Functional Aesthetics 101


Many of Elite’s staff members, and our clients, have gone through healing journeys with a functional medicine approach, and have found that treating the body as a whole and addressing underlying causes improves skin health, too. It’s all connected. You can’t fully treat the skin without addressing the whole body. 

What we do at Elite is termed “functional aesthetics”; which means, addressing the root cause of skin concerns and not just treating symptoms, such as: pre-mature aging, thin/crepey skin, acne, rosacea, liver spots, eczema, etc. 

Common “functional aesthetics” services you may see on social media, like: IV therapy, weight loss medication, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can make people feel great temporarily, but they do not directly address, nor cure, the root cause of common health and skin issues. (Which is exactly what functional medicine does 😉).

True functional medicine in aesthetics addresses the whole person, individually, by looking into lifestyle changes, diet, gut health, hormone imbalances, inflammation, cortisol spikes, stealth infection like infections/parasites, stress levels, and much more! Typically when there is health/skin issues it is rarely caused by one thing and/or fixed by one thing. The body is very interconnected, so it can be complex, takes time, and may need attention from a professional in the functional medicine field. 

📕 Keep reading below to learn more about:

  • Functional medicine and how it is being used in the world of aesthetics  
  • Red flags to watch out for in med spas who claim they are “functional” and “holistic”
  • How our office implements functional medicine, and more! 

Table of Contents

What is functional aesthetics?

Functional aesthetics is a combination of both:

1. Functional medicine: an integrative practice that addresses the root cause of illnesses/health issues rather than treating only the symptoms.

2. Aesthetic medicine: looks at a person as a whole and utilizes appropriate skin treatments, therapies, and (clean) injectables to help people feel and look their best.


An example of this might look like:

-A client comes in with severe acne and our providers talk about their gut health, hormone health, and stress levels and how these things contribute to the formation of acne. The provider formulates a functional medicine and aesthetic treatment plan that:

1. Diet and lifestyle changes that address common root causes of acne 

2. A customized treatment plan to help the acne heal faster that may include topicals at home and  VI Peels and/or IPL in the office. Later, once lesions are healed, we would add on microneedling or lasers to address any scars. 

3. Potential supplemental IV therapy to help the body detoxify while it is healing

This is a 360 approach to healing the acne with a functional aesthetic approach, rather than only prescribing pills or topical ointments. 

💜 Lastly, addressing underlying conditions before agreeing upon a treatment can save clients from adverse reactions! (aka they put you and your health first, and aren’t afraid to say “no”).

What are common functional aesthetic treatments?

Common aesthetic treatments that are being be classified/marketed as “functional” may include therapies/treatments like: 

  • IV therapy 
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Weight loss management, such as Ozempic/Semaglutide injections

These treatments alone do not fully address root causes of symptoms within the body, however they can have a “time and place” during the healing process and may have overall health benefits. Most importantly, if a practitioner jumps to these treatments without addressing things like:

  •  Diet, lifestyle, stress, gut health, detox pathways, sleep issues, hormone imbalances, etc. they are not practicing functional medicine, they are prescribing a “quick fix”, or simply selling add on treatments, that only help temporarily. 
  • Of note: if this is what you are looking for, or what your clinic does, that is cool too, but it is important to not sell/advertise it as functional medicine.

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment used to help relieve hormonal symptoms temporarily, usually associated with the transition to menopause (*more below), but can be used with other hormonal imbalances, too. Synthetic hormone pellets are medically placed into the buttock region and slowly release targeted hormones into the body. Overall, this treatment is designed to replace lower levels of female hormones.

Is Hormone Replacement Therapy functional medicine?

In our opinion, hormone replacement therapy (alone) is not considered functional medicine. While this is a commonly used intervention for unwanted hormone symptoms, it comes with side effects and does not fully address, or fix, the underlying cause of the hormonal imbalances to begin with. PLUS, even though appropriate HRT treatments run blood work labs, these labs only indicate the imbalance(s), not what is causing those imbalances. 

🌱 A holistic and functional med approach to hormone regulation might look like:

  • Someone balances their body naturally through addressing gut health, sleep, stress, detox pathways, etc. and is still showing imbalanced hormone levels. In this case, HRT COULD potentially be a beneficial treatment, in conjunction with the lifestyle changes, while the body continues to heal. And this approach would require a lot less of the synthetic hormones than if it was the first, and only, treatment option offered for the hormone issues.
  • *Note: we understand that menopause is a “root cause” of hormone imbalance for women, but all of the side effects of menopause, though common, do not mean they are normal. Meaning, that many symptoms of menopause can be treated naturally, and then if hormones are needed, less can be used. 
  • When possible, we also always advocate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy over using synthetic hormones. 

What are weight loss Injections?

Common weight loss management injections, Ozempic & Semaglutide, help to lower blood sugar by assisting the pancreas to make more insulin. This process causes the body to feel less hungry and thus, lose weight due to a suppressed appetite. These injections are originally used  for type 2 diabetes, but are now used for many alternative reasons, even for those without a diagnosis, to lose weight quickly.

Are Ozempic injections functional medicine?

No, weight loss injections such as Ozempic are not considered functional medicine because they do not address the underlying causes within the body that is making people struggle with losing weight. These type of injections are proven to be a “band-aid” fix to weight loss because once someone stops getting the injections, the weight comes back (especially if someone is not implementing diet and exercises changes while on the medication). 

Additionally, there are many unwanted side effects with weight loss injections such as gut issues, severe heartburn, hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues including cancer, and chronic inflammation which can make people feel even worse and lead to other issues within the body (like a domino effect). 

*Of note: this medication is intended for type 2 diabetes and can be a beneficial medication for those  with type 2 diabetes or other health complications associated with obesity. Always consult with your practicing provider about any medication use or questions.*

🌱 A holistic and functional med approach to weight loss might look like:

  • Working with a specialist on lifestyle interventions, mental health/food addiction, eating a customized diet, following an exercise plan, and running necessary tests to see WHY the body is not able to naturally lose healthy weight. Then, following that treatment plan for “X amount of time” to see how the body responds. Many people tend to feel better when they take this approach to weight loss, overall and see other health benefits as well! Plus, it is a long term solution to weight loss rather than a quick fix that might not provide lasting results.

What is IV Therapy?

IV Therapy is a medical procedure that delivers fluids, medications and vitamins/minerals into the body directly through a vein. Many aesthetic clinics use IV therapy to give clients “cocktails” of vitamins/minerals to help support anti-aging, healthy hair and skin, and nail quality. While medical IV’s are used to administer medications and fluids quicker to the body for several reasons.  

Is IV Therapy functional medicine?

IV therapy itself, is not functional medicine, but it can be a supportive tool to administer vitamins and minerals that are needed for the body to heal or detox. Again, working with a functional med expert is the first step to addressing the issues within the body to know what exactly is out of balance and needs attention. Without diving deeper into the root cause(s), getting an IV full of vitamins and minerals that the body doesn’t need is not totally beneficial, and can be expensive! 

🌱 A holistic and functional med approach to IV therapy might look like: 

Working on gut health and detoxing a sluggish liver that is causing an array of issues such as: acne, gut imbalances, and sleep problems, and getting an IV that contains glutathione to help further support the liver detox practices. IV therapy can work great in conjunction with functional med practices to give the body a boost, but knowing what the body needs is the first step to correctly and successfully getting the full benefits of an IV customized to you.

Please note that many clinics use cheap, synthetic vitamins in their IV infusions. Be sure to ask about what kind of vitamins they use, specifically methylated B vitamins vs synthetic B vitamins. 

What is an example of functional aesthetics in a clinic?

An example of an aesthetic office practicing functional medicine may look like this: 

  • A woman comes in and has concerns about hormonal issues such as severe acne and melasma but also mentions that the fatigue, bloating, and irregular cycles are really bothering her as well.

Instead of prescribing hormones (HRT) right off the bat, the practitioner looks at the her as a whole (ie: her stress levels, diet, lifestyle, toxic load, gut issues, cortisol etc.) and suggests simple, yet effective, lifestyle changes to implement ASAP. 

  • They decide to wait on doing any type of treatments, besides a customized skincare routine to help manage acne and melasma topically, and refers her to a functional med specialist while explaining that unless she balances her body naturally her acne/melasma will not completely go away with topical skincare/treatments.

Is blood work considered functional medicine?

Running blood work is a helpful tool that can be beneficial with navigating how the body is functioning, but it isn’t the “end all, be all” of functional medicine. Functional medicine goes beyond blood work, in fact there are MANY tests that are helpful when taking a deeper dive into understanding the body such as a Dutch test, stool and urine test, HTMA test, etc. 

🧘‍♀️ More importantly, functional medicine usually begins with implementing basic lifestyle and diet changes first (even before running tests or adding in supplements) because these lifestyle changes are the foundations to a healthier body and can make a huge impact, alone. 

Additionally, most “normal ranges” for blood work testing is very broad, doesn’t always give a definitive answer, can showcase “normal levels”(even if there is something goin on), and can oftentimes be misleading. Keep in mind that normal labs doesn’t equal a healthy person. Even abnormal labs, or abnormal hormone levels on labs, don’t indicate what the root cause is of those abnormalities, it just simply shows that there’s something abnormal. There is a much more complex issue going on within the body that needs to be addressed and analyzed by a professional in the field. 

Is "common" and "normal" the same thing?

The terms “common” and “normal” are not the same thing! In today’s society it is common to see women struggle with acne, painful periods, PMS, etc, but it is not normal. Our bodies are not supposed to experience these type of painful symptoms, and it is definitely not ok for them to be labeled or misinterpreted as “normal”. Oftentimes, these “common” symptoms are ignored when they should be listened to, because they are a way the body is communicating with you that something is off. 

Functional medicine practitioners take a deeper look into “why” these symptoms are occurring and address the root cause(s) which is different for everyone. When someone is able to balance their body and address all functions (since they are all interconnected) many symptoms start to improve and lessen. This is healing from within, which takes time and more than a few HRT and IV therapy treatments like being marketed today. 

Red Flags to look out for:

🚩 We have seen a trend of these common red flags in clinics/med spas that claim they are “functional” and “holistic” when in reality, they would not be doing or offering these things if they were truly practicing (or believe in) functional medicine:

  • They offer you traditional soda, candy, processed treats and non-organic coffee in the afternoons 
  • The products that they use in their office and skincare products are filled with “parfum” and “fragrance”
  • The providers immediately prescribe a pill or a “quick fix” without addressing potential root causes or referring you to a functional med specialist

Why do these things 👆 matter?

These details mentioned above matter greatly! If a clinic was truly practicing “functional aesthetics” then they would not offer these things, because they do not support a healthy body. 

Read below for further explanation:

  • Refined sugars, processed foods, seed oils, generic caffeine, and artificial dyes found in office “treats” and drinks contribute to: inflammation, hormone imbalances, skin issues such as acne, spiked cortisol levels, gut issues, and so much more. Instead, swap these generic/unhealthy things for organic, non-toxic options that are much healthier and do not contribute/feed inflammation and other issues. 
  • A lot of popular, name-brand skincare products, candles, and air fresheners that are used and offered in clinics contain “fragrance” and “parfum” which are endocrine disruptors and proven to wreck havoc on hormones. 
  • If a practitioner immediately defaults to prescribing a pill or a “quick fix” to band-aid symptoms without looking into root cause(s) or diving deeper into things like: detox pathways, stress levels, gut microbiome imbalances, toxic load, sleep issues etc. they are actually practicing the opposite of functional medicine, they are using Western medicine’s approach “pill for an ill”. Therefore, they cannot be claiming to be doing “functional medicine”.

At Elite, we take the time to educate our clients on why we do not offer or carry products like this in our office, that way they can be aware and make these changes in their personal lives, too. 

How we do things at Elite Medical & Aesthetics:

At Elite, we find it is important that our entire office aligns with our beliefs on taking a holistic approach to not only aesthetics, but lifestyle too. 

💜 Some of the key things we do in our office, and have done since we first started, include:

  • Offering the cleanest products on the market for our clients when we do agree to do a procedure. We research and trial each product we offer to our clients to ensure it meets our standards and provides beautiful, natural results. If we wouldn’t use it on ourselves, we wouldn’t offer it to our clients.
  • We have all natural treatment options such as NeoLifting, EZ-Gel injections, IPL/laser/peels, microneedling, and PRP/PRF. There are many natural aesthetic treatments that can provide beautiful results for clients.
  • We refuse treatment, and refer out, when a case is above our level of functional med expertise. We are not afraid to say “no” to clients, which is part of our morals of being honest and truly caring about our clients and their well-being over an aesthetic treatment or money. We always say “people over profits”. 💜 
  • All of our office cleaning supplies are non-toxic. Because we are a medical office, cleaning happens multiple times a day, and therefore using quality non-toxic cleaning products and soaps is a non negotiable to keep our staff and clients safe from toxins and fragrances that many people encounter when using generic cleaning supplies.
  • We only offer real, clean, organic drinks and snacks (and they are delicious too 😉). We opt for cleaner snack and drink brands such as Spin Drift seltzer waters, Unreal coconut chocolates, organic herbal teas, and always use filtered water for drinking. We also have organic, grass-fed beef sticks to accompany the chocolates to prevent a sugar crash. 

How we practice functional aesthetics:

We take the time to look at each client as a whole and screen them thoroughly to rule out any possible underlying causes that might lead to adverse reactions with treatments. We also listen to clients and get to know them so that if there are symptoms associated with skin concerns we are educating them on ways to address it internally, too. 

 Here are some of the ways we practice this:

  • We screen every client for underlying conditions and address these issues before doing ANY procedure. This is especially important because doing an elective aesthetic procedure on someone with a high histamine response, poor stress responses, sickness, etc. can increase the potential for someone to have an immune response or reaction to a treatment/procedure. 
  • We offer functional medicine consults and treatment plans. Ali, NP and owner is seeing clients for functional medicine cases and provides thorough treatment plans to help address underlying causes of unwanted symptoms. For advanced cases, we have a network of full-time functional medicine providers to refer out to. 
  • We educate on lifestyle changes and offer resources for change and a deeper dive into health and wellness. Our providers take pride in knowing enough information/research on functional medicine and how the body operates on a functional level to educate clients on basic lifestyle changes that can make a huge impact on people. This may include things like diet, exercise, gut health, hormone health, managing stress, and more. 
  • We talk about getting to the root cause, rather than just treating symptoms. Taking the time to explain to our clients about root causes and how they can take the right steps to feeling their best is important to us and crucial for total client care and safety. We do not offer “quick fixes” in our office. 
  • All of our skincare products are paraben-free, phalate-free, cruelty-free & fragrance-free. The number one toxin found in MOST skincare and beauty products is “fragrance”. It causes an array of issues within our bodies and hormones. Just because a popular brand name skincare product is on the market, does not mean it is the safest. Read more about this topic on our blog, by clicking the pink button below 👇 

How we are educated on functional medicine:

Our entire staff takes the time to research and read about functional medicine practices so we can all educate clients throughout each encounter with us, from the initial phone call, to the procedure, and the follow up. 

How do we hold ourselves accountable and do this? 

  • We have a monthly bookclub which has incorporated many books that focus on lifestyle and functional medicine practices/mindsets like: Dirty Genes, Hormone IntelligenceGood Energy and the Pegan Diet
  • Ali, MB and Kelsea have personally worked with functional medicine experts including women’s hormones and gut health expert, Marisa Faye, so they have personal experiences that they can attest to, speak upon, and explain the improvements and changes in their own healing journeys. This has been extremely relatable for clients and one another, and it is fun “healing together”, sharing progress, and new tools (we oftentimes geek out on this together 🤓). 
  • Ali, NP has completed functional medicine trainings and courses to help clients look and feel their best, naturally! Ali & Kelsea are currently working on functional aesthetic protocols for the clients in the office. 

While we are able to help clients with functional aesthetics, and the core principals of functional medicine in general, for severe cases we will often refer clients out to full time functional medicine practitioners. 

Is functional medicine complex?

Yes, functional medicine is very complex. It takes years of schooling and training for someone to be a functional med expert.

Not to mention that each case is different and takes different tools to understand and navigate through. Functional medicine is patient-centered, in-depth, and integrative on many levels and it takes dedication, commitment, and persistence before results start to show, both from the practitioner and the client. 

That often is why it is common to see practitioners prescribing a pill or a quick fix, because people tend to feel better initially, but this feeling is only temporary.


All in all, our providers at Elite are dedicated to help our clients feel and look their best with a combination of both aesthetic treatments and a functional medicine approach. 

We offer an array of functional medicine services, natural treatments, and wellness services to compliment our holistic approach. 

Learn more about these below!

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO that takes a holistic approach for natural results. We pride ourselves in having an all nursing staff of NP’s that put safety as #1 priority.

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Red Flags in Aesthetics


When it comes to your face and getting aesthetic treatments, expectations for the injector and medical office should be set high. This is your face we are talking about here! 

At Elite Medical and Aesthetics we are grateful to have a highly trained staff of all RN & NP injectors, with real medical backgrounds, and we know we are in good hands when we get procedures done for ourselves. But, if we were looking to have a procedure done elsewhere, there are definitely red flags 🚩 we would look out for. 

We’re not just talking about the crazy situations like counterfeit Botox or people contracting HIV in clinics either, yes these happened in 2024! But also some stealth things to look out for. 

In this post we will go over the Top 10 Red Flags in Aesthetics to be aware of to keep you safe, provide natural results, and maintain a happy and healthy client relationship.

Table of Contents

1. Prices are cheap:

If the price seems “too good to be true” it probably is. Quality aesthetic procedures are not cheap for many reasons such as: paying for authentic products, laser/IPL machinery, and for the licensed providers’ time.  Not to mention the cost of additional supplies to do the procedure (syringes, gauze, alcohol, gloves, etc.),  education to perform the procedure well, the actual office/office equipment, documentation software, support staff, licensing, insurance, high quality before and after care products provided, etc. Basically, it costs a lot of money to run a legit clinic and offer a legit service

If the price of a treatment is super cheap or promoted on Groupon (talking injectables here and not a base treatment like a wax or facial), it should be an instant red flag! Typically if someone is offering a super cheap injectable service it is for one of these reasons:

  • They are brand new and have been given free product to practice, so YOU are who they are going to practice on.
  • They are using diluted products without telling you and just advertising a discount, i.e. charging you 1/2 price for a “syringe” of filler when half the syringe is actually mixed with saline (sadly we have seen “legit” clinics do this too 😢 )
  • They are using FAKE products or reusing products or supples, i.e. counterfeit or foreign (not FDA approved) products, sharing syringes or supplies between clients 
  • They are treating their clients as just a numbers game, i.e. seeing as many clients as possible in the day rather than providing quality, individualized treatment. You can’t rush a great result 🙂 .

 When it comes to aesthetic treatments and procedures you get what you pay for, and never settle to save money if it means risking your safety. Consider this equation for instance:

💰 Paid $300 for bad lip filler, had to pay $350 to have it dissolved then an additional $800 to be refilled= $1450 for lip filler rather than just paying the $575-800 the first time at Elite 💰 


⭐️ Note- We’re not bashing clinicians that promote on Groupon with non-medical procedures or a base non-injectable treatment. It is when all prices are always bottom line, that you should be weary. 

2. Places that over-fill or never say "no":

Medical spas and/or clinicians that never say “no” is an instant red flag for us. Dermal filler is lasting much longer than previously thought and it doesn’t always need to be touched up every X amount of months. We always assess our patient first in person before deciding if they could do more filler, especially in the lips where it’s a very delicate balance.

When clinicians keep filling no matter what it causes a “pillow face filler” look, where people just look puffy or distorted. Other trends such as “Russian lips” are also a red flag: 

  • First off, this aesthetic trends can actually be unsafe for a client if their anatomy cannot handle the large amount of filler being injected.
  • Secondly, the filler looks great right after the injections, but when the client comes back in after a few months the filler is almost ALWAYS migrated and looks poor/over-filled. This then leads to having to get the filler completely dissolved or dissolved and corrected/re-filled.

Going to medical spa and/or an injector that is not afraid to say “no” is important, because they are the expert, and know what treatments will be best suited for you to keep you looking natural and like yourself.

💉 Also, just because an aesthetic treatment is “popular” or “trendy” does not mean it is going to provide lasting results, or is even safe for everyone. At Elite, our injectors have an artistic eye and ability to provide natural, balanced results for our clients. 

3. Injector looks over-done:

Before getting aesthetic treatments done, research your injector and look at their photos and the work they have done from their before and after images. Oftentimes we see that injectors who look over-done provide over-done results. 

💉 If you are seeking a natural, balanced, and harmonized look make sure your injector looks that way too, and their approach to aesthetic treatments align with yours. We always recommend scheduling a consultation with the provider(s) you are interested in going to, to ask questions and get more familiar with them and their work. Below you will see pictures of our injectors and how natural their Tox, filler, and skincare treatments are. 💜 

Reminder: It is a true art to look at someone and provide natural, balanced results that enhance their appearance rather than just injecting everyone the same. We are unique in the fact that all of our injectors have an artistic eye and always focus on facial harmony. 

4. Appointment times are short:

If your appointment time seems short or feels rushed in any way, this is often a red flag! Aesthetic treatments take time, and you should feel taken care of the minute you walk in, until you are checked out. Over-booking and cramming schedules full of clients can lead to mistakes, poor treatment outcomes, and unhappy clients.

For each appointment there should be an appropriate amount of time for the following:

  • Go over medical history & background
  • Go through informed consent and any questions or concerns 
  • An explanation of the treatment and what to expect
  • The actual treatment, itself (if applicable)
  • Post care instruction explanation 
  • Walking you up to the front desk for check out and follow-up scheduling

Additionally, through these appointment times, our providers like to get to know our clients on a more personal level and build a relationship. 

5. The injector has no medical credentials:

Injectors should not only have appropriate medical credentials, but also proper training/ continued research in their specialty. It varies per state, but there are also certain medical requirements/credentials required for providers to perform different aesthetic treatments, ESPECIALLY injectables and IPL/lasers. You can search these requirements and a providers licensing with your state’s regulatory department (CO is DORA).

💉 Additionally, there are always potential side effects/risks with any aesthetic treatment, so going to a provider who knows how to avoid these risks and what protocol to follow if there is an incident is crucial for your safety. Most medical spas will have their providers’ medical credentials listed on business cards, websites, and even framed in their rooms, but if you are ever unsure what credentials a provider has, don’t be afraid to ask them! 

Also remember, clinicians that have a license to protect not only have education and training to (hopefully) not do something stupid like buy fake products or share needles (they know the risks!), but they are also held accountable by a licensing board and worked very hard to get it=will work very hard to protect it. 

Example of investment for Ali, NP:

  • 5 years of undergrad for Sports Medicine and Nursing degrees
  • 2 years for dual NP program: FNP, AGACNP
  • 1 year aesthetics fellowship
  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in education, licensing, and training to get to be a NP injector and business owner.

At Elite, you can find our providers’ medical degrees hung on the walls in their treatment rooms, listed on our website bio’s, and on their business cards

6. Constantly pushing procedures or acting "salesy":

If you ever feel pressured to buy products or procedures at a medical spa, this can be a red flag! The staff members at medical spas should have your best interest at heart and suggest the treatments and products that are beneficial for your individual needs. If you feel anyone is acting “salesy” or “pushy” they could potentially be trying to:

  • Meet commission goals
  • Push product that isn’t selling
  • Or have other ultimatums that do not benefit you, but benefits them

💰 At Elite, our providers and staff are non-commissioned. By doing this, it mitigates any pressure for our staff to “make sales” and lets them truly talk to clients and build a treatment plan that is going to help them achieve their goals. 

*Note: This is not to say that automatically commission-based medical spas are a red flag, but to just be aware of this type of behavior in general. 

7. Inability to answer basic medical questions or explain how they respond to emergencies:

If an injector/provider has a hard time answering basic medical questions that you have about a procedure or product, this should be a major red flag! If they are overly offended by what you read on Google this is a red flag as well. Providers that have appropriate schooling, licensing, training, and do continued research on each treatment that they offer, should be confident to answer any of your questions or concerns, no matter where they came from. 

Informed consent is also a legal REQUIREMENT before any medical procedure in order to inform you on: risks, side effects, expectations, benefits, and any other medical questions that may arise. Additionally, each procedure/treatment should have a protocol for any emergency that may be possible for the treatment, and the provider should know exactly what steps to take if this occurs. So don’t be afraid to ask them! 

💉 Remember, aesthetic treatments are elective, but they are still medical procedures and should always be treated as such. 

8. Lack of communication & follow-up:

Communication is key for a successful and trusting relationship, and this goes for your relationship with a medical spa and/or injector. Most conflicts arise from lack of communication or follow up, and at Elite, we have set protocols to ensure our clients are taken care of, feel heard, and are valued.

Important forms of communication and follow up may include:

  • Friendly and helpful conversations with all staff members at the office
  • Reminder texts/emails/calls before your appointment
  • Easily getting ahold of the medical office during operating hours (and a way to get ahold of someone if there is ever an emergency during closed hours) 
  • Feeling comfortable to share information, ask questions, and share any concerns with your injector
  • 24 hour post filler injectable follow up/check in
  • 1 week follow up with all treatments 
  • Access to scheduling and booking a follow up appointment/any appointment desired (online booking, texting, or calling)
💜 Basically, you want to go somewhere where the relationship is continued, and valued, beyond when payment is taken. 

9. They only offer products that they profit the most on, as opposed to the best product fit for the patient:

It is common to see medical spas bragging about “being the top account” for certain big pharma companies, and while this does show they do a lot of procedures, it also shows they have bias (in our humble opinion). This is because they typically either, a. work for that company, or b. order such high quantities of products from that company that they get a discount. This is a problem for us personally for 2 reasons:

  1.  It’s hard to stay objective when you work for the company that is providing you with all of the training and data. Ali, NP has gone down the rabbit hole on studies provided by pharma companies and has found big conflicts of interest, i.e. the company that provided the study also paid for the study and there are objective 3rd party studies with the exact opposite findings
  2. When clinicians receive huge discounts to order just one brand of products, they are often pigeon holed into using that one brand of product, regardless if it is the best fit of safest for the client.

At Elite, we stay objective to “big pharma” companies and offer the safest products to our clients. 

👇 Here’s 4 reasons why this is important to us, and why it should be important to you, too 👇 

  1.  We only use the safest products based on research, NOT marketing or how the company can benefit from us and our product sales. Thus, we do not participate in the big pharma reward programs (that are collecting you data btw). See below for more info on our in-house loyalty programs and membership options.
  2. We do not offer products/procedures based off of a brand name. A popular brand name does not mean it is the safest or best suited for individual clients.
  3. We train on, research in depth, and try all products/treatments on ourselves before offering it to our clients. This ensures that products meet our high safety profile and cleaner, less-toxic standards. 
  4. Our providers believe that each client should be treated differently, and this does require different products! Ali, NP has declined being a trainer for any pharma companies to remain true to her morals and ethics. 
Overall, this means that we can’t provide as big of discounts as some other companies that just use one brand, but at least you know what we are providing is ethical and safe. 

Learn more about Elite Medical & Aesthetics’s values below:

10.injectors don't follow basic sanitary protocols:

We have seen on social media and, in many in person trainings unfortunately, many providers/injectors fail to follow basic sanitary protocols during procedures. This may include examples like: 

  • The provider does not wash their hands or sanitize their hands before starting the procedure
  • The provider does not wear gloves or doesn’t change them if they touch something unsanitary (usually their face, phone or a door handle) 
  • Hair is down and flowing into the area they are injecting filler (contaminates area)
  • Provider does not sanitize/prep the client’s skin before a treatment, i.e. injecting them through their make-up instead of cleaning first
  • Provider touches the needle when injecting or cleans it on gauze 
  • Not sanitizing their chair/tray between clients 
  • Bulky/hanging jewelry that is touching the client’s skin (contaminates area) 

While some of these examples may seem to be “nit-picky”, they are really important, basic sanitary protocols that should be taken seriously during every procedure to prevent risk of infection.


Overall, if you are going to do aesthetic treatments, make sure the medical spa and their providers align with your views, prioritize your safety, and make you feel comfortable and well taken care of. If any of these red flags 🚩 seem to be occurring and make you question your care, it is never too late to make a switch! 

If you are interested in learning more about Elite’s values click the button below. 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO that takes a holistic approach to natural results. We pride ourselves in having an all nursing staff of NP’s that put safety as #1 priority.

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Natural Aesthetic Treatments


At Elite., we take a holistic approach to all procedures, and always provide a natural appearing result, but on top of that, we also offer several treatments that don’t involve traditional tox, fillers, or “pharmaceuticals” at all! So if you’re wanting to start treatments, but aren’t ready for tox and fillers, check out these more natural, and less invasive treatments first!

A few of these natural treatment options include:

Keep in mind these treatments cannot fully replace the effects/results that injectables (Tox, filler, bio-stimulators, Kybella, etc.) provide, but they are still effective at targeting specific concerns, focusing on anti-aging, and providing healthier skin.

🌱 Continue reading below, to learn more about our natural aesthetic treatments and their benefits.

Table of Contents

Is Microneedling a natural treatment?

Yes, microneedling is a natural aesthetic treatment, because the micro-punctures from the device’s needles trigger the body’s natural healing process to build collagen and elastin. 

At Elite we use FDA-approved SkinPen for our microneedling treatments to provide the best results possible for our clients. Not all regular microneedling devices are created equal.

Regular Microneedling treatments help with 👇 

  • Softening acne scarring (or scarring in general)
  • Softening lines/wrinkles, and preventing them
  • Promoting collagen/elastin production
  • Providing a healthier skin complexion
  • Tightening pores 
  • Routine anti-aging treatment
It is recommended to complete 3-6 treatments one month apart for the first series and then yearly maintenance after that!
Of note: for comfort, we use a non-toxic topical numbing cream on the skin beforehand but it is not required if you want a 100% natural treatment.

How is microneedling an all natural treatment?

Microneedling is an all-natural treatment because the micro punctures from the needles create a controlled “wound” in the skin, which signals the body to heal and repair itself, naturally. This treatment results in collagen and elastin production which is a natural process occurring within the body. 

Is RF Microneedling an all-natural treatment?

Yes, RF Microneedling is a natural treatment! 👇 

  • The microneedling portion works to increase collagen production by creating micro-punctures in the skin. These micro-punctures result in a controlled skin wound that then stimulates a healing cascade within the body to produce new collagen.
  •  The radio frequency laser shrinks and tightens the skin by delivering radio frequency energy at selected depths for a youthful complexion.

All in all, the combination of heat from the laser and micro-punctures from the needling tighten the skin and produce collagen- making this a very effective all natural skin treatment!

Of note: for comfort, we use a non-toxic topical numbing ointment on the skin beforehand. 

What are the benefits of RF Microneedling for the skin?


RF Microneedling benefits may include the following:

-Softening of lines and wrinkles

-Fading acne scarring/general scarring

-Anti-aging treatment

-Reducing large pores

-Healthier skin complexion

-Evens skin texture 

RF microneedling is a popular treatment at Elite, because it not only improves the skin integrity, but it is very effective at reversing signs of aging. For best results, it is recommended to complete a series of 3 treatments spaced one month apart, and then complete quarterly treatments per year to maintain results. 

Are chemical peels natural?

In general, yes *most* chemical peels are natural. There are several types of chemical peels on the market that range from mild to deep/resurfacing. To ensure the chemical peel you are wanting is all natural, it is important to know what chemicals are in the peel. More of the mild chemical peels include exfoliants derived from enzymes, botanicals, or fruit extracts.

Whereas some medium chemical peels may contain acids like:

  • Glycolic: derived from sugar cane
  • Lactic: derived from sour milk
  • Salicylic: derived from the bark/leaves of willow trees

If you are ever concerned about whether or not a chemical peel is natural, always consult with your provider to ensure the ingredients of the chemical peel aligns with your views. 

Note: Vi Peel contains phenol to make it virtually painless. Some versions also contain other topical medications like: benzoyl peroxide, retinol, hydroquinone. Be sure to talk to your provider about any ingredients you want to avoid. 

Click the button below to see an inside into MB’s VI Chemical Peel journey 👇 

Are chemical peels non-toxic?

Yes, most chemical peels are consider “non-toxic”. Medical grade chemical peels are generally considered safe (unless there is a health contraindication and/or your provider does not consider you a candidate). While the word “chemical” can sound scary, these chemical ingredients are used regularly in aesthetic medicine to help people with the following concerns; melasma, acne, scarring, pigmentation, lines/wrinkles, and oiliness. 

  • Oftentimes, low amounts of exfoliating chemicals such as salicylic, glycolic, and lactic are found in skincare products too, to encourage skin-cell turnover for healthier skin.

🌱 Doing chemical peels and using medical-grade skincare with these common chemicals is a personal preference. Like mentioned earlier, most of these common chemicals are derived from natural ingredients, but there are other skincare and chemical peel options that are made up completely of botanicals (with no chemicals). 

If this is important to you, we especially love Dr. Alkatis as an all organic, raw, skincare line! Always talk with your provider about what is important to you, and they will help guide you into a customized treatment plan. 

What laser treatments are natural?

Laser and IPL treatments are considered all natural, because they manipulate the skin in controlled ways, to promote the body’s natural healing process and improve skin concerns.

At Elite, natural IPL/laser treatments that we offer include the following:

  • ResurFX– a fractional, non-ablative laser that targets lines/wrinkles and resurfaces the skin 
  • IPL 3-in-1– a broad band light that targets discoloration on the skin (browns and reds)
  • Laser Hair Reduction– targets the melanin (color) in the hair to safely damage follicles and stop their growth 
  • RF Microneedling– a combination of laser and microneedling to tighten the skin and promote collagen production
Of note: for comfort with certain lasers, we use a non-toxic topical numbing ointment on the skin beforehand

How are laser treatments non-toxic?

Laser treatments are considered to be safe and non-toxic, because the energy used in lasers, when administered by a licensed professional at appropriate settings, are not chemical in nature nor harmful to the body nor considered to be toxic or artificial in any way. Lasers treatments promote your skin’s natural healing process to improve skin concerns. 

⭐️ Keep in mind that it may take a series of treatments to reach desired goals with laser treatments. We also recommend using  medical-grade products in conjunction with laser treatments such as retinols, exfoliating pads, vitamin c, and mineral SPF to help maintain results in between treatments. The brands we offer have the most minimal  ingredients as possible. 

Is IPL an all-natural treatment?

Yes, IPL is an all-natural treatment that is very safe and effective at targeting discoloration concerns, freckles, redness, sun/age spots, and broken capillaries. 

  • Also, IPL does not have any “downtime”, because it does not break or open the skin. Many clients apply makeup right after their treatment and go back to their daily activities. Check out a few of our clients’ results below 👇 
  • Please note that spots will look darker and more dramatic for about a week though, so don’t plan any major events or professional photography or anything 🙂

IPL Results From Real Clients:

How is IPL an all natural treatment?

IPL is an all natural treatment, because the light energy is converted into heat energy that causes controlled destruction to unhealthy skin cells, which promotes regeneration of new, healthy skin cells. The natural healing process associated with IPL makes it a great, natural treatment option for those wanting to improve the following skin concerns:

  • Pigmentation
  • Freckles
  • Redness
  • Sun and age spots
  • Broken capillaries 
  • Tightening of the skin 

IPL is one of our most loved treatments at Elite because it tightens and brightens the skin. 

What is an all-natural injectable option?

PRP/PRF , or EZ gel, are all natural injectable option, because they are derived from your own blood. 

PRP/PRF injections are commonly used for aesthetic concerns like thinning hair, facial injections to help build collagen, and body injections to help overall skin integrity and/or cellulite concerns. 

⭐️ Important note: While PRP/PRF injections are a great natural injectable option, these injections do not fully replace the effects and longevity of HA fillers or bio-stimulators. It may take several sessions to see improvement from PRP/PRF injections, as they gradually stimulate collagen production over time. They do not fill or plump an area.

Are PRP/PRF injections considered natural?

Yes, PRP/PRF injections are natural. As mentioned above, these injections are derived from your own blood. During this treatment, your provider will complete a simple blood draw at the beginning of your appointment, and place the tubes of drawn blood in a medical device that spins them at a specific speed to concentrate the platelets (many people refer this as “liquid gold”). 

The concentrated PRP/PRF is then used in sterile syringes for the injectable portion of the appointment. 

In the image above, the client’s blood was drawn,  placed in the medical device to be spun, and the platelets are now concentrated/separated.

In the image above, the PRP/PRF has been transferred into sterile syringes, to then be injected into the desired area.

Is a "Vampire Facial" natural?

Yes, a “vampire facial” is considered to be all natural because it combines both 👇 

1. Microneedling 


A vampire facial is a trademarked brand name for a PRP/PRF facial. A PRP/PRF facial begins with a blood draw while topical numbing is applied to the face. Once the blood is drawn, it is then spun in a special machine to concentrate the plasma. After this, the microneedling treatment begins, and the PRP/PRF platelet concentrate (aka liquid gold) is put on the microneedled skin to help speed up healing, build new cells, promote collagen production, fade scarring, and provide healthier skin rejuvenation. 

Is Neolifting an all-natural facial massage?

Absolutely! Neolifting is an all natural manual sculpting technique that provides the skin with many benefits. The only products used in this facial massage treatment include a cleanser to wash away any makeup/oil on the skin before the treatment, and an organic facial oil used for the massage portion, the rest of the treatment is the provider’s manual techniques.

Benefits of this treatment include: 

  • Tones and relaxes facial muscles
  • Promotes lymphatic drainage 
  • Restores facial posture
  • Eliminates spasms and blockages
  • Improves skin elasticity
  • Provides tissue nourishment
  • Regeneration of skin cells
  • Prevention of lines and wrinkles

All natural aesthetic treatment options

Overall, there are many all-natural aesthetic treatment options to choose from. If you are interested in starting a treatment plan, but want your treatments to be natural, consult with one of our NP providers to get a better idea of what’s best and most effective for you! Elite Medical & Aesthetics is proud to be a premier medical spa, that takes a “holistic approach to natural results” for our clients. 

💉 If you are interested in alternative treatments that provide natural looking results with injectables read our recently published blog below. 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO that takes a holistic approach to natural results. We pride ourselves in having an all nursing staff of NP’s that put safety as #1 priority.

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The Most Natural Appearing Treatments


At Elite, we achieve natural aesthetic results by:

1. Having artistic injectors with real medical backgrounds that create natural appearing results

2. Using the “cleanest”, most effective products that settle to appear more natural

⭐️ The key to natural aesthetic results and treatments is having clients still feel and look like themselves, just refreshed. Our NP and RN injectors use their artistic abilities to balance and harmonize facial features with different treatments like: 

Keep reading below to learn more about different natural aesthetic treatments and products that we offer. 

Table of Contents

What is the most natural filler?

More natural natural fillers we like to use are Radiesse and RHA. These two fillers, and a bio-stimulator for Radiesse, usually provide our clients with natural looking results AND are made out of the cleanest ingredients, which lessens the potential for adverse reactions and side effects, too.

Let’s break down these two fillers a little more 👇 

Does Radiesse look natural?

Radiesse provides clients with natural results because it is made out of smooth calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres which allows for this injectable to not only fill an area, but also stimulate collagen production. 

This client had Radiesse injected in her cheek and jawline regions to restore volume.

Is RHA a natural filler?

RHA is a more natural HA (hyaluronic acid) filler because it is formulated to closely resemble the natural hyaluronic acid in your skin. It also adapts to your facial movements, resulting in the filler looking great in motion and at rest.

This client achieved natural, balanced results using RHA filler for full face balancing.

Which fillers look most natural?

In our opinion, the most natural looking fillers usually include RHA, Radiesse and Versa. However, it is important to keep in mind that it is more about the injector’s eye and ability to provide natural filler results with filler, rather than solely based on a product. In order for someone to look natural and like themselves, there are several factors that injectors have to consider and look at in each individual. 

You cannot expect to get natural results from injectable treatments, if an injector is injecting everyone the same. The combination of an artistic injector and quality products are the ultimate goal for natural and safe results. 

Are there non-toxic fillers?

While we can’t speak for all fillers, most fillers are considered to be non-toxic. This is not to say that some fillers have cleaner ingredients than others, though. 

As mentioned above, Radiesse, RHA, and Versa are our most loved fillers, because they are backed by science to work cohesively with our bodies, have high safety profiles, and have less adverse reactions than some other fillers on the market. 

🤓 That is why we do our own extensive research, trainings, and always try products on ourselves first, before offering them in our office to our clients. 

Learn more about Elite’s cleaner, less toxic products by watching the video below. 

What is the safest filler?

The safest fillers are hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers because they can be immediately dissolved with hylenex if there is an adverse reaction, side effect, or unwanted result. Ensure you go to an injector who has an updated protocol for dissolving all filler injectables, because your safety should always be priority! At Elite, all of our NP and RN injectors not only have years of real medical background/experience but they also have been trained to keep clients safe and prevent side effects from happening. 

Keep in mind, an emergency can always happen, even in highly trained hands, so make sure your injector knows how to handle these situations and it equipped with the right tools. 

Does Sculptra look more natural than fillers?

Sculptra can look more natural than fillers because it is solely a collagen stimulating injectable, therefore it does not immediately fill/plump an area like filler does. Sculptra does require a series of (at least) 3 treatments to achieve optimal collagen production to see results. Sculptra is mostly beneficial as an anti-aging preventative treatment, or for someone looking for a collagen stimulating injectable only. 

In this case, it is important to go to schedule a  consultation to talk about options best for your individual concerns and goals.

What is the cleanest form of Botox?

The cleanest form of Botox, or neurotoxin, is Xeomin. Xeomin is the cleanest form of neurotoxin, because it is double-filtered to remove any unnecessary proteins and does not contain “complexing proteins”. Complexing proteins are like a shell that protects Botulinum Toxin from stomach acid in it’s natural form, but are not necessary for purified injections. Products like Botox, Dysport, and Jeuveau all contain complexing proteins. The more foreign protein injected, the higher likelihood the immune system will recognize and react, leading to resistance or adverse effects

While we do carry other neurotoxins in our office for client preferences, we educate and inform our clients on why we believe in using Xeomin, and how it is a cleaner, “less-toxic” neurotoxin that  provides great results. Education is always important before getting injectables. 

💉 Side note, the new product Daxxify, also does not contain complexing proteins. Elite does not offer this product at this time because of inconsistent results reported, and because there is not at least 2 years of data on it being in use. We will let the company perfect their product and then re-evaluate later 🙂 .

Is there a natural facial cream that works like botox?

No, there is not a cream that works like Botox, its just not possible! Lotions, creams, and serums can only penetrate into the skin to a certain depth, whereas Tox injections are injected into the muscle and work to halt the movement of the muscle to prevent lines and wrinkles. 

⭐️ With that being said, a customized skincare routine is still effective for anti-aging and healthy skin overall. Retinols, AHA/BHA, mineral sunscreen, and peptides are some of our favorite products to use in a skincare routine. 

Is it possible to look natural with Botox?

Absolutely! You SHOULD look natural with Botox (or Xeomin, Dysport, Jeuveau) injections. When injected properly to your individual concerns, neurotoxins work to temporarily stop the muscle movement where it is injected. This softens lines and wrinkles for a more refreshed and youthful appearance (aka a very natural looking treatment). 

Also, our injectors especially like this treatment for preventative and anti-aging measures.

Check out real client images of natural Tox injections below 👇 

Natural Botox results:

Here, our client’s goal was to soften lines and wrinkles in her glabella (11’s), forehead, and crowsfeet. As you can see she still looks like herself just a little more refreshed and youthful! 

 Tox injections are one of our most loved treatments for this exact reason, you look like you 😉 

Is microneedling a natural skin treatment?

Yes, microneedling and RF microneedling are natural skin treatments, because they work by causing a controlled wound that signals your body to repair it. Through this process, your own natural collagen and elastin are produced. 

After a series of these treatments, skin can appear:



-Softer lines and wrinkles

-Softened acne scarring 

-Even skin tone/texture 

Microneedling treatments provide natural results for many people by encouraging healthier skin, overall. 

Does IPL provide natural-looking results?

Yes, IPL 3-in-1 treatments provide natural results. This skin treatment has the ability to brighten the skin by targeting discoloration, and tighten the skin by heating up the water in our skin’s tissue.

  • Here, you can see an amazing B&A of a client who received 7 IPL treatments over a year and half (no other skin treatments/injectables). She looks more youthful because her skin is more even-toned and her lines/wrinkles are softened.

Can IPL treatments make you look more youthful?

Yes, IPL treatments can make you look more youthful by brightening and tightening your skin. Oftentimes, discoloration, sun spots, lines and wrinkles can make someone look older than they actually are. IPL treatments target these concerns to provide healthier skin without downtime or injectables. The heat from the IPL pulses also stimulates collagen creating a tightening effect. 

Keep in mind though to achieve optimal results its best to 👇 

  • Complete a series of treatments 
  • Do maintenance treatments yearly 
  • Use a mineral sunscreen every day for protection and a retinol to encourage skin cell turnover

Learn more about IPL treatments below. 

Our Team's Natural Aesthetic Results:

We all have different aesthetic treatments done, and look natural and like ourselves! Below are images of the treatments we have had done at the time of the photos taken!

Bottom line: Natural results come from your injector/provider

While cleaner, less toxic injectables, lasers/IPL, and skincare are all important in considering a more natural approach to aesthetics, keep in mind that the person doing the treatment is the most important aspect of providing you with natural results! It is important for injectors to have an artistic side where they can look at someone and balance their features for a natural result. 

  • People tend to look fake or “overdone” when their features are not harmonized and balanced 💜 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO that takes a holistic approach to natural results. We pride ourselves in having an all nursing staff of NP’s that put safety as #1 priority.

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What Aesthetic Treatments are Pregnancy Safe?


As you probably know, some things you are told you “cannot do” when pregnant,  are not because they are known to cause serious harm but are simply because they have not been studied. Anything that has not been studied during pregnancy is generally considered an automatic “No”.  However, there are many treatments that can be considered “theoretically safe” and others that have shown in retrospective studies to be “safe”. 

Keep in mind though that every case is different and even if a treatment is considered “safe”, it may not be safe for everyone. Treatments are always considered on a case by case basis after consultation in the office

This blog will help to cover our Providers’ insight into common aesthetic treatments such as:


This Information is NOT medical advice. It is educational only and a very brief insight into how we approach procedures during pregnancy or breast-feeding. It is always recommended to get clearance from your OBGYN/midwife. Additionally, a consult is always required with us before any treatment, in order to throughly discuss procedures per your unique case.

Table of Contents

Is botox pregnancy safe?

Botulinum Toxin injections (tox injections) like: Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, Jeuveau, Daxxify have become very common treatments and a lot of women are super bummed to have to stop for pregnancyThere are many people, however, that do continue to get these treatments during pregnancy for medical reasons (i.e. migraines or TMJ) and many people that had been getting them before realizing they were pregnant.

In those cases, we can look at outcomes over 20-30 years through retrospective studies (studies that look at data in hindsight) and these show there is not a noticeable difference in infant health with women who were pregnant and got botulinum toxin injections versus those who did not. Additionally, drug dictionaries such as Epocrates (2023) label medications like “Xeomin” and “Botox Cosmetic” to be safe during pregnancy. 

However, since there are no placebo-controlled studies to show safety of botulinum toxin injections during pregnancy, we still recommend to NOT get this treatment while pregnant unless medically necessary.  Come see us for all your Tox needs once your baby has arrived 💜 . In special circumstances, and with OBGYN/Midwife clearance, we will discuss the treatment with you but may still recommend against it. 

  • Retrospective Study Link: HERE

Conclusion of a retrospective study. Link to full study above 👆 

Drug dictionary definition for Botox Cosmetic and Xeomin.

Is botox safe while breast feeding?

Just like above, Botulinum Toxin injections are considered safe during breast-feeding in retrospective studies as well as in drug dictionaries like Epocrates (2023). However, it is still always a case by case basis. 

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get injections.

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Is lip filler pregnancy safe?

The actual injecting of HA (hyaluronic acid) filler into the lips is theoretically safe during pregnancy, but the risks that can be associated with injecting lip filler make this treatment unsafe for pregnant women. Overall, lip filler is a “NO” for our EMA team and NP injectors

These lip filler risks and side effects can include:

  1. Vascular Occlusions
  2. Infection
  3. Delayed/poor wound healing 

Plus, anxiety with needles and general pain/discomfort with injections can cause unnecessary stress on mom and baby. Additionally, when you are pregnant, its common to retain more fluid than normal and can cause areas of the face (like the lips) to be more puffy and swollen than normal. Overall, you are not at your baseline for an appropriate filler assessment, and this aesthetic treatment is considered to be elective. 

Is lip filler safe while breast feeding?

Lip filler is theoretically safe during breast-feeding but there are risks to every procedure.  We require a 1:1 consult with one of our Nurse Practitioner (NP) injectors at Elite Medical & Aesthetics in order to do lip filler at any time, but especially if there are other factors such as breast-feeding.

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get injections.

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Is microneedling pregnancy safe?

Our Nurse Practitioner providers view microneedling (with a consultation beforehand) to be safe during pregnancy. Especially if you do not use the topical numbing agents, like lidocaine, and receive a lower-depth treatment (aka micro-channeling) to lower your risks. 

Keep in mind though, that any time the skin is punctured or broken, there is a potential risk for the following:

  1. Poor or impaired wound healing, especially if the treatment is done at higher depths
  2. Unnecessary stress or anxiety triggered from needles

⭐️ Although lidocaine is considered a safe drug during pregnancy, it is still a medication that was once used for cardiac reasons and it can effect blood pressure, making some pregnant women sensitive to it. It is best to avoid using any unnecessary medication (topical or internal) during pregnancy. A full drug dictionary definition is provided below ⭐️ 

Overall, since microneedling is more of an elective treatment during pregnancy, it could be best to wait until baby is here to do a series of treatments at an appropriate depth for total results depending on what your aesthetic concerns are. Book a consultation with one of our providers if you have lingering questions about microneedling during pregnancy.

Is microneedling safe while breast feeding?

Microneedling is considered theoretically safe while breast-feeding so long as the client (the mom) is in good health. However, every treatment will require a 1:1 consult with one of our Nurse Practitioners for approval at Elite Medical & Aesthetics. 

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get the procedure if lidocaine is used. 

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Is IPL 3-in-1 pregnancy safe?

Technically IPL, or photofractional, is contradicted treatment during pregnancy, because there are no studies showing its safety during pregnancy. However, if the client is a candidate for IPL, is only spot treating certain areas, or is avoiding the use of topical lidocaine, this treatment could be considered safe (case by case scenario always). Overall, we recommend to consult with a medically trained professional, and to get clearance by your OBGYN/midwife, to see if IPL is a treatment that could be considered safe for you.

⭐️ Note: Topical lidocaine, like mentioned earlier, is considered a safe drug to use during pregnancy. However, if it can be avoided, then that is best as some people can be sensitive to it and it can affect blood pressure in some. (See image above of lidocaine drug dictionary definition)

Is IPL 3-in-1 safe while breast feeding?


IPL is considered theoretically safe during breast-feeding so long as the client (mom) is in good health. However, every treatment will require a 1:1 consultation with one of our providers.

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get the procedure if lidocaine is used. 

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Are chemical peels pregnancy safe?

Medium to deep chemical peels like our favorite, VI Peel, are not safe to do during pregnancy. Topical chemical peels contain certain chemicals that are not considered safe to put on the skin or inhale while pregnant. 

Additional ingredients that are often found in chemical peels that are also NOT pregnancy safe include:

  • Retinoic acid
  • TCA
  • Benzoyl Peroxide 
  • Phenol
  • High doses of Salicylic acid (products containing 2% or less of salicylic acid are pregnancy safe, as some women struggle with hormonal acne during pregnancy and this ingredient does help mitigate it).

Keep in mind that what we put topically onto our skin is absorbed through the skin into the blood stream. This aesthetic facial treatment is a definite “NO” for our EMA providers, to ensure pregnant mommas steer clear of potentially harmful chemicals.

Are chemical peels safe while breast feeding?

Some chemical peels are safe while breast-feeding but we do require a 1:1 consultation to discuss an appropriate treatment plan and various options during breast feeding. 

Is facial filler pregnancy safe?

Facial filler during pregnancy is not recommended from our providers at Elite! It’s not that the ingredients of the filler itself is harmful for pregnancy, it’s the potential risks that come along with facial filler that could be harmful during pregnancy. 

These risks and side effects may include the following:

  1. Infection
  2. Vascular Occlusion
  3. Unnecessary stress from needles and pain
  4. Poor or delayed wound healing 

Important to note: your facial features change during pregnancy because it is not uncommon to retain more fluids and swell causing you to look a little more “puffy” than usual. Injecting filler into someone who is not at baseline is not smart anyways. Once baby has arrived, and you feel back to normal come see us for your facial filler concerns 💜 

Is facial filler safe while breast feeding?

Just like with lip filler above, facial filler is theoretically safe during breast-feeding but requires a 1:1 consultation with a Nurse Practitioner.

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get the procedure.

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Is Sculptra pregnancy safe?

There could be arguments that Sculptra during pregnancy is safe, however at Elite, we still do not recommend getting this injectable treatment while pregnant, mainly because it is an elective treatment that could cause pain=stress during pregnancy. 

Sculptra is made of PLLA (ploy-L-lactic acid) that is not itself unsafe during pregnancy, but instead it is the procedure and needle in the face that can lead to potential infection, poor wound healing, possible vascular occlusion, and unnecessary stress on the body. These risks and side effects are unsafe for pregnant women, so we steer clear of this and always put your safety as the number one priority.

⭐️ Our general consensus is: maybe could be safe, but not recommend due to the risks of the actual treatment and that you are not at baseline for injectable treatments. 

Is Sculptra safe while breast feeding?

Sculptra is considered theoretically safe while breast-feeding so long as the client (the mom) is in good health. However, every treatment will require a 1:1 consult with one of our Nurse Practitioners for approval at Elite Medical & Aesthetics. 

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get the procedure. 

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 


Again, none of this is medical advice, but more an insight into how we view aesthetic treatments and their individual safety during pregnancy being a women-owned and operated business. Oftentimes, medical spas won’t even consult with pregnant women, so we wanted to ensure we provide information that can provide a brief insight into what our NP providers believe and always offer consultations to talk through anyone’s questions or concerns in regards to this topic (as always, case by case scenario). 

We take your safety seriously, and will always pride ourselves for being open and honest with our lovely clients 💜 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO. Our all nursing staff of Nurse Practitioners take a holistic approach to natural results with safety as #1 priority. 

Talk with one of our providers.

Reasons why people are triggered by you getting aesthetic treatments


FYI: This article may have some triggering content in it for those reading, but we feel it is important to share our take on this topic, as we are tired of seeing others being shamed for getting aesthetic treatments done. Especially when they are done in moderation with a natural result! 

For starters, we want to emphasize the fact that only people who are insecure with themselves will judge others for doing treatments, this is because:

⭐️ A really secure person does not actually care what other people do, so long as it is not hurting anyone else= if they’re triggered, it’s about THEM and not about YOU⭐️

While keeping that main point in mind, this article explains a few reasons why people tend to feel triggered by others getting aesthetic treatments done. 

Table of Contents

They believe they cannot have it for themselves

Oftentimes people who have to make rude comments or judge others for something, it is actually because they are upset that they cannot have it for themselves. AKA they are “hating” on you for getting a treatment done that they really want, too. 

So rather than digging deep and admitting they want something they can’t have, they try to bring you down to their level and make it sound bad or like they don’t even want it. 

There have been a few main reasons we see this issue arise from instances in our own practice👇 

1. Financial Reasons

At Elite, we have heard many times that people cannot afford certain treatments. And while we understand aesthetics can be expensive, we also believe that people can prioritize and budget what they want in life. 

Bottom line, if you truly cannot afford aesthetic treatments, that is absolutely understandable, but do not shame the people who can/choose to afford and budget for them! 

2. Society Expectations

It is such a shame that SO many celebrities lie about getting plastic surgery and aesthetic treatments done. This sets an unrealistic expectation for women that they need to look/age a certain way with all natural methods (or with their olive oil skincare line, haha).

We can understand how this may turn people sour towards the aesthetic industry, but trust us they all have work done and will continue to try and hide it instead of empowering women with truth!

3. Pleasing someone else

It can be frustrating trying to live up to someone else’s expectations as to how you should look. BUT you will never please everyone in your life, so it is important to let go of that expectation.

Instead, do aesthetic treatments because it feels empowering to you, not because someone else does or doesn’t want you to do them!

Their partner or family will judge them for it

Like mentioned earlier, you will NEVER please everyone in your life. It is also funny, because oftentimes partners/family members that are judgmental, ALSO expect their partners to look a certain way…can we say hypocritical?! 

Overall, people who get aesthetic treatments should do it because they feel empowered to and love the way it boosts their confidence. If you think about it, these treatments are just as comparable as people who alter the way they look through

  • Makeup (regular and permanent)
  • Hairstyles (especially perms or relaxers that are not reversible)
  • Clothing or high heels 
  • Fake nails 
  • Padded bras

Again, someone who is really secure with themselves does not care what other people do, so long as it is not negatively impacting them. Even more so, really secure people tend to support and congratulate people who do what they love because it can be viewed as a form of self care and self love (PS: those are the kinds of people you want in your life anyways 😘).

Overall, we are not trying to convince people to get any treatments done, we are just emphasizing to STOP shaming the people who do! 

We especially love this quote written by, Alex Pike, because it sums everything up in a few short words.

They think it is "unhealthy"

To put it simply, health is not that black and white. Many people claim that getting treatments such as Tox is just injecting a toxin into your body…and while this can be argued, consuming foods such as:

  • Processed foods
  • Inflammatory oils 
  • Refined sugar 
  • Alcohol
  • Artificial dyes and fragrances 

Are just as toxic for your health if, not worse. What people do not understand is that Tox injections only occur every 3-4 months in a very localized area. People consume and apply toxins on a daily basis that accumulate overtime to a very large amount. Everything in life is about balance, and one extreme over the other is not healthy either way, we are the first to say “NO” to people who are over-filled, or want aesthetic treatments for the wrong reasons. 


Hence our motto “Holistic approach, Natural results” 💜 

They are projecting their own experiences on you

If someone had a really bad experience with an aesthetic treatment or an injector, they might have the tendency to project that negativity onto you. Sure, that is only human to do (to a point) but it does not mean that all aesthetic treatments should be given that kind of reputation. That is why it is always important to do your research before going to an injector or a medical spa in general, to ensure your safety is number one, but that their morals align with yours and that their credentials/before and after work is legitimate!  

⭐️ It is also important to keep in mind that you never know someone’s intentions behind getting an aesthetic treatment done or the reasoning behind their decisions. Aesthetic treatments and surgeries can oftentimes change people’s depression or help heal past trauma that they experienced in their lifetime. 

Many therapists indicate that people who stop caring about their appearance are actually more likely to have signs of depression and lack of self confidence. Compared to the people who take the time to do self care acts (whatever form this may be) and do things that make them feel beautiful and confident. 

Ali, NP's Personal Experience with Health & Aesthetics

Ali, NP takes her health and wellness very seriously as she has put in thousands of hours as a Nurse Practitioner and is training in the functional medicine field. For example: 

-She eats an all organic diet full of vegetables, fruits, animal protein, and supplements based on her own body’s needs; drinks filtered water and has a reverse osmosis system installed in the office too! She limits caffeine to ~2-3 servings/week and rarely drinks alcohol. 

– Not only does she factor in diet, she also uses non-toxic beauty products and household products. 

– Alongside those important lifestyle choices she focuses on mental health by reading, meditating, and spending time doing things she loves like painting, playing sand volleyball and doing pilates. 

-With all of that being said, she DOES get aesthetic treatments done that are appropriate for her and make her feel even more confident and beautiful with a holistic and natural approach. 

Ali clearly takes care of her health and even jokes that, “the only toxin I put into my body is localized Botulinum Toxin”. However, others may put toxins in their bodies daily and then believe they are healthy by not getting tox injections. It is not that simple, health is not that black and white!

Running her own medical spa, Ali also prioritizes carrying less-toxic, cleaner products for her clients such as:

  • Xeomin: double filtered, purified neurotoxin that does not have any added/unnecessary proteins
  • RHA filler: the only HA filler on the market that closely mimics our body’s own HA with a cleaner formula
  • Dr. Alkaitis holistic skincare line that is organic, raw, and toxin free


Overall, we want to inform people that if someone has to make comments or shame you for getting aesthetic treatments, remember that it has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them! Usually people are triggered by others getting treatments because of the four main reason explained above 👆 

1. They believe they cannot have it for themselves 

2. Their partner or family will judge them for it 

3. They think it is “unhealthy”

4. They are projecting their own experiences onto you 

At Elite, we want to use aesthetic treatments as a way to feel empowered as women (and men) and to do them because we feel even more confident and beautiful than we already are 😉 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO. Our staff of Nurse Practitioners provide a holistic approach for natural results with safety as a #1 priority.

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All About Photo Fractional


We all love IPL (and BBL) to treat discoloration such as age spots & facial vessels but did you know you can take it a level deeper and combine IPL with laser resurfacing at the same appointment?

 And the best part is there is no broken skin with this combination, making the “downtime” minimal! 

Read more below to learn about this treatment, explore commonly asked questions, and see if this treatment could benefit you! 

Table of Contents

What is a Photo Fractional?

At Elite Medical & Aesthetics, our customized Photo Fractional combines IPL 3-in-1 and ResurFX, together in ONE treatment. It is designed to target the following skin concerns:

  • Discoloration
  • Sun spots/age spots 
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Soften fine lines and wrinkles
  • Collagen Production
  • Skin tightening

👇 So what exactly does IPL and ResurFx, alone, do to the skin? 👇 

  • The IPL treatment, also known as a “photo-facial”, uses light energy that causes destruction of damaged cells leading to the regeneration of new, healthy cells. IPL is very effective for treating skin discoloration, including brown spots and redness. 
  • At Elite our 3-in-1 IPL targets: 1. overall complexion/skin tightening, 2. brown spot treatment, and 3. redness/vessels treatment 
  • The ResurFx treatment is a fractional, non-ablative laser that targets below the skin’s surface to increase collagen production and resurface the skin texture without opening/breaking the skin surface. This treatment is effective at softening lines, uneven texture, and scarring.

How long do Photo Fractional results last?

Photo fractional results last forever, in theory, if we were to never go out into the sun again nor age. So in real life, we will always continue to accumulate spots, discoloration, wrinkles, and lose collagen just by living our lives and aging. However, by doing treatments such as the photo-fractional the spots, redness, fine lines, etc. will be less overtime than they would have been if we did nothing for our skin. 

For full results, our Nurse Practitioner Providers recommend doing a series of 3-6 treatments spread 4 weeks apart, and then continue with maintenance treatments yearly (1-3). Alongside in-office treatments, incorporating a customized skincare routine with products such as retinol, vitamin C, and a mineral SPF 30+ will help the longevity of results! 

What does a Photo Fractional treat?

A photo fractional treatment treats the following skin concerns/conditions:

  • Discoloration
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Sun/age spots 
  • Loss of collagen 
  • Mild wrinkles/lines
  • Acne scarring
  • Uneven skin texture 
  • Redness/broken capillaries 

It is best to consult with a trusted provider to ensure you are on a customized treatment plan that is best suited for your skin concerns. 

How much does a Photo Fractional cost?

Photo Fractional treatments cost around $800-$1,000/per treatment (on average). At Elite, we price our Photo Fractional at $1,000 because we account for our highly trained providers, the effectiveness of the two treatments, and the experience/care during your treatment! Remember that you get what you pay for when it comes to aesthetic treatments!

⭐️ We also offer two different programs that help with budgeting and financial payment plans: Elite Wallet and Cherry Payment Plans.

What is the downtime of a Photo Fractional?

There is minimal downtime after a photo fractional treatment, mainly because there is no broken skin! You may experience the following after a photo fractional up to 7-10 days:

  • A “sunburn” feeling 
  • Tightness
  • Swelling
  • Darkening of any pigmentation, that may look like “coffee grounds”
  • Redness 
  • Puffiness
  • Dryness/flaking 

It is best to stay out of direct sunlight and be diligent about re-applying SPF during this time (and all the time 😉). Read through and understand your provider’s post treatment instructions, and always contact them if you have concerns or questions.

How should I take care of my skin after a Photo Fractional?

Below are helpful tips to follow after your photo fractional treatment, but keep in mind to always follow the instructions provided to you by your treating clinician. 

  • Avoid direct sunlight 
  • Keep skin well moisturized 
  • Do not pick at the skin 
  • Avoid harsh products such as retinols, exfoliants, AHA/BHA
  • Apply SPF 30+ daily and reapply as needed
  • Apply cool compresses if skin is uncomfortable

How many sessions are needed for Photo Fractional results?

3-6 sessions spread 4-6 weeks apart is usually recommended for full results. This however, does vary based on the individual’s baseline and what they are wanting to achieve. Consultations with a trusted provider are important to better understand how the treatment will help you, how many sessions are needed, and to gain realistic expectations.

Who's a good candidate for Photo Fractional?

A good candidate for a photo fractional includes anyone who wants to improve their skin with the following:

  • Even skin tone
  • Even skin texture
  • Softening of lines/wrinkles 
  • Anti-aging 
  • Collagen production/stimulation
  • Reduced pigmentation/sun spots/age spots
  • Reduced redness
  • Healthier, youthful skin

However, there are some contraindications for a photo fractional to be aware of but they are mostly due to the IPL component. For the first 3 listed you can still do ResurFX alone:

1. Caution with Melasma

2. IPL cannot be used on tan or dark skin tones

3. Caution if on light sensitizing medications

4. Has not been studied on pregnant women (look out for our pregnancy series on YouTube!) 

5. Cannot be done on broken skin or if skin sore such as cold sore is present

These will all be discussed in the initial consultation beforehand, to ensure safety is #1 priority and clients are getting the best treatment plan possible. 


Talk with one of our NP Providers to explore treatments fit for your skin concerns, book a consultation below 👇 

Is a Photo Fractional painful?

A photo fractional treatment can be uncomfortable for clients, but not necessarily painful. However, at Elite, we do apply topical numbing cream to the skin a minimum of 20 minutes beforehand, to keep our clients comfortable. 


Everyone’s pain tolerance is different, so keep your provider in the loop with how you are feeling during treatment, so they can best accommodate you!

How long is a Photo Fractional treatment?

Photo fractional treatments usually take about an hour from start to finish. About 30 minutes is accounted for actually receiving the IPL and ResurFX. This treatment typically takes a little longer than others, because it uses both IPL and ResurFX on the whole face. Rest assured that the results are worth every minute!

Our providers also focus their time on educating our clients before the treatment, explaining do’s and dont’s, and being diligent with the treatment to provide the best experience and results.  

What is a Photo Fractional treatment like?

Best described, a photo fractional treatment is a resurfacing facial treatment that is typically an hour long. 

  1. First, your provider will walk you through what to expect, have you read/sign consent forms, take facial photos for charting, and run through basic information of the treatment. 
  2. Once all questions are answered, the provider will clean and prep the skin by applying a topical anesthetic to numb the skin. 
  3. After the skin is fully numb (approximately 15-20 minutes), the IPL photo fractional treatment begins.
  4. Once the full face is treated with the IPL, the provider will prep the skin for the ResurFX.
  5.  After the ResurFX treatment is completed, the provider will apply a mineral based SPF and go over the after-care instructions and any follow up questions you may have. 
  6. To end the treatment, your provider will recommend to schedule a follow up appointment to ensure desired results are achieved, and and re-schedule any needed future appointments. 

For more information on an insight into each individual treatment, read these helpful blogs below.

When is the best time to get a Photo Fractional?

The best time to get a photo fractional treatment is during the fall to early spring months (October to May). This is the time when most people are not in the sun as much or on tropical/beach vacations! It is important that your skin is not tan before a photo fractional treatment, because it can lead to potential burning and a less effective treatment, overall. 

Note: you can still do this treatment year round if you are not tan or you can do ResurFX only during Summer months so long as you are diligent with your SPF afterwards!

What are the risks/side effects of a Photo Fractional?

Rare, but potential risks of a photo fractional include the following:

  • Scarring
  • Blistering
  • Severe swelling
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Infection

Most of these risks can be avoided by going to a licensed, trained, medical provider and following all pre and post treatment care instructions provided to you. Like mentioned earlier, you get what you pay for when it comes to aesthetic treatments! However, if any of these side effects happen, contact your provider ASAP!

Photo Fractional before and after

Below are before and after images of real clients after just ONE treatment. You can see the skin is more even-toned, fine lines are softened, and skin looks more rejuvenated/youthful. 

Check out our before and after gallery below for more images. 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO. Our staff of Nurse Practitioners provide a holistic approach to natural results with safety as a #1 priority.

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Our Favorite “Glow up” Treatments


The New Year is symbolic of new beginnings, and there’s often a theme within peoples’ New Years resolutions: Bettering Themselves. If bettering yourself includes skincare and aesthetics, you came to the right place!

Better skincare can also happen all year round. So, no matter when YOU decide is best for a “glow-up”, we are honored to be a part of the process! 

In this article, we break down what a glow up even is as well as our favorite aesthetic treatments to get your glow on. 

Table of Contents

What is a "glow up"?

A “glow-up” is simply the process of making a major positive transformation in your life, whether that be emotionally, physically, or spiritually. And it is not just for teens and 20 somethings on social media by the way. You can have a glow-up at ANY age. What do you want to change in your life to look and feel better, for YOU? 

So long as it’s for the right motivations (again, for you), aesthetics and skincare treatments can be a very helpful part of anyone’s glow-up journey. As the saying goes “when you look good, you feel good”. Apparently you can also make more money when you spend more time on your appearance, around 20% more according to this study

We know that looks are not always the most important, but feeling your best is! That’s why we love what we do! Our goal is always for people to feel better when they leave our office than when they came in, even if they choose to have NO treatments. 

What aesthetic treatments give you a glow up?

Depending on your skin goals, the aesthetics industry has something for everyone. From non-invasive facials, peels and skincare to more aggressive lasers, injectables, and skin tightening treatments. 

For fast results check out services such as: dermal filler, botulinum toxin injections, and IPL.

 If you’re willing to be a bit more patient, check out: Collagen stimulating injections, lasers, microneedling, and Kybella

Overall, we offer many services here at Elite but in this article we want to share some of our favorites from personal experience. Keep reading to see what we have had done!

MB's favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate "glow up"

Mini Lip Plump

Elite’s signature Mini Lip Plump is the perfect addition for adding volume and symmetry to the lips! This treatment provides a total confidence boost for anyone who has thinner lips, or just wants a better pout! 

  • The Mini Lip Plump is Mary Beth’s favorite aesthetic treatment for a glow up, because a lot of people do not need a full syringe of filler in their lips to feel confident (a little plump, goes a long way 😉 ). This treatment also balances facial profiles and accentuates lip definition, all while looking and feeling incredibly natural when done by the right injector 

Below you can see MB’s before and after images of one mini lip plump by Ali, NP.

Does lip filler give you a glow up?

When done by the right injector, lip filler can definitely be a glow up treatment. The smile and lips are often a focal point of one’s face, and lip filler can accentuate the shape, volume, and fullness of the lips all while still looking natural. 

Lip filler can especially be a glow up for those with thinner lips or asymmetrical lips. At Elite, we pride ourselves on having injectors with artistic backgrounds that customize filler to each unique face, rather than just injecting filler the same into everyone. 

Talk with one of our providers about your lip goals below 👇 

Does lip filler make you prettier?

Lip filler making someone prettier is a relative question. Sure, some people are better candidates for lip filler than others, but this is where aesthetic treatments can fuel someone’s confidence without the judgement of others. If it makes YOU feel prettier, then YOU will attract more confident, beautiful, and powerful energy, thus making you even more beautiful!

Simone's favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate "glow up"

Kybella/Deoxycholic Acid

Kybella is hands-down 🙌  one of the most transformative treatments for anyone who is experiencing an unwanted “double chin” (submandibular fat) taking away chin/jawline definition.

  • Oftentimes a “double chin” concern can make someone look and feel heavier than they actually are, no matter their weight or health status. Simone has personally experienced a major difference in her confidence after just one Kybella/DA treatment. Kybella/DA by permanently decreasing the fat pad it creates contour to the chin and jawline area. Overall, Kybella/DA makes the facial profile even more beautiful and contoured than before…hello glow-up!

Below you can see Simone’s results from one Kybella/DA treatment. 

Please note it usually takes 3-6 treatments for most people and not everyone is a candidate. 

Does Kybella give you a glow up?

Ultimately, YES! Kybella/DA is a great treatments for a double chin for the right candidate, because it provides permanent slimming effects without having to undergo surgery or invasive procedures. Clients who might be good candidates for Kybella/DA are typically at a healthy body weight and have a “double chin” no matter what their weight is. 

Does Kybella make you look younger?

Yes, Kybella/DA has the effect of making someone look younger because it permanently dissolves unwanted fat, resulting in a more contoured jawline and chin. 

However, someone with already sagging neck skin may also need a surgical referral for a neck lift as removing the fat can increase loose skin in certain individuals. 

Does Kybella slim the face?

Yes, Kybella/DA can have a slimming effect for the entire face. Especially if it is injected off-label for jowls or mild buccal fat pad slimming.

Talk with one of our providers about your Kybella/DA questions

Ali's favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate "glow up"

IPL 3-in-1

Ali, NP’s favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate glow up (and one of her favorite treatments to recommend to clients) is an IPL 3-in-1 treatment. 

Why? 👇 

  • Evens out skin complexion from freckles, sun/age spots, redness, or acne
  • Reverses DNA damage from the sun, resulting in healthier skin
  • There’s no downtime or broken skin
  • Has a beneficial “tightening” effect to the skin’s tissue  
  • Almost everyone is a candidate

An IPL (Intense Pulse Light) 3-in-1 treatment uses light energy that is converted to heat energy into targeted cells, which then causes destruction of the damaged cells to regenerate healthy cells, all with no downtime! Below are pictures of Ali’s skin right after an IPL treatment, and 7 days after. To learn more about what to expect after an IPL treatment, click the button below.

We call it a 3-in-1 IPL treatment because at Elite we do a full pass for age spots/freckles then targeted passes for small vessels and another for stubborn spots. Clients have described getting the results from 1 treatment that they got in 3 at other clinics. 

Does IPL make your skin glow?

Yes, IPL 3-in-1 treatment results in healthy, glowing skin. IPL is one of Elite’s most loved aesthetic treatments, because it is effective in evening out the skin’s complexion, and requires no downtime! It is common for our providers to use this treatment to treat freckles, sun/age spots, redness, and acne, with a goal that our clients can feel confident in their skin (bye-bye makeup!). IPL addresses many concerns, and after a few short days post-treatment, glowing skin is revealed.

How long do IPL results last?

Essentially forever…if we never went outside again. However, as we continue to get sun exposure and age, sun/age spots and freckles will appear. It is best to do 3-6 IPL treatments, 4 weeks apart, and then complete maintenance sessions throughout the year, especially after summertime. This will ensure you are maintaining your results, and of course, keeping your skin healthy and glowing.

Does IPL make your skin look younger?

IPL is a great treatment option for those who want to address several signs of aging. Wether the concern is uneven skin tone, redness, dull skin, or hyperpigmentation; IPL works wonders at achieving even, more youthful appearing skin. 

Talk with one of our providers about your skin concerns and goals to get on a customized treatment plan!

Before and after images of Elite’s clients after just 1 IPL treatment to target hyperpigmentation and sun/age spots 👆 

Our all-time favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate "glow up"

Tox Injections

Tox injections (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) provide clients with a glow up by smoothing lines and wrinkles that start to form as we age. Common areas that cause static (at rest) and dynamic (in-motion) wrinkles are the 11’s, forehead, and crows feet, with a few other off label areas as well.

 All three of us personally love Tox for many reasons 👇 

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles and smooths the skin 
  • With consistent injections, can help smooth static lines that are visible at rest
  • A quick, little-to-no-pain treatment that provides results within 2 weeks 
  • Little downtime, usually just a day of restrictions 
  • Perfect as a preventative treatment 

Tox injections not only help to smooth lines and wrinkles, but they can also give a more youthful appearance. Many of our clients at Elite report higher self-esteem after they receive their Tox, making it an ultimate glow up aesthetic treatment. 

Does botox give you a glow?

Yes, Botox or (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) gives you a glow by smoothing lines and wrinkles and making the skin appear more glowy. Tox can be applied topically to the skin through a micro-needling device, also known as our Elite Diamond Facial. This improves the texture of the skin, making it much more smooth and tight, also providing a glowing complexion. 

Ps: we love Xeomin because it is a cleaner drug with fewer additives and provides lasting results! At Elite we specialize in a holistic approach to aesthetics, offering products that are more natural and just as effective 😘 

Does botox make you prettier?

Potentially yes, and here’s why 👇 

Tox injections help to smooth wrinkles and lines that can cause frowning or upset appearing faces, even at rest.

  • For example: someone constantly looks upset because the 11’s (glabella lines) are pronounced, even when they are happy or showing no emotion at all. The Tox injections smooth those lines and wrinkles, assisting in a happier appearance at rest and in motion.

But rest assured, when injected by the right provider, you will not be frozen or expressionless. Results provided will be natural and customized to your goals. Check out some before and after images of 11’s Tox below 👇 


Aesthetic treatments can be a great stepping stone for a glow up this year! There are a wide range of services that we offer to fit individual concerns and goals, but we hope this article named a few that may be of interest to you. 

Wether you are looking for subtle changes in a skincare routine or a total transformation, our providers at Elite take a holistic and artistic approach to treatments that give our clients natural, beautifully enhanced results. 

If you are located in the Lone Tree, CO area, talk with one of our providers about your aesthetic goals. Elite is a premier med spa with an all RN and NP nursing staff. We prioritize safety and provide holistic, natural results.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Aesthetic Treatments


It takes time, money, and even some “downtime” to reach your aesthetic goals with various treatments…so of course, you want the results to last as long as possible! At Elite, we want to ensure you are well educated on ways that you can extend the longevity of your favorite treatments, too. 

Keep reading below for tips on how to:

  • Make your Tox last longer
  • Make your lip filler last longer
  • Make the results of your IPL treatment last longer
  • How overall health and wellness impacts your aesthetic treatments

Table of Contents

How can I make my Botox last longer?

While we all wish that our Tox (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) never wore off, there are a few things we recommend doing at Elite, to ensure you are getting the full 3-4 months of Tox results. Below are 3 tips from Nurse Practitioner injectors:

1. Take a Zinc supplement: a few studies have shown that taking a high-quality zinc supplement  may enhance the uptake of neurotoxins (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) leading to longevity of the treatment

2. Make facial movements in the areas that were treated 1 hour after injections: post-treatment facial exercises (where treated with Tox) can be shown to speed up the wrinkle-reducing effects, and further activates the Tox medication 

3. Avoid vaccines 2-4 weeks before and after initial injections: this is best practice to ensure that your Tox treatment & results, do not interfere with your vaccine (and to avoid potential complications, overall)

As a bonus tip, be sure to listen to the recommendations of your injector on what dose you need to last a full 3-4 months. Under-dosing can lead to shorter duration of the medication. 

For more information about how to make your botox last longer, click on the button below.

Does applying retinol make your botox last longer?

Unfortunately, no. Topical application of retinol is a great addition to a healthy skincare routine to prevent signs of aging and turn over skin cells quicker, but it does not have any effect on the Tox medication or its longevity.

Does caffeine effect botox?

Caffeine does not effect botox directly, nor does it make it last longer/shorter. However we do recommend avoiding caffeine before initial Tox (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) injections to prevent potential bruising

Learn more about how to prep for botox by clicking on the button below.

Does botox last longer if you use more?

Botulinum toxin results are dose dependent. Meaning that in the FDA trials that determined longevity, an average dose was determined for each area in order for it to last 3-months. These results were:

Forehead: 20 units

Glabella (11’s): 20 units

Crow’s feet: 24 units 

Treating with more than the above can increase longevity but at the risk of other side effects, such as droopy brows. These doses are also just averages and will not work for everyone; treatment should be individualized. It’s always best to talk to your provider about what is best for your personal aesthetic goals

Maintaining and committing to getting your injections every 3-4 months can give you longer lasting results than just getting injections every-so-often as well. 

How can I make my lip filler last longer?

There are a few recommendations to ensure lip filler lasts as long as it possibly can (without migration, too):

1. Do not bite down on your lips: this can potentially cause the lip filler to migrate

2. Do not use straws or purse your lips together: this is a great habit to practice in general, because constant “sucking of straw movement” or pursing lips together, leads to lip lines and wrinkles as well as potential migration

3. Avoid dental work 2-4 weeks before and after treatment: this is best to reduce potential risk of infections, filler migration, or any complications that may arise 

4. Avoid vaccines 2-4 weeks before and after treatment: again, this is best practice to ensure your immune system is not over-whelmed and cause complications for your filler

Added tip, go to an experienced artistic injector that will tell you “NO” if you’re not ready for more filler. 

Do different types of lip filler last longer?

There are some HA filler brands that claim longer results, such as Juvederm. However, in order to make a filler last longer they have to heavily cross link the hyaluronic acid (HA) with chemicals

The more chemicals that are added, the higher the risk for your immune system to recognize the HA as foreign and attack it. This can happen years later when the immune system is triggered by a seasonal illness, vaccine, or if someone develops auto-immune disease. 

At Elite, we ensure we are using products that are best suited for each individuals’ needs, instead of using one type of product or brand on everyone. We pride ourselves in taking the time to assess and analyze what treatments and products/brands will give our clients naturally beautiful results, SAFELY, because everyone is different!

Read more below about the best lip filler and different options that may be considered before lip injection treatments

Does your second round of lip fillers last longer?

This is dependent on when you decide to get the 2nd treatment done. If you are trying to build volume without migration, getting lips re-filled every 3-6 months can make the HA last a little longer, because there is more of it. However, the longevity of the lip filler’s HA is dependent on how fast your body metabolizes it, overall. Talking with a provider about what treatment plan is best for you, and what to expect, is recommended.

Below are some before and after images of lip filler treatments done at EMA!

How often should lip fillers be re-done?

At Elite, we recommend getting your lip filler re-done about every 12 months to maintain your results and build on to your desired lip shape and fullness. However, we also say, “if it looks good, leave it alone!“. There’s no exact time frame to get lip filler done for each person. 

Make sure you have an honest, and artistic injector, that will prioritize the harmony of your face over just doing filler whenever you come in to ask.

How can I make my IPL results last longer?

Below are some simple recommendations for long lasting results after an IPL treatment.

1. Avoid the sun, especially right after your treatment: your skin will be more photo-sensitive and you do not want to create more sun damage

2. Wear SPF 30 every day and re-apply liberally: protecting your skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays is the best thing to do to keep your skin healthy and even-toned (especially after treatments 😉 ). We like to recommend quality mineral SPF 30+ for daily use 

3. Complete 3 treatments in a row for optimal results, then get 2-3 IPL’s a year for maintenance 

Learn more about IPL treatments, and all of the skin benefits below!

How do you maintain IPL results?

Maintaining IPL results includes a customized skincare routine, protecting your skin from the sun, and your overall health/wellbeing. At Elite, we recommend using medical grade skincare that includes retinols and occasional AHA/BHA exfoliants. It is also important to focus on a healthy, balanced diet and hydration (inner beauty is just as important as outer beauty). Lastly, being diligent with SPF 30+ is crucial, not only for maintaining results, but for keeping your skin protected from harmful UVA/UVB rays.

How long do the benefits of IPL last?

The benefits of IPL last forever, essentially. But as we continue to age and spend time outdoors/in the sun, we accumulate more age spots, freckles, and pigmentation that will need future treatments to address. 

Check out some of our before and after images of real clients from IPL treatments below.

Do you have to continue doing IPL treatments forever?

Like mentioned above, to maintain optimal skin health and results, continuing IPL treatments is essential! Even though the benefits from each treatment are lasting, it is important to keep maintaining with IPL treatments, because we will continue aging and getting sun damage that leads to pigmentation/sun spots. 

Consistent IPL/BBL treatments can also increase collagen production in the skin and reverse DNA damage from the sun. This leads to more youthful appearing, healthy skin. 

Does your overall health effect how long your botox, filler, and facial treatments last?

Yes! While this often goes over-looked, it is important to focus on overall health to ensure your aesthetic treatments are long-lasting.

Some tips to consider:

  • Stress management 
  • Well-balanced diet: nourishing your skin from the inside out 
  • Hydration
  • Mental health 

Your overall health is also crucial for receiving and healing from treatments (if applicable). Potential swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivities are common when getting procedures done. Someone who is generally healthier, tends to heal faster and avoids the major risks/downtime associated with aesthetic treatments. 

Additionally, we love to incorporate wellness treatments such as IV Therapy to help support inner beauty health. Check out more on IV Therapy below.

If you are located in the Lone Tree, CO area, talk with one of our providers about aesthetic treatments best fit for you!

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All About Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Introduction: What is Hyperhidrosis?

By definition, hyperhidrosis is “abnormal excessive sweating involving the extremities, underarms, and face that is unrelated to body temperature or exercise”. This condition can cause extreme discomfort, irritability, and self consciousness. 

Continue reading to learn more about hyperhidrosis:

  • Symptoms
  • Causes
  • Treatments

Table of Contents

Is Hyperhidrosis serious?

While hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating, is not life threatening, it can cause quality of life to decline. No one wants to be in a constant state of worry about sweating, stains, and discomfort. This can lead to not wanting to go out, mild depression, and a lack of self esteem. 

However, this is not a serious condition overall unless it is allowed to affect mental health. We also always want to consider possible underlying causes (more on this later). 

What are the symptoms of hyperhidrosis?

The main symptom of hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating that happens even without external stressors such as: heat, exercise or stress. 

Where does hyperhidrosis occur?

Hyperhidrosis usually occurs on the following body parts:

  • Axilla (underarms)
  • Hands/palms
  • Face and neck
  • Feet 

How is hyperhidrosis diagnosed?

Diagnosis for hyperhidrosis must be done by a medical provider (Physician, NP or PA). The medical provider will conduct a physical exam of the patient, ask health/history questions, and then diagnose the patient appropriately. Keep reading to learn about the best treatments for relief of hyperhidrosis.

What happens if hyperhidrosis is left untreated?

Unfortunately, if an individual does not take action either medically or naturally to help cure or relieve hyperhidrosis symptoms, then the condition will mostly likely continue throughout their lifetime.

What causes hyperhidrosis?

There are many different causes to hyperhidrosis, it is best to consult with a provider to ensure you know your individual cause(s), but below are several potential causes:

  • Anxiousness, stress, or nervousness that can be uncontrollable
  • Athletes that exercise excessively 
  • Over-active detox pathways 
  • Faulty nerve signals that cause sweat glands to be over-reactive 
  • Hormonal changes or imbalances such as pregnancy, menopause 
  • Side effect of some medications 
  • Environmental factors such as heat or humidity 

Is hyperhidrosis a symptom of something else?

There are many reasons, or underlying causes of hyperhidrosis (as above) and it’s important to address the root cause and not just the symptoms of excess sweating. Remember there is no true harm in excessive sweating but there is an underlying reason for it. There are many different factors that could be contributing and it’s important to see a medical professional that is willing to look at the big picture and not just put a band-aid on it and treat symptoms only. 

Is hyperhidrosis genetic?

There is not enough evidence to support that genetics are the main reason/cause of hyperhidrosis. Remember that environmental factors and behaviors can be common in families but this doesn’t mean it’s genetic. It is best to talk with your provider about this since every case is individualized. 

Can I cure hyperhidrosis naturally?

It is possible to treat, or at least support causes of hyperhidrosis naturally, but we recommend working with with a licensed naturopathic doctor or holistic medicine practitioner. Generally speaking, natural remedies for hyperhidrosis may include:

  • Relaxation techniques like meditation
  • Vagal nerve training
  • Acupuncture 
  • Guided detoxes with a functional medicine practitioner
  • Diet and lifestyle changes 

How can I cure hyperhidrosis?

There are some medical and holistic approaches (mentioned above) to curing or suppressing the symptoms of hyperhydrosis. More medical approaches to hyperhidrosis include:

  • Prescription antiperspirant, creams, or wipes
  • Nerve blocking medication 
  • Anti-depressants 
  • Botox injections
All of these options address the symptom (excessive sweating) and not the underlying cause but can help while working on what the cause is.

Do Botox injections help hyperhidrosis?

Yes, Botox or (Botulinum Toxin) injections help with hyperhidrosis and excessive sweating particularly in the axilla, palms, and feet. At Elite, we perform these injections for hyperhidrosis, but the cost is not covered by insurance. 

We also highly recommend working with a naturopath or functional medicine practitioner to get to the underlying cause. We also understand that sometimes there is no obvious issue and people just don’t want to sweat for big events like an upcoming Wedding or vacation. 

How does Botox help hyperhidrosis?

Botox, or Botulinum Toxin medications, are used for hyperhidrosis to block the nerve signals responsible for sweating or excreting sweat. It does not completely stop the sweating but it provides a huge relief for those who suffer from hyperhidrosis. Keep in mind that this only helps with the symptoms of hyperhidrosis and does not cure it.

Which Botox is best for hyperhidrosis?

This is completely up to the provider/injector. All Tox medications work in similar ways even though the drugs are different. It is best to consult with a provider to see which Tox would be best for this. At Elite, we prefer to use either Botox or Xeomin for best results! 

Below is an image of Simone, NP injecting a patient with Xeomin for axilla (underarm) hyperhidrosis. Xeomin is a cleaner version of Botulinum Toxin injections and because these are done in high doses it theoretically has a higher safety profile

How many units of Botox do you need for underarm hyperhidrosis?

Since the axilla (underarm) area is larger, 50 units per axilla is standard. However, this amount can differ per individual and their symptoms. We perform a “sweat test” beforehand to help guide us in injecting the sweat glands that are the most active, in order to give our clients best results!

How long does Botox for hyperhidrosis last?

On average, botulinum toxin injections for hyperhidrosis last 3-4 months but can last up to 6. To learn more about Botox overall, click the button below.

Is Botox the best cure for hyperhidrosis?

Keep in mind that Botox injections work great for suppressing the symptoms caused by hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). However, botox injections do not cure the condition. You will have to continue to get the injections until the root cause of the hyperhidrosis is addressed. 

If you are wanting to learn more about Botox injections for hyperhidrosis in Lone Tree, CO area, click the button below to schedule with one of our NP providers!

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