Vascular Treatments
Lone Tree, CO 80124
“Vascular disorders” might sound intimidating but in reality we all probably have a rogue vein or two. Especially women that have had children and those that work on their feet all day.
Many people also have tiny spider veins around their nose from chronic allergies, alcoholism or just plain ol’ genetics.
This page will talk about some of the common treatments for vascular disorders such as spider veins and reticular veins.
What causes spider veins and varicose veins?
Weakened or damaged valves in blood vessels can cause blood to back up and collect causing small spider veins all the way up to larger varicose veins.
A spider vein is small like a spider web and a varicose vein is large and ropey.
High blood pressure, trauma, obesity, pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, and hormones can weaken the valves in blood vessels.
Why are women more likely to have spider veins and varicose veins?
Women are up to 4 times more likely to experience vascular disorders according to This is due to hormone changes as well as pregnancy which can increase stress and strain on blood vessels.
Pregnancy, menopause, and certain hormonal types of birth control can increase the risk of vascular disorders in women.
How do you treat spider veins?
Spider veins on the face can be treated with certain types of lasers and light therapies such as IPL.
Spider veins on the body are usually treated with sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy is where a medication is injected that causes the damaged vessels to collapse and then scar up redirecting blood flow to the healthier vessels.
Over-time the scarred or “sclerosed” vessel will be reabsorbed by the body.
How do you treat varicose veins?
Smaller varicose veins, called reticular veins, can still be treated with sclerotherapy. Larger vessels that can’t be treated with sclerotherapy may require surgery to remove them.
Does sclerotherapy hurt?
The smallest of needles is used to treat spider veins but it is still a needle so a poke will be felt. Sometimes the medication can also sting a bit.
Can spider veins come back after treatment?
Unfortunately yes, if the underlying cause is not also addressed then the vessels can continue to become damaged.
Are spider veins dangerous?
Spider veins are usually just a cosmetic annoyance but if you are experiencing pain, tenderness, redness or swelling in your legs you may need to be assessed for a blood clot or other disorder.
How much does spider vein treatment cost?
Treatment cost varies depending on the type, but can range from $100-300/area.
How long does it take to see results after spider vein treatment?
Usually 3-6 weeks for smaller vessels and several months for larger vessels.
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