loved one, and enjoying a tv show/movie (to be turned off at least 1 hour before bed).
Will my skin improve if I sleep more?
Generally speaking, yes your skin will improve if you sleep more (or the right amount around 7-9 hours for women). This is because during “deep sleep” your body has adequate time to repair cellular damage, detoxify your organs and bloodstream, and also strengthen your skin to help fight against free radicals and environmental pollutants. Sleep is very important for healthy skin, mind, and body, because a lack of adequate sleep drives further inflammation, weakens proper immune function, and therefore can worsen or drive any skin concern.
To put it simply, the health of your skin is greatly resembled by how you take care of your body. While aesthetic treatments can help/improve many skin concerns, and we recommended them for maintaining healthy skin, it is just as important to focus on your overall wellness, too!
When you prioritize your health and follow a customized treatment plan, you will not only showcase the best version of yourself, but you will also feel your best. 💜 These are simple tips, if you want to take a deeper dive schedule a consultation with one of our NP providers.
For a more thorough list of tips and tricks for overall health to decrease inflammation, improve gut health, improve sleep, and overall well-being, check out some of our favorite books (no affiliation or conflicts of interest btw, just a few books we love):
Check out our instagram post on this topic below 👇
Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO that takes a holistic approach to natural results. We pride ourselves in having an all nursing staff of NP’s that put safety as #1 priority.