Functional Aesthetics 101


Many of Elite’s staff members, and our clients, have gone through healing journeys with a functional medicine approach, and have found that treating the body as a whole and addressing underlying causes improves skin health, too. It’s all connected. You can’t fully treat the skin without addressing the whole body. 

What we do at Elite is termed “functional aesthetics”; which means, addressing the root cause of skin concerns and not just treating symptoms, such as: pre-mature aging, thin/crepey skin, acne, rosacea, liver spots, eczema, etc. 

Common “functional aesthetics” services you may see on social media, like: IV therapy, weight loss medication, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can make people feel great temporarily, but they do not directly address, nor cure, the root cause of common health and skin issues. (Which is exactly what functional medicine does 😉).

True functional medicine in aesthetics addresses the whole person, individually, by looking into lifestyle changes, diet, gut health, hormone imbalances, inflammation, cortisol spikes, stealth infection like infections/parasites, stress levels, and much more! Typically when there is health/skin issues it is rarely caused by one thing and/or fixed by one thing. The body is very interconnected, so it can be complex, takes time, and may need attention from a professional in the functional medicine field. 

📕 Keep reading below to learn more about:

  • Functional medicine and how it is being used in the world of aesthetics  
  • Red flags to watch out for in med spas who claim they are “functional” and “holistic”
  • How our office implements functional medicine, and more! 

Table of Contents

What is functional aesthetics?

Functional aesthetics is a combination of both:

1. Functional medicine: an integrative practice that addresses the root cause of illnesses/health issues rather than treating only the symptoms.

2. Aesthetic medicine: looks at a person as a whole and utilizes appropriate skin treatments, therapies, and (clean) injectables to help people feel and look their best.


An example of this might look like:

-A client comes in with severe acne and our providers talk about their gut health, hormone health, and stress levels and how these things contribute to the formation of acne. The provider formulates a functional medicine and aesthetic treatment plan that:

1. Diet and lifestyle changes that address common root causes of acne 

2. A customized treatment plan to help the acne heal faster that may include topicals at home and  VI Peels and/or IPL in the office. Later, once lesions are healed, we would add on microneedling or lasers to address any scars. 

3. Potential supplemental IV therapy to help the body detoxify while it is healing

This is a 360 approach to healing the acne with a functional aesthetic approach, rather than only prescribing pills or topical ointments. 

💜 Lastly, addressing underlying conditions before agreeing upon a treatment can save clients from adverse reactions! (aka they put you and your health first, and aren’t afraid to say “no”).

What are common functional aesthetic treatments?

Common aesthetic treatments that are being be classified/marketed as “functional” may include therapies/treatments like: 

  • IV therapy 
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Weight loss management, such as Ozempic/Semaglutide injections

These treatments alone do not fully address root causes of symptoms within the body, however they can have a “time and place” during the healing process and may have overall health benefits. Most importantly, if a practitioner jumps to these treatments without addressing things like:

  •  Diet, lifestyle, stress, gut health, detox pathways, sleep issues, hormone imbalances, etc. they are not practicing functional medicine, they are prescribing a “quick fix”, or simply selling add on treatments, that only help temporarily. 
  • Of note: if this is what you are looking for, or what your clinic does, that is cool too, but it is important to not sell/advertise it as functional medicine.

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment used to help relieve hormonal symptoms temporarily, usually associated with the transition to menopause (*more below), but can be used with other hormonal imbalances, too. Synthetic hormone pellets are medically placed into the buttock region and slowly release targeted hormones into the body. Overall, this treatment is designed to replace lower levels of female hormones.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy functional medicine?

In our opinion, hormone replacement therapy (alone) is not considered functional medicine. While this is a commonly used intervention for unwanted hormone symptoms, it comes with side effects and does not fully address, or fix, the underlying cause of the hormonal imbalances to begin with. PLUS, even though appropriate HRT treatments run blood work labs, these labs only indicate the imbalance(s), not what is causing those imbalances. 

🌱 A holistic and functional med approach to hormone regulation might look like:

  • Someone balances their body naturally through addressing gut health, sleep, stress, detox pathways, etc. and is still showing imbalanced hormone levels. In this case, HRT COULD potentially be a beneficial treatment, in conjunction with the lifestyle changes, while the body continues to heal. And this approach would require a lot less of the synthetic hormones than if it was the first, and only, treatment option offered for the hormone issues.
  • *Note: we understand that menopause is a “root cause” of hormone imbalance for women, but all of the side effects of menopause, though common, do not mean they are normal. Meaning, that many symptoms of menopause can be treated naturally, and then if hormones are needed, less can be used. 
  • When possible, we also always advocate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy over using synthetic hormones. 

What are weight loss Injections?

Common weight loss management injections, Ozempic & Semaglutide, help to lower blood sugar by assisting the pancreas to make more insulin. This process causes the body to feel less hungry and thus, lose weight due to a suppressed appetite. These injections are originally used  for type 2 diabetes, but are now used for many alternative reasons, even for those without a diagnosis, to lose weight quickly.

Are Ozempic injections functional medicine?

No, weight loss injections such as Ozempic are not considered functional medicine because they do not address the underlying causes within the body that is making people struggle with losing weight. These type of injections are proven to be a “band-aid” fix to weight loss because once someone stops getting the injections, the weight comes back (especially if someone is not implementing diet and exercises changes while on the medication). 

Additionally, there are many unwanted side effects with weight loss injections such as gut issues, severe heartburn, hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues including cancer, and chronic inflammation which can make people feel even worse and lead to other issues within the body (like a domino effect). 

*Of note: this medication is intended for type 2 diabetes and can be a beneficial medication for those  with type 2 diabetes or other health complications associated with obesity. Always consult with your practicing provider about any medication use or questions.*

🌱 A holistic and functional med approach to weight loss might look like:

  • Working with a specialist on lifestyle interventions, mental health/food addiction, eating a customized diet, following an exercise plan, and running necessary tests to see WHY the body is not able to naturally lose healthy weight. Then, following that treatment plan for “X amount of time” to see how the body responds. Many people tend to feel better when they take this approach to weight loss, overall and see other health benefits as well! Plus, it is a long term solution to weight loss rather than a quick fix that might not provide lasting results.

What is IV Therapy?

IV Therapy is a medical procedure that delivers fluids, medications and vitamins/minerals into the body directly through a vein. Many aesthetic clinics use IV therapy to give clients “cocktails” of vitamins/minerals to help support anti-aging, healthy hair and skin, and nail quality. While medical IV’s are used to administer medications and fluids quicker to the body for several reasons.  

Is IV Therapy functional medicine?

IV therapy itself, is not functional medicine, but it can be a supportive tool to administer vitamins and minerals that are needed for the body to heal or detox. Again, working with a functional med expert is the first step to addressing the issues within the body to know what exactly is out of balance and needs attention. Without diving deeper into the root cause(s), getting an IV full of vitamins and minerals that the body doesn’t need is not totally beneficial, and can be expensive! 

🌱 A holistic and functional med approach to IV therapy might look like: 

Working on gut health and detoxing a sluggish liver that is causing an array of issues such as: acne, gut imbalances, and sleep problems, and getting an IV that contains glutathione to help further support the liver detox practices. IV therapy can work great in conjunction with functional med practices to give the body a boost, but knowing what the body needs is the first step to correctly and successfully getting the full benefits of an IV customized to you.

Please note that many clinics use cheap, synthetic vitamins in their IV infusions. Be sure to ask about what kind of vitamins they use, specifically methylated B vitamins vs synthetic B vitamins. 

What is an example of functional aesthetics in a clinic?

An example of an aesthetic office practicing functional medicine may look like this: 

  • A woman comes in and has concerns about hormonal issues such as severe acne and melasma but also mentions that the fatigue, bloating, and irregular cycles are really bothering her as well.

Instead of prescribing hormones (HRT) right off the bat, the practitioner looks at the her as a whole (ie: her stress levels, diet, lifestyle, toxic load, gut issues, cortisol etc.) and suggests simple, yet effective, lifestyle changes to implement ASAP. 

  • They decide to wait on doing any type of treatments, besides a customized skincare routine to help manage acne and melasma topically, and refers her to a functional med specialist while explaining that unless she balances her body naturally her acne/melasma will not completely go away with topical skincare/treatments.

Is blood work considered functional medicine?

Running blood work is a helpful tool that can be beneficial with navigating how the body is functioning, but it isn’t the “end all, be all” of functional medicine. Functional medicine goes beyond blood work, in fact there are MANY tests that are helpful when taking a deeper dive into understanding the body such as a Dutch test, stool and urine test, HTMA test, etc. 

🧘‍♀️ More importantly, functional medicine usually begins with implementing basic lifestyle and diet changes first (even before running tests or adding in supplements) because these lifestyle changes are the foundations to a healthier body and can make a huge impact, alone. 

Additionally, most “normal ranges” for blood work testing is very broad, doesn’t always give a definitive answer, can showcase “normal levels”(even if there is something goin on), and can oftentimes be misleading. Keep in mind that normal labs doesn’t equal a healthy person. Even abnormal labs, or abnormal hormone levels on labs, don’t indicate what the root cause is of those abnormalities, it just simply shows that there’s something abnormal. There is a much more complex issue going on within the body that needs to be addressed and analyzed by a professional in the field. 

Is "common" and "normal" the same thing?

The terms “common” and “normal” are not the same thing! In today’s society it is common to see women struggle with acne, painful periods, PMS, etc, but it is not normal. Our bodies are not supposed to experience these type of painful symptoms, and it is definitely not ok for them to be labeled or misinterpreted as “normal”. Oftentimes, these “common” symptoms are ignored when they should be listened to, because they are a way the body is communicating with you that something is off. 

Functional medicine practitioners take a deeper look into “why” these symptoms are occurring and address the root cause(s) which is different for everyone. When someone is able to balance their body and address all functions (since they are all interconnected) many symptoms start to improve and lessen. This is healing from within, which takes time and more than a few HRT and IV therapy treatments like being marketed today. 

Red Flags to look out for:

🚩 We have seen a trend of these common red flags in clinics/med spas that claim they are “functional” and “holistic” when in reality, they would not be doing or offering these things if they were truly practicing (or believe in) functional medicine:

  • They offer you traditional soda, candy, processed treats and non-organic coffee in the afternoons 
  • The products that they use in their office and skincare products are filled with “parfum” and “fragrance”
  • The providers immediately prescribe a pill or a “quick fix” without addressing potential root causes or referring you to a functional med specialist

Why do these things 👆 matter?

These details mentioned above matter greatly! If a clinic was truly practicing “functional aesthetics” then they would not offer these things, because they do not support a healthy body. 

Read below for further explanation:

  • Refined sugars, processed foods, seed oils, generic caffeine, and artificial dyes found in office “treats” and drinks contribute to: inflammation, hormone imbalances, skin issues such as acne, spiked cortisol levels, gut issues, and so much more. Instead, swap these generic/unhealthy things for organic, non-toxic options that are much healthier and do not contribute/feed inflammation and other issues. 
  • A lot of popular, name-brand skincare products, candles, and air fresheners that are used and offered in clinics contain “fragrance” and “parfum” which are endocrine disruptors and proven to wreck havoc on hormones. 
  • If a practitioner immediately defaults to prescribing a pill or a “quick fix” to band-aid symptoms without looking into root cause(s) or diving deeper into things like: detox pathways, stress levels, gut microbiome imbalances, toxic load, sleep issues etc. they are actually practicing the opposite of functional medicine, they are using Western medicine’s approach “pill for an ill”. Therefore, they cannot be claiming to be doing “functional medicine”.

At Elite, we take the time to educate our clients on why we do not offer or carry products like this in our office, that way they can be aware and make these changes in their personal lives, too. 

How we do things at Elite Medical & Aesthetics:

At Elite, we find it is important that our entire office aligns with our beliefs on taking a holistic approach to not only aesthetics, but lifestyle too. 

💜 Some of the key things we do in our office, and have done since we first started, include:

  • Offering the cleanest products on the market for our clients when we do agree to do a procedure. We research and trial each product we offer to our clients to ensure it meets our standards and provides beautiful, natural results. If we wouldn’t use it on ourselves, we wouldn’t offer it to our clients.
  • We have all natural treatment options such as NeoLifting, EZ-Gel injections, IPL/laser/peels, microneedling, and PRP/PRF. There are many natural aesthetic treatments that can provide beautiful results for clients.
  • We refuse treatment, and refer out, when a case is above our level of functional med expertise. We are not afraid to say “no” to clients, which is part of our morals of being honest and truly caring about our clients and their well-being over an aesthetic treatment or money. We always say “people over profits”. 💜 
  • All of our office cleaning supplies are non-toxic. Because we are a medical office, cleaning happens multiple times a day, and therefore using quality non-toxic cleaning products and soaps is a non negotiable to keep our staff and clients safe from toxins and fragrances that many people encounter when using generic cleaning supplies.
  • We only offer real, clean, organic drinks and snacks (and they are delicious too 😉). We opt for cleaner snack and drink brands such as Spin Drift seltzer waters, Unreal coconut chocolates, organic herbal teas, and always use filtered water for drinking. We also have organic, grass-fed beef sticks to accompany the chocolates to prevent a sugar crash. 

How we practice functional aesthetics:

We take the time to look at each client as a whole and screen them thoroughly to rule out any possible underlying causes that might lead to adverse reactions with treatments. We also listen to clients and get to know them so that if there are symptoms associated with skin concerns we are educating them on ways to address it internally, too. 

 Here are some of the ways we practice this:

  • We screen every client for underlying conditions and address these issues before doing ANY procedure. This is especially important because doing an elective aesthetic procedure on someone with a high histamine response, poor stress responses, sickness, etc. can increase the potential for someone to have an immune response or reaction to a treatment/procedure. 
  • We offer functional medicine consults and treatment plans. Ali, NP and owner is seeing clients for functional medicine cases and provides thorough treatment plans to help address underlying causes of unwanted symptoms. For advanced cases, we have a network of full-time functional medicine providers to refer out to. 
  • We educate on lifestyle changes and offer resources for change and a deeper dive into health and wellness. Our providers take pride in knowing enough information/research on functional medicine and how the body operates on a functional level to educate clients on basic lifestyle changes that can make a huge impact on people. This may include things like diet, exercise, gut health, hormone health, managing stress, and more. 
  • We talk about getting to the root cause, rather than just treating symptoms. Taking the time to explain to our clients about root causes and how they can take the right steps to feeling their best is important to us and crucial for total client care and safety. We do not offer “quick fixes” in our office. 
  • All of our skincare products are paraben-free, phalate-free, cruelty-free & fragrance-free. The number one toxin found in MOST skincare and beauty products is “fragrance”. It causes an array of issues within our bodies and hormones. Just because a popular brand name skincare product is on the market, does not mean it is the safest. Read more about this topic on our blog, by clicking the pink button below 👇 

How we are educated on functional medicine:

Our entire staff takes the time to research and read about functional medicine practices so we can all educate clients throughout each encounter with us, from the initial phone call, to the procedure, and the follow up. 

How do we hold ourselves accountable and do this? 

  • We have a monthly bookclub which has incorporated many books that focus on lifestyle and functional medicine practices/mindsets like: Dirty Genes, Hormone IntelligenceGood Energy and the Pegan Diet
  • Ali, MB and Kelsea have personally worked with functional medicine experts including women’s hormones and gut health expert, Marisa Faye, so they have personal experiences that they can attest to, speak upon, and explain the improvements and changes in their own healing journeys. This has been extremely relatable for clients and one another, and it is fun “healing together”, sharing progress, and new tools (we oftentimes geek out on this together 🤓). 
  • Ali, NP has completed functional medicine trainings and courses to help clients look and feel their best, naturally! Ali & Kelsea are currently working on functional aesthetic protocols for the clients in the office. 

While we are able to help clients with functional aesthetics, and the core principals of functional medicine in general, for severe cases we will often refer clients out to full time functional medicine practitioners. 

Is functional medicine complex?

Yes, functional medicine is very complex. It takes years of schooling and training for someone to be a functional med expert.

Not to mention that each case is different and takes different tools to understand and navigate through. Functional medicine is patient-centered, in-depth, and integrative on many levels and it takes dedication, commitment, and persistence before results start to show, both from the practitioner and the client. 

That often is why it is common to see practitioners prescribing a pill or a quick fix, because people tend to feel better initially, but this feeling is only temporary.


All in all, our providers at Elite are dedicated to help our clients feel and look their best with a combination of both aesthetic treatments and a functional medicine approach. 

We offer an array of functional medicine services, natural treatments, and wellness services to compliment our holistic approach. 

Learn more about these below!

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO that takes a holistic approach for natural results. We pride ourselves in having an all nursing staff of NP’s that put safety as #1 priority.

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An Inside into NAD+ IV Therapy


By now, you may have heard about NAD and NAD IV’s, because of the various powerhouse health and wellness benefits. Many clinics are starting to offer NAD infusions or therapies because they may help a wide variety of symptoms that people are facing, such as fatigue, moodiness, brain fog, poor detoxification, unexplained weight gain, low energy, signs of aging, and inflammation. 

While these problematic symptoms have a root cause, NAD IV’s can be a wellness tool to help  assist in the healing process in conjunction with lifestyle changes like eating a balanced diet, stress management, exercise, gut health, detoxification, and rest. 

📖 Keep reading below to learn more about NAD, what it does, its benefits, and much more!

Table of Contents

What is NAD?

NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is an important coenzyme found within the cells of the body and has many important functions, such as: regulating metabolic energy, lowering inflammatory responses, enhancing mood and energy, cellular repair and so much more (see below for more on benefits). However, as our bodies age, our natural NAD levels start to decline, which can lead to unwanted symptoms, or be a factor of unwanted symptoms. Supplementing with NAD IV therapy can be beneficial for many people to feel their best and aid in enhanced wellness practices.

What does NAD do for your body?

Like mentioned above, NAD is a coenzyme found naturally in our bodies and plays a vital role in hundreds of healthy cellular processes, but to name a few: 

  • Energy metabolism & mitochondrial function: NAD is a carrier for redox enzymes, which are important for a healthy and functioning metabolism
  • DNA repair: NAD aids in repairing damaged cells
  • Cellular signaling: NAD helps to regulate enzymes that modify proteins
  • Stress responses: NAD supports the body to have a healthy stress response 
  • Circadian rhythm: NAD is powerful at maintaining a routine sleep/wake cycle which contributes to less brain fog and unexplained fatigue

It is important to help support and restore lost levels of NAD as we age, to reduce the likelihood of unwanted health issues/symptoms. 

What are the symptoms of NAD deficiency?

Lower levels of NAD within the body may effect every part of the body, but has a direct effect on healthy cellular energy levels. Most commonly, people with a deficiency in NAD report feeling easily fatigued, have brain fog, feel weak, and forgetful. 

Other symptoms may include:

  • Chronic inflammation
  • Troubles sleeping, like insomnia or staying asleep 
  • Gut and GI issues and abdominal pain
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Brittle hair, nails and unhealthy/aging skin 
  • Infertility

Symptoms of NAD deficiency will look different for everyone and differ based on current state of health, too. Root causes of symptoms are also complex, but NAD deficiency could be part of the puzzle. If you are concerned about your health, it might be best to seek help from a functional health practitioner while getting NAD+ support to help with symptoms.

What are the benefits of NAD?

There are so many benefits of NAD, some benefits may be different for everyone based on what their health concerns are. 

Below are some of the main benefits that you can expect when supplementing specifically with NAD IV Therapy:

  • Increased metabolic function and healthy weight management 
  • Reverse unwanted signs of aging 
  • Support cognitive function and reduce brain fog
  • Reduce total body inflammation and chronic pain
  • Boost energy, improve mental clarity, and reduce chronic fatigue 
  • May help aid in relief from anxiety and depression
  • Repair DNA and cellular damage 
  • Improve sleep and sleep cycles 
  • Enhances mitochondrial health–> improved egg and sperm health for fertility

While there are many benefits of NAD for the body, if you are wanting more details on how this can personally benefit you, consult with one of our NP providers.

Watch our team’s NAD IV Benefits video below 👇 

Why is NAD important?

To put it simply, NAD is important because it is a major factor responsible for creating cellular energy and maintaining healthy cellular function. Since NAD is found in every cell of our body, if only some of these cells are working properly, it can impose health concerns/symptoms that can make us feel very sluggish, experience the effects of chronic inflammation, have unexplained weight gain, etc. 

⭐️ Note: this is not to say that a decrease/lack of NAD is the only problem leading to unwanted symptoms, there can be other root causes going on within the body leading to these symptoms, as well. We always recommend implementing “basic”, yet vital, lifestyle changes such as: eating a well balanced diet filled with vegetables, animal protein, and gluten-free carbs; minimizing stressors, exercising and moving daily, prioritizing sleep and rest, reducing toxins in your environment, making sure all detox pathways are working, and working on gut health. 

Making these lifestyle changes and supplementing with NAD through IV therapy can tremendously help with many of the unwanted symptoms people might be experiencing. If there is a case out of our scope, we will refer out to a functional practitioner, like Marisa Faye, for further assistance. 

Is NAD the same as vitamin B3?

NAD is the active coenzyme form of vitamin B3, so it is not exactly the same, but is a form of B3. Overall, all B vitamins play a role in energy metabolism for our bodies to function properly and feel their best (so they are very important 😉!)

At what age does NAD begin to decline?

NAD levels may start to decrease in the mid 20’s, but around the age of 40 is when most people will have around a 50% decrease in their NAD levels. However, keep in mind that there are many factors that contribute to healthy NAD levels and how fast levels may decline. These factors include things such as diet, lifestyle, gender, stress responses, other supplements, gut health, etc. It may be safe to say that most people can benefit from supplementing with NAD in their wellness routines!

How can I increase my NAD naturally?

Below are a few ways to increase NAD levels naturally:

  • Focus on a diet rich in B vitamins and “gut-loving” fermented foods
  • Exercise your body preferably every day
  • Healthy fasting (10-12 hours) *this may not be an option for every individual, always talk with your provider*
  • Maintain a warm body temperature 
  • Healthy sun exposure to increase vitamin D levels 
  • Supplementing, orally or through IV therapy 

Keep in mind: It may require a combination of several of these tips to notice the benefits of NAD levels increasing. Supplementing with NAD IV therapy can provide quicker results, because the NAD  goes directly into the blood stream via the IV, and can be absorbed more efficiently than taking an oral form that has to go through the GI tract. 

As always, if you are concerned about your NAD levels, get your labs tested with a provider and re-test after certain changes are made to see if there’s any improvement.

Who is a good candidate for NAD IV's?

Individuals who are good candidates for NAD IV’s might be experiencing:

  • Fatigue, low energy, brain fog, cognitive issues, needing support with detox pathways, anxiety/depression, unexplained weight gain, hormonal issues, sleep issues, infertility and more.

Additionally, those who are seeking to enhance their overall wellness, focus on healthy aging, and wanting to feel their best might be a good candidate for NAD IV’s, too. You do not have to be experiencing issues/symptoms to be a good candidate for this IV therapy treatment. 

*Reminder: This is not medical advice. Always talk with your prescribing provider about what treatments are best for you.

How often should you get NAD IV's?

The frequency of getting NAD IV’s is customized to each individual/their symptoms, NAD deficiency levels, and their wellness goals. Typically, people who are experiencing symptoms receive a NAD IV 1-2 times per week for the first couple of months. Once they are feeling better, or noticing improvements, they can then taper off and complete maintenance treatments

If someone is seeking to enhance their wellness, but does not have major symptom concerns, it is more common to get a NAD IV’s 1-2 times per month. Again, this is very individualized, and to get the best treatment plan, we recommend to talk with one of our NP providers. 

Are there any side effects to NAD IV's?

As with any medical procedure/treatment it is important to be educated on side effects/risks. 

While most side effects from IV therapy are mild, temporary, and resolve on their own, below are some potential side effects: 

  • Bruising, redness, swelling, or tenderness at the IV insertion site
  • Nausea/stomach discomfort
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Flushing
  • Diarrhea 
  • Muscle cramping
  • Allergic reaction, rare but always possible

Ensure your provider goes through a thorough medical history/consent before treatment, and talk to them about all potential side effects to be aware of before starting treatment.

If you experience any of these symptoms after a NAD IV, and feel they are not subsiding after a few minutes/hours, be sure to call your provider and let them know ASAP. 


Who should not get a NAD IV?

Overall, NAD IV’s are considered safe and effective for most people because our bodies already have NAD within them. However, there is some research that shows people who have cancer should not get these treatments. This is because they could increase fuel for cancer or because the NAD supplementation may interfere with the cancer treatments and make them less effective. 

Always talk with your provider if NAD IV therapy is right for you, before starting treatments. 

How long does it take NAD to start working?

Most people report that they feel an immediate boost in their energy levels and more mental clarity after a NAD IV infusion. However, keep in mind that everyone is different, and it may take a few consistent treatments before you start noticing improvements in your own health journey. Additionally, sometimes people may feel some “detoxing” symptoms after their first couple of treatments. This is a normal body reaction, because the NAD is helping to encourage the body to detox the unwanted pathogens in the body. 

How does NAD make you feel?

NAD tends to boosts serotonin, aka the happy chemicals in the brain, which lightens people’s mood and makes them feel more joyful. Also, NAD aids in reducing fatigue, so many people feel an energy boost and less brain fog. 


As you have read, NAD is a powerhouse enzyme needed for our bodies to function optimally. At Elite, we encourage clients to incorporate wellness treatments/practices and healthy lifestyle habits to ensure they are feeling their best = looking their best, too! NAD IV infusions have benefited many of our staff members and clients, AND as a bonus, you can add this treatment on to your favorite aesthetic treatment!

If you are in the Lone Tree, CO area, book a consultation or a treatment below.

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IV Therapy in Lone Tree, CO

5 Habits That Are Aging You Faster


Your skin is a direct reflection of what you put in your body and how you treat it. Aging gracefully and avoiding common skin concerns like acne, sun/age spots, eczema, psoriasis, melasma, premature aging, and rosacea starts from within. At Elite, we take a holistic approach to aesthetics, meaning that we offer many different skin treatments and injectables to help target skin issues, BUT we also provide our clients with wellness information regarding common root causes that may be contributing to skin concerns.

🌱 💉 In simple terms, we take a 360 approach: mind, body, wellness, and aesthetic treatments to help our clients reach their optimal goals. Combining 1. Regular skin treatments with 2. A total body and wellness approach is the key to healthy skin and feeling your best.

On top of that, when we do offer an aesthetic treatment, we ensure that we are using the cleanest and safest products available on the market. We really believe in the ingredients we put into our bodies, whether from nutrition or a treatment!

In this blog we uncover and explain five common lifestyle habits that may be:

  • Wreaking havoc on our gut and detoxification
  • Killing our collagen production
  • Making us age faster
  • Negatively impacting our skin
  • Interfering with healthy hormone function
Bonus: check out some of our favorite book recommendations at the end to help improve overall health! 

Table of Contents

Of note: This is not an inclusive list of how these things affect your body, just a brief explanation on how these 5 things affect your skin exclusively. Additionally, this post is informational ONLY, always talk to your healthcare provider about what may be best for you and if you have any questions or concerns about your individual health.

1. Eating out all the time

Eating an inflammatory diet includes eating out all the time. These types of inflammatory foods are filled with poor quality protein, processed foods, sugar, low quality dairy, Americanized gluten, vegetable/seed oils, and exposure to pesticides and cause an inflammatory response in the body. 

When the body experiences inflammation for an extended period of time, it starts to negatively impact our DNA, gut health, natural detoxification processes, cellular function, and hormone health (just to name a few). When our bodies are experiencing these imbalances, it is not uncommon for our skin to suffer through potential skin concerns like: 

This is not a full list of potential skin concerns or body imbalances, just a list of popular ones that we see as an aesthetic office.

What foods improve skin health?

We encourage our clients to cut out  inflammatory foods and seed oils, and start to incorporate nutrient dense foods (or follow an ancestral or “pegan” diet method) that is filled with real foods that contain the vitamins and minerals to fuel our bodies, fight against free radicals, reverse signs of aging, and support healthier skin overall. This in turn, can also heal our bodies, and we tend to feel better in every aspect of our health when we focus on eating a balanced diet with limited/to no inflammatory foods. 

🌟 Keep in mind that some foods (even if they are healthy) can also be causing inflammation in the body, so if you are experiencing side effects even after limiting the above, please contact your health care provider or a functional nutritionist to run tests/labs to help rule out what may be a culprit for you.

Do toxic skincare products cause acne or eczema?

In many cases, yes. Toxic skincare products can trigger/worsen inflammatory skin conditions like acne, eczema, and others. At Elite, we take pride in carrying non-toxic, fragrance free skincare that is effective, yet safe to use as a healthier option. Commonly used and marketed medical grade skincare can contain MANY different chemicals, fragrances, and dyes, even though they may market that it helps relieve certain skin concerns. This also is the same with several pharmaceutical topical skincare products like antibiotic creams, retinols, acids, and steroids. 

Pro Tip: Read your product labels, do your research, and find a skincare routine with beneficial, less toxic products! This is important for anyone using skincare products. What we put on our bodies everyday has a huge impact on our health. Read our full blog on this topic by clicking the pink button below.

💜 If you are unsure what skincare products might be beneficial for you, schedule a consultation with one of our NP providers and learn more about options best suited for you!

2. Over consumption of alcohol & caffeine

Drinking too many caffeinated beverages and alcoholic drinks can cause an array of issues within our bodies, which in turn effects our skin. Some, but not all, of these issues may include:

  • Chronic dehydration
  • Poor gut health
  • Sluggish liver 
  • Imbalanced hormones

With all of this to say, when these issues (listed above) are happening within our bodies, our skin may start showing signs of dehydration, dryness, crepiness, premature aging, unhealthy color, rosacea, redness, broken capillaries, acne, melasma, eczema, and much more. 

Tip: while the occasional drink with friends or cup of coffee is normal, be mindful of the quality of the alcohol and coffee you consume. For example, mold-free, organic coffee over Starbucks and organic, no-sugar wine/quality tequila over a sugary cocktail are better options!

What are helpful tips to limit caffeine and alcohol?

We encourage our clients to limit their alcohol and caffeinated beverages, and focus on not only drinking more water, but quality electrolytes every day (no, not Gatorade or other brands with dyes and sugar!). Quality electrolytes ensure that your skin/body is hydrated sufficiently, rather than over-diluting our bodies with water alone, which can cause mineral deficiencies.

Alongside water and electrolytes, we especially love herbal infusions, organic teas, lemon water, fresh-pressed organic juice, quality sparkling water like spindrift, and kombucha for healthier drink alternatives that have added “skin-benefits”. Swapping these types of drinks out for alcohol and caffeine is better for your overall health, too!

For a healthier dose of caffeine in the morning, consider green tea or a home-made matcha latte with collagen, honey and coconut milk instead of coffee. Also drink any caffeine AFTER eating a healthy high protein breakfast. 

What are the best drinks for healthy skin?

Like mentioned above, there are many drinks that can help contribute to healthy, hydrated skin. Some of these options may include: organic coconut water, green juices (organic and fresh), herbal teas like roobios, hibiscus, ginger, spearmint, quality electrolytes like Pickleball Cocktail or Needed, lemon water, and aloe vera juice. 

For easy and cheap electrolytes, also consider drinking a large glass of filtered water first thing in the morning with a few dashes of sea salt or pink Himalayan  salt with a splash of lemon!

3. Having to always be busy

In today’s culture, it is “normal” (and sometimes even glorified) to be overly busy and have jammed packed schedules. However, this type of chronic busy-ness can lead to an overload of stress, overwhelm, and fatigue, resulting in over-worked and drained mind and bodies. While there are going to be seasons of life where our schedules are busier than usual, or stress arises from occasional situations, red flags should pop up when this becomes a lifestyle. You may start to notice your skin changing/becoming compromised, and can continue to decline or worsen with time.

Without a doubt, chronic stress/busy-ness leads to adrenal fatigue and cortisol spikes within our bodies, which has a negative impact, leaving us in a constant “fight or flight” state. Potential skin concerns from this may include:

Plus, this lifestyle does not leave much time for a proper skincare routine, regular skin treatments, or self care.

Helpful tips for reducing stress and feeling the need to be busy:

We encourage our clients to make time for themselves each day to do something relaxing or that they love, even if it is just for 30 minutes. We find it beneficial to incorporate things like: 

  • Mindfulness
  • Deep breathing
  • Reading
  • Meditation
  • Getting outdoors
  • Monthly/weekly self care appointments
  • Daily gratitude practice 

These practices “fill your cup” and allow for you to “just be”. Slowing down, even on a busy work day, and enjoying the present moment can help with freeing yourself from “fight or flight” and cortisol spikes. In doing so, you may notice your skin looking more refreshed, youthful, and any skin concerns starting to calm down and heal. 

📕 As as team, we do a monthly bookclub that encourages practices like this, and lets us focus on time with each other to become the best versions of ourselves, both at work and in our personal lives.  

Tip: it can be hard to consider adding in extra things when life feels really crazy, so start with slowing down just one thing. Start walking slower, eating slower, or even brushing your teeth more slowly. Stay present with whatever you’re doing. 

How do I make time for a skincare routine when I am busy?

Prioritize yourself, you deserve it! View your skincare routine as self care, and set time in your schedule for it. There’s no need to rush through it, enjoy it, and make it feasible for your lifestyle. It is also less overwhelming when your skincare routine is simple with fewer more efficient products customized to your needs, rather than the 10-step skincare routines you see on social media. 

Also, getting routine skin treatments help with targeting skin concerns and getting you to desired results quicker and more efficiently. This is also a great form of self care and allows for you to feel confident in your skin. 

We also believe that taking time for you, and prioritizing your needs, will help set a positive tone for everything else in your life to follow.

4. Being lazy or cheap with sunscreen

Appropriate amounts of sun in healthy people* may have benefits such as vitamin D production, improved mitochondrial function, and better circadian rhythm to name a few. However, on your face, it is crucial to be diligent in wearing a quality mineral sunscreen everyday to protect your skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays and prevent sunburns (yes, even in the winter months). You can get the benefits of the sun without directly exposing your face. If you don’t like sunscreen, then wear a wide brim hat to protect your face.

Even your body should either be covered with protective clothing or with mineral sunscreen after 5-15 min in the sun (depending on total body inflammation and sun tolerance–> the more inflamed you are the less natural tolerance you will have in the sun). 

Not only does wearing sunscreen everyday help protect you from certain skin cancers, but it also lessens your risk of sun spots, age spots, freckling, redness, wrinkles, lines, rosacea, worsening melasma, and pre-mature aging! 

Also, keep in mind that damage from the sun typically does not start appearing via sun spots on our skin until our 30’s+, so wearing sunscreen while you are young is super important.

What types of sunscreen are the best to prevent sun damage?

At Elite, we carry multiple brands and types of sunscreens to have options for our clients. We always say “the best sunscreen is the one you will religiously wear every day”. Luckily, there are many mineral based sunscreens that range from tinted, matte/oil-free, hydrating, powder-form, spray, and much more to suit an individual’s need and skin type.

We also encourage clients to get a yearly skin check-up with a reputable dermatologist, and to see a healthcare provider if you notice anything suspicious or concerning on your skin. 

☀️ If you need help finding the right type of sunscreen for you, or want to address sun damage concerns, book a consultation with one of our nurse practitioners HERE.

Does getting sun make your skin look better?

*While there is some debate on if the sun is “good” or “bad” for your skin, here is our approach to it 👇 

  • Yes, as above, the sun can have benefits such as reducing inflammation by producing more vitamin D, improving mitochondrial function and resetting circadian rhythm. However, with that being said, benefits only occur if they can tolerate the sun and do not instantly burn (which unfortunately is not very many people in America due to chronic stress and inflammation). Once someone works on eating an anti-inflammatory diet, focuses on a healthy gut, gets adequate sleep, and so on, then they may tolerate the sun better for short periods of time. As a side note: It can be beneficial for everyone to enjoy a small amount of sunshine first thing in the morning to help regulate their circadian rhythm while the rays are not at their most intense.
  •  Bottom line is, wearing a mineral based SPF every day is important to keeping your skin protected from the harmful rays. We especially encourage clients to wear SPF every day on AT LEAST their face, neck, and chest if they are using active skincare ingredients (ie retinols, acids, other exfoliants) and if they are getting regular skincare treatments like IPL/lasers/chemical peels. Wearing quality sunscreen can also decrease your chances of premature aging and help to maintain your treatment results.

Learn more on this topic from Ali, NP’s holistic approach to the sun and sunscreen below:

5. Not prioritizing sleep and rest

There is no negotiating that our bodies need adequate sleep and rest to recover. Lack of sleep can: weaken our immune systems, affect our hormones, slow down natural cellular recovery and so much more. When these things start to occur in our bodies, it negatively impacts collagen and elastin production within our skin leading to pre-mature aging concerns.

More importantly, when you don’t get enough sleep your body doesn’t have enough time to produce human growth hormone, which is responsible for healthy cell production. A lack of this can cause:

The saying “I can sleep when I am dead” is not a healthy way of living. Our team read the book “Power of Vulnerability” by Brene Brown where she explains how this perception on not sleeping is harmful to us in many ways. 

What are helpful tips for quality rest and sleep?

It is important to prioritize your sleep by unwinding in the evenings, limiting blue light/devices a few hours before bed, reading, taking a warm bath, sipping on camomile tea, consider taking magnesium bisglycinate (consult with your healthcare provider), getting sunlight first thing in the morning, and ultimately finding a night time routine that sets you up for successful sleep. 

  • Rest also comes in many forms, and for some that may be enjoying quiet time in the afternoon or mornings, short naps, meditations throughout the day, grounding in nature, talking to a loved one, and enjoying a tv show/movie (to be turned off at least 1 hour before bed).

Will my skin improve if I sleep more?

Generally speaking, yes your skin will improve if you sleep more (or the right amount around 7-9 hours for women). This is because during “deep sleep” your body has adequate time to repair cellular damage, detoxify your organs and bloodstream, and also strengthen your skin to help fight against free radicals and environmental pollutants. Sleep is very important for healthy skin, mind, and body, because a lack of adequate sleep drives further inflammation, weakens proper immune function, and therefore can worsen or drive any skin concern. 


To put it simply, the health of your skin is greatly resembled by how you take care of your body. While aesthetic treatments can help/improve many skin concerns, and we recommended them for maintaining healthy skin, it is just as important to focus on your overall wellness, too! 

When you prioritize your health and follow a customized treatment plan, you will not only showcase the best version of yourself, but you will also feel your best. 💜 These are simple tips, if you want to take a deeper dive schedule a consultation with one of our NP providers. 

For a more thorough list of tips and tricks for overall health to decrease inflammation, improve gut health, improve sleep, and overall well-being, check out some of our favorite books (no affiliation or conflicts of interest btw, just a few books we love):

– Dirty Genes

– Pegan Diet

– Hormone Intelligence

Check out our instagram post on this topic below 👇 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO that takes a holistic approach to natural results. We pride ourselves in having an all nursing staff of NP’s that put safety as #1 priority.

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5 Reasons NOT to get Aesthetic Treatments


While we support and empower women (and men) to get aesthetic treatments that make them feel good, we also are not afraid to say “no” to clients getting aesthetic treatments. Our providers care about our clients on a personal level to advise them to do what is best for them at that time, and sometimes that means not doing a treatment at all. 

💜 In this article we will cover our Nurse Practitioner’s top 5 reasons to NOT to get aesthetics treatments and frequently asked questions regarding this subject.

Table of Contents

Reason #1

Because everyone else is doing it:

Just because there is a new trend on Tik Tok, or you’re seeing the new “latest and greatest” treatment on social media does not mean it is going to be a treatment best for you. There are side effects and risks to every medical treatment that could cause complications later on if not taken seriously or done for the appropriate reasons. If you are interested in a certain treatment, talk with your provider/injector about your options, instead of seeking a medical spa that offers the trendy treatment at that time.

 ⭐️ FYI- it’s not uncommon for these trends to end, and people end up not being happy with the treatment/results anymore because there is a new trend. 


  • Ozempic aka “the skinny shot”: This is all the rage right now for losing weight! But, while you may see many people taking/using a certain medication, this does not mean it is a safe option for everyone. Also, we strongly believe that not everyone is meant to look the same, and “skinny” does not mean you are healthy! Consider taking care of your total health/wellness through a balanced diet and exercise and consult with a medical professional for any type of weight-loss medication. 

Reason #2

Your partner wants you to look a certain way:

First and foremost, do not let anyone make you feel like you should look a certain way! We recommend to refrain from doing treatments because someone wants you to look differently. It is never a good idea to do aesthetic treatments to “people please”. 

⭐️ Instead, do treatments because you want to, and it empowers you to feel your best! Your partner should support and care about you just as you are, with or without aesthetic treatments done. 


  • Your partner says you “need botox”: Ali, NP and owner of Elite has had clients in her office tell their partners that they “need” botox in front of her. While there may be jokes aside, it is important to note these kind of comments from your partner (if any) and talk to them about it, because you should never feel like you have to change for someone else in order to feel loved or accepted! 

Reason #3

You think it will make you feel more secure:

Consider doing aesthetic treatments because they are empowering to you, not because you feel the need to “fix” something about yourself to feel secure or beautiful. Your mental health is #1 priority, and oftentimes if you are struggling with an insecurity, there is an underlying reason that needs to be addressed (ie. your inner child was made fun of for something that is still affecting you). 

⭐️ Our EMA team strives to make aesthetic treatments an empowering thing to do that makes YOU feel good, bottom line.


  • You were once made fun of for “chicken lips”:  So naturally, getting lip filler might make you feel better about your appearance, but it doesn’t fix the “inner child” that was made fun of for her lips to begin with. PLUS, the same person that made fun of you for having “chicken lips” will most likely make fun of you for getting lip filler! Overall, you have to do it for yourself…you will never make everyone happy 💜 

Reason #4

You are under immense stress:

We understand that when life feels out of control, you usually feel the need to control something. But, aesthetic treatments should never be used as a coping mechanism in hard, stressful times. When you are not in the right headspace, it is only human to make impulse decisions that you may regret later when things have calmed down. 

⭐️ This is often when our NP providers will say “no” to a client and tell them to come back when things are less stressful and consult about it then (and most of them thank us for it)!


  • Someone is going through a family crisis: Getting any type of medical treatment is not the way to go about handling a stressful time/event in your life. It is also posing a risk for you to have adverse reactions to a treatment or slower healing time, simply because your body is already being triggered by other stressors. Don’t worry, our providers will still be here for you when things have calmed down and when you can enjoy getting treatments done 💜 

Reason #5

You have an uncontrolled illness:

Having uncontrolled illnesses like autoimmune diseases simply puts your body at risk for more complications, reactions, or longer downtime post-treatment. This is why it is important to see a real medical provider that has practiced in a health care setting not just in the aesthetics industry. 

⭐️ Providers with actual medical backgrounds know how to identify symptoms of diseases that could put you at risk, and what to look for before considering if someone is a candidate for a treatment. Your safety is always a #1 priority, and should be taken seriously. 

Examples that our providers refrain from doing treatments:

  • Recent vaccines of any kind within a 2 week time frame
  • Any dental work within a 2 week time frame (for filler treatments)
  • Being on steroids. This causes the immune system to be lowered
  • ANY uncontrolled autoimmune disease that is not being treated

In general, any illnesses, or just not feeling well in general, is also not a good time to do elective aesthetic treatments. 

Other Commonly Asked Questions

Can aesthetic treatments improve mental health?

Aesthetic treatments should not be used as a coping mechanism for mental health issues. If you are experiencing any kind of mental health struggles, please consult with a therapist and get help. Your mental health should always come first/be a priority. 

  • However, aesthetic treatments can be empowering to people, thus making them feel more confident and even more beautiful than they already are! But we emphasize that these treatments are meant to be done for you, and not to please other people (because lets face it, you will never please everyone so do it for YOURSELF) 😉 

Can aesthetic treatments become addictive?

Yes, aesthetic treatments can become a behavioral addiction if people are getting them for the wrong reasons. Like mentioned earlier, we support people getting aesthetic treatments because they feel empowered to and use it to feel good about themselves, NOT to “fix” something about themselves. If our providers sense alternative motives from clients they, will have a discussion and are not afraid to say “no” if things are no longer a good fit (because we genuinely care about our clients on a personal level).

💜 Note: There are also some people who are diagnosed with Body Dysmorphic Disorder that can become addictive to cosmetic treatments/surgeries to look a certain way. This is a serious disorder and if recognized to seek help from a trusted provider/therapist.

Does botox improve depression?

Botox, or “Tox” Xeomin, Dysport, Daxxi, Jeuveau, may work in treating depression by inhibiting the muscle movements in the face that occur when certain emotions linked to depression occur:

  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Sadness

These neurotoxin results work by regulating these emotions and also help patients have improved self-esteem with or without underlying depression. A 2006 case study by Finzi & Wasserman evaluated how effective Botulinum Toxin A glabellar treatments were on patients with major depression. 9 out of the 10 patients were no longer depressed 2 months post treatment (the 10th patient had improved mood). 

In Summary:

All in all, we want to emphasize that there is a right time and place to do aesthetic treatments. Unfortunately, we have seen many cases where aesthetic treatments are being used for the wrong reasons. And while we support the aesthetic industry and most treatments, it is important to us and our values to know when to say “no” to clients for their safety (and to have their best interest at heart 💜)

We hope you view aesthetic treatments the way we do: to empower yourself and show a form of self care that makes YOU feel good at the end of the day. 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO. Our all nursing staff of Nurse Practitioners take a holistic approach to natural results with safety as #1 priority. 

Talk with one of our providers.