What Aesthetic Treatments are Pregnancy Safe?


As you probably know, some things you are told you “cannot do” when pregnant,  are not because they are known to cause serious harm but are simply because they have not been studied. Anything that has not been studied during pregnancy is generally considered an automatic “No”.  However, there are many treatments that can be considered “theoretically safe” and others that have shown in retrospective studies to be “safe”. 

Keep in mind though that every case is different and even if a treatment is considered “safe”, it may not be safe for everyone. Treatments are always considered on a case by case basis after consultation in the office

This blog will help to cover our Providers’ insight into common aesthetic treatments such as:


This Information is NOT medical advice. It is educational only and a very brief insight into how we approach procedures during pregnancy or breast-feeding. It is always recommended to get clearance from your OBGYN/midwife. Additionally, a consult is always required with us before any treatment, in order to throughly discuss procedures per your unique case.

Table of Contents

Is botox pregnancy safe?

Botulinum Toxin injections (tox injections) like: Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, Jeuveau, Daxxify have become very common treatments and a lot of women are super bummed to have to stop for pregnancyThere are many people, however, that do continue to get these treatments during pregnancy for medical reasons (i.e. migraines or TMJ) and many people that had been getting them before realizing they were pregnant.

In those cases, we can look at outcomes over 20-30 years through retrospective studies (studies that look at data in hindsight) and these show there is not a noticeable difference in infant health with women who were pregnant and got botulinum toxin injections versus those who did not. Additionally, drug dictionaries such as Epocrates (2023) label medications like “Xeomin” and “Botox Cosmetic” to be safe during pregnancy. 

However, since there are no placebo-controlled studies to show safety of botulinum toxin injections during pregnancy, we still recommend to NOT get this treatment while pregnant unless medically necessary.  Come see us for all your Tox needs once your baby has arrived 💜 . In special circumstances, and with OBGYN/Midwife clearance, we will discuss the treatment with you but may still recommend against it. 

  • Retrospective Study Link: HERE

Conclusion of a retrospective study. Link to full study above 👆 

Drug dictionary definition for Botox Cosmetic and Xeomin.

Is botox safe while breast feeding?

Just like above, Botulinum Toxin injections are considered safe during breast-feeding in retrospective studies as well as in drug dictionaries like Epocrates (2023). However, it is still always a case by case basis. 

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get injections.

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Is lip filler pregnancy safe?

The actual injecting of HA (hyaluronic acid) filler into the lips is theoretically safe during pregnancy, but the risks that can be associated with injecting lip filler make this treatment unsafe for pregnant women. Overall, lip filler is a “NO” for our EMA team and NP injectors

These lip filler risks and side effects can include:

  1. Vascular Occlusions
  2. Infection
  3. Delayed/poor wound healing 

Plus, anxiety with needles and general pain/discomfort with injections can cause unnecessary stress on mom and baby. Additionally, when you are pregnant, its common to retain more fluid than normal and can cause areas of the face (like the lips) to be more puffy and swollen than normal. Overall, you are not at your baseline for an appropriate filler assessment, and this aesthetic treatment is considered to be elective. 

Is lip filler safe while breast feeding?

Lip filler is theoretically safe during breast-feeding but there are risks to every procedure.  We require a 1:1 consult with one of our Nurse Practitioner (NP) injectors at Elite Medical & Aesthetics in order to do lip filler at any time, but especially if there are other factors such as breast-feeding.

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get injections.

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Is microneedling pregnancy safe?

Our Nurse Practitioner providers view microneedling (with a consultation beforehand) to be safe during pregnancy. Especially if you do not use the topical numbing agents, like lidocaine, and receive a lower-depth treatment (aka micro-channeling) to lower your risks. 

Keep in mind though, that any time the skin is punctured or broken, there is a potential risk for the following:

  1. Poor or impaired wound healing, especially if the treatment is done at higher depths
  2. Unnecessary stress or anxiety triggered from needles

⭐️ Although lidocaine is considered a safe drug during pregnancy, it is still a medication that was once used for cardiac reasons and it can effect blood pressure, making some pregnant women sensitive to it. It is best to avoid using any unnecessary medication (topical or internal) during pregnancy. A full drug dictionary definition is provided below ⭐️ 

Overall, since microneedling is more of an elective treatment during pregnancy, it could be best to wait until baby is here to do a series of treatments at an appropriate depth for total results depending on what your aesthetic concerns are. Book a consultation with one of our providers if you have lingering questions about microneedling during pregnancy.

Is microneedling safe while breast feeding?

Microneedling is considered theoretically safe while breast-feeding so long as the client (the mom) is in good health. However, every treatment will require a 1:1 consult with one of our Nurse Practitioners for approval at Elite Medical & Aesthetics. 

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get the procedure if lidocaine is used. 

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Is IPL 3-in-1 pregnancy safe?

Technically IPL, or photofractional, is contradicted treatment during pregnancy, because there are no studies showing its safety during pregnancy. However, if the client is a candidate for IPL, is only spot treating certain areas, or is avoiding the use of topical lidocaine, this treatment could be considered safe (case by case scenario always). Overall, we recommend to consult with a medically trained professional, and to get clearance by your OBGYN/midwife, to see if IPL is a treatment that could be considered safe for you.

⭐️ Note: Topical lidocaine, like mentioned earlier, is considered a safe drug to use during pregnancy. However, if it can be avoided, then that is best as some people can be sensitive to it and it can affect blood pressure in some. (See image above of lidocaine drug dictionary definition)

Is IPL 3-in-1 safe while breast feeding?


IPL is considered theoretically safe during breast-feeding so long as the client (mom) is in good health. However, every treatment will require a 1:1 consultation with one of our providers.

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get the procedure if lidocaine is used. 

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Are chemical peels pregnancy safe?

Medium to deep chemical peels like our favorite, VI Peel, are not safe to do during pregnancy. Topical chemical peels contain certain chemicals that are not considered safe to put on the skin or inhale while pregnant. 

Additional ingredients that are often found in chemical peels that are also NOT pregnancy safe include:

  • Retinoic acid
  • TCA
  • Benzoyl Peroxide 
  • Phenol
  • High doses of Salicylic acid (products containing 2% or less of salicylic acid are pregnancy safe, as some women struggle with hormonal acne during pregnancy and this ingredient does help mitigate it).

Keep in mind that what we put topically onto our skin is absorbed through the skin into the blood stream. This aesthetic facial treatment is a definite “NO” for our EMA providers, to ensure pregnant mommas steer clear of potentially harmful chemicals.

Are chemical peels safe while breast feeding?

Some chemical peels are safe while breast-feeding but we do require a 1:1 consultation to discuss an appropriate treatment plan and various options during breast feeding. 

Is facial filler pregnancy safe?

Facial filler during pregnancy is not recommended from our providers at Elite! It’s not that the ingredients of the filler itself is harmful for pregnancy, it’s the potential risks that come along with facial filler that could be harmful during pregnancy. 

These risks and side effects may include the following:

  1. Infection
  2. Vascular Occlusion
  3. Unnecessary stress from needles and pain
  4. Poor or delayed wound healing 

Important to note: your facial features change during pregnancy because it is not uncommon to retain more fluids and swell causing you to look a little more “puffy” than usual. Injecting filler into someone who is not at baseline is not smart anyways. Once baby has arrived, and you feel back to normal come see us for your facial filler concerns 💜 

Is facial filler safe while breast feeding?

Just like with lip filler above, facial filler is theoretically safe during breast-feeding but requires a 1:1 consultation with a Nurse Practitioner.

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get the procedure.

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 

Is Sculptra pregnancy safe?

There could be arguments that Sculptra during pregnancy is safe, however at Elite, we still do not recommend getting this injectable treatment while pregnant, mainly because it is an elective treatment that could cause pain=stress during pregnancy. 

Sculptra is made of PLLA (ploy-L-lactic acid) that is not itself unsafe during pregnancy, but instead it is the procedure and needle in the face that can lead to potential infection, poor wound healing, possible vascular occlusion, and unnecessary stress on the body. These risks and side effects are unsafe for pregnant women, so we steer clear of this and always put your safety as the number one priority.

⭐️ Our general consensus is: maybe could be safe, but not recommend due to the risks of the actual treatment and that you are not at baseline for injectable treatments. 

Is Sculptra safe while breast feeding?

Sculptra is considered theoretically safe while breast-feeding so long as the client (the mom) is in good health. However, every treatment will require a 1:1 consult with one of our Nurse Practitioners for approval at Elite Medical & Aesthetics. 

Ultimately it is a personal choice and we typically leave this up to the woman to decide after she is given all of the pros and cons during informed consent. She will also be required to sign a waiver acknowledging that there are no double-blind placebo controlled studies and that she participates at her/her babies own risk. 

When women do choose to proceed, many women will  “pump and dump” the day they get the procedure. 

Please be aware that for medical reasons we may at times still decline to treat if mom is not in great health postpartum. 


Again, none of this is medical advice, but more an insight into how we view aesthetic treatments and their individual safety during pregnancy being a women-owned and operated business. Oftentimes, medical spas won’t even consult with pregnant women, so we wanted to ensure we provide information that can provide a brief insight into what our NP providers believe and always offer consultations to talk through anyone’s questions or concerns in regards to this topic (as always, case by case scenario). 

We take your safety seriously, and will always pride ourselves for being open and honest with our lovely clients 💜 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO. Our all nursing staff of Nurse Practitioners take a holistic approach to natural results with safety as #1 priority. 

Talk with one of our providers.

Reasons why people are triggered by you getting aesthetic treatments


FYI: This article may have some triggering content in it for those reading, but we feel it is important to share our take on this topic, as we are tired of seeing others being shamed for getting aesthetic treatments done. Especially when they are done in moderation with a natural result! 

For starters, we want to emphasize the fact that only people who are insecure with themselves will judge others for doing treatments, this is because:

⭐️ A really secure person does not actually care what other people do, so long as it is not hurting anyone else= if they’re triggered, it’s about THEM and not about YOU⭐️

While keeping that main point in mind, this article explains a few reasons why people tend to feel triggered by others getting aesthetic treatments done. 

Table of Contents

They believe they cannot have it for themselves

Oftentimes people who have to make rude comments or judge others for something, it is actually because they are upset that they cannot have it for themselves. AKA they are “hating” on you for getting a treatment done that they really want, too. 

So rather than digging deep and admitting they want something they can’t have, they try to bring you down to their level and make it sound bad or like they don’t even want it. 

There have been a few main reasons we see this issue arise from instances in our own practice👇 

1. Financial Reasons

At Elite, we have heard many times that people cannot afford certain treatments. And while we understand aesthetics can be expensive, we also believe that people can prioritize and budget what they want in life. 

Bottom line, if you truly cannot afford aesthetic treatments, that is absolutely understandable, but do not shame the people who can/choose to afford and budget for them! 

2. Society Expectations

It is such a shame that SO many celebrities lie about getting plastic surgery and aesthetic treatments done. This sets an unrealistic expectation for women that they need to look/age a certain way with all natural methods (or with their olive oil skincare line, haha).

We can understand how this may turn people sour towards the aesthetic industry, but trust us they all have work done and will continue to try and hide it instead of empowering women with truth!

3. Pleasing someone else

It can be frustrating trying to live up to someone else’s expectations as to how you should look. BUT you will never please everyone in your life, so it is important to let go of that expectation.

Instead, do aesthetic treatments because it feels empowering to you, not because someone else does or doesn’t want you to do them!

Their partner or family will judge them for it

Like mentioned earlier, you will NEVER please everyone in your life. It is also funny, because oftentimes partners/family members that are judgmental, ALSO expect their partners to look a certain way…can we say hypocritical?! 

Overall, people who get aesthetic treatments should do it because they feel empowered to and love the way it boosts their confidence. If you think about it, these treatments are just as comparable as people who alter the way they look through

  • Makeup (regular and permanent)
  • Hairstyles (especially perms or relaxers that are not reversible)
  • Clothing or high heels 
  • Fake nails 
  • Padded bras

Again, someone who is really secure with themselves does not care what other people do, so long as it is not negatively impacting them. Even more so, really secure people tend to support and congratulate people who do what they love because it can be viewed as a form of self care and self love (PS: those are the kinds of people you want in your life anyways 😘).

Overall, we are not trying to convince people to get any treatments done, we are just emphasizing to STOP shaming the people who do! 

We especially love this quote written by, Alex Pike, because it sums everything up in a few short words.

They think it is "unhealthy"

To put it simply, health is not that black and white. Many people claim that getting treatments such as Tox is just injecting a toxin into your body…and while this can be argued, consuming foods such as:

  • Processed foods
  • Inflammatory oils 
  • Refined sugar 
  • Alcohol
  • Artificial dyes and fragrances 

Are just as toxic for your health if, not worse. What people do not understand is that Tox injections only occur every 3-4 months in a very localized area. People consume and apply toxins on a daily basis that accumulate overtime to a very large amount. Everything in life is about balance, and one extreme over the other is not healthy either way, we are the first to say “NO” to people who are over-filled, or want aesthetic treatments for the wrong reasons. 


Hence our motto “Holistic approach, Natural results” 💜 

They are projecting their own experiences on you

If someone had a really bad experience with an aesthetic treatment or an injector, they might have the tendency to project that negativity onto you. Sure, that is only human to do (to a point) but it does not mean that all aesthetic treatments should be given that kind of reputation. That is why it is always important to do your research before going to an injector or a medical spa in general, to ensure your safety is number one, but that their morals align with yours and that their credentials/before and after work is legitimate!  

⭐️ It is also important to keep in mind that you never know someone’s intentions behind getting an aesthetic treatment done or the reasoning behind their decisions. Aesthetic treatments and surgeries can oftentimes change people’s depression or help heal past trauma that they experienced in their lifetime. 

Many therapists indicate that people who stop caring about their appearance are actually more likely to have signs of depression and lack of self confidence. Compared to the people who take the time to do self care acts (whatever form this may be) and do things that make them feel beautiful and confident. 

Ali, NP's Personal Experience with Health & Aesthetics

Ali, NP takes her health and wellness very seriously as she has put in thousands of hours as a Nurse Practitioner and is training in the functional medicine field. For example: 

-She eats an all organic diet full of vegetables, fruits, animal protein, and supplements based on her own body’s needs; drinks filtered water and has a reverse osmosis system installed in the office too! She limits caffeine to ~2-3 servings/week and rarely drinks alcohol. 

– Not only does she factor in diet, she also uses non-toxic beauty products and household products. 

– Alongside those important lifestyle choices she focuses on mental health by reading, meditating, and spending time doing things she loves like painting, playing sand volleyball and doing pilates. 

-With all of that being said, she DOES get aesthetic treatments done that are appropriate for her and make her feel even more confident and beautiful with a holistic and natural approach. 

Ali clearly takes care of her health and even jokes that, “the only toxin I put into my body is localized Botulinum Toxin”. However, others may put toxins in their bodies daily and then believe they are healthy by not getting tox injections. It is not that simple, health is not that black and white!

Running her own medical spa, Ali also prioritizes carrying less-toxic, cleaner products for her clients such as:

  • Xeomin: double filtered, purified neurotoxin that does not have any added/unnecessary proteins
  • RHA filler: the only HA filler on the market that closely mimics our body’s own HA with a cleaner formula
  • Dr. Alkaitis holistic skincare line that is organic, raw, and toxin free


Overall, we want to inform people that if someone has to make comments or shame you for getting aesthetic treatments, remember that it has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them! Usually people are triggered by others getting treatments because of the four main reason explained above 👆 

1. They believe they cannot have it for themselves 

2. Their partner or family will judge them for it 

3. They think it is “unhealthy”

4. They are projecting their own experiences onto you 

At Elite, we want to use aesthetic treatments as a way to feel empowered as women (and men) and to do them because we feel even more confident and beautiful than we already are 😉 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO. Our staff of Nurse Practitioners provide a holistic approach for natural results with safety as a #1 priority.

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All About Butt Injections


Non-surgical butt lifts (aka butt injections) are becoming more popular in the aesthetic industry and at Elite Medical & Aesthetics. We are seeing many clients that are wanting changes to their behind such as:

  • More plump, more round, or a better fit for their frame 
  • Have reduced cellulite, stretch marks, and sagging skin 
  • Clothing to fit better and appear more feminine or sexy
  • To boost their overall self-esteem 

While we empower women to do treatments that make them feel their best, it is also important to note that we see ALL body types as beautiful and that you do not have to do treatments to “fit a mold” or to look a certain way either. Do what makes you feel your best, we are here to help along the way 💜

Table of Contents

What are non-surgical butt injections?

Non-surgical butt injections involve injectables that are used to add volume to the back-side, build collagen, and help with skin elasticity and cellulite. There are many different types of injectables providers may use, but at Elite Medical and Aesthetics our NP injectors typically use the following: 

  1. Sculptra, which is a type of injectable that is made of Poly-L Lactic Acid (the same material as sutures) that works to stimulate the body’s natural collagen production after a series of treatments (ranging from 3-6 depending on the area). Sculptra provides natural results that last up to 2-3 years in most clients. 
  2. Radiesse, which is a dermal filler made of calcium-based microspheres helps to restore volume immediately, while also stimulating collagen. Radiesse does provide results after one treatment (versus a series with Sculptra) and also stimulates collagen, even after the product is fully absorbed by the body. Results last 1-2 years after full correction.

We pride ourselves in carrying cleaner, less toxic product options for our clients to make decisions based on what is best for them! Learn more about Sculptra and Radiesse read the articles below 👇 

Is Radiesse or Sculptra better for a buttock lift?

To break it down simply:

  • Radiesse is a better injectable option for those who are wanting immediate results with more volume up front.
  • Sculptra is a better injectable option for those who are wanting a more gradual and subtle result. 

Ultimately, both Sculptra and Radiesse can be used to achieve the same result over time. Radiesse can be used similarly to Sculptra if it’s diluted, also known as hyperdilute Radiesse.

How much Sculptra is needed for the butt?

8-10 vials/syringes are typically needed for an average buttock area. However, this is dependent on the client’s baseline and their overall aesthetic goals of the treatment. 

Our Nurse Practitioner injectors always provide a consultation before injectable treatments, to ensure a customized quote is given based on each individual client (as everyone is different 😊).

How many Sculptra treatments are needed for butt injections?

A series of 3-6 treatments, spread 4 weeks apart, of Sculptra are usually needed for the buttock area. Keep in mind that the number of treatments is dependent on several factors such as:

  • Client baseline
  • Client’s aesthetic goals 
  • Health/medical history 
  • Budgeting factors 

Always consult with a trusted and experienced injector before going forward with treatments, as it is important to understand how the treatment works, what to expect, how much it will cost, and get any questions answered. 

How much do Sculptra butt injections cost?

Sculptra is priced based on the number of vials used in a treatment. One vial typically costs $800, and an average of 8-10 vials are needed for a single treatment. We always recommend a consult with a provider to get a customized quote as treatment prices can vary and are usually reduced with higher quantities.

  • At Elite we offer Cherry Payment Plans and Elite Wallet (in-house rewards) for our clients to budget for their aesthetic treatments. 

Is Radiesse or Sculptra cheaper?

Radiesse and Sculptra are priced roughly the same, around $800 a syringe/vial. However, Sculptra tends to cost more over time, because more treatments (3-6) are needed to see results, whereas Radiesse provides immediate results with less treatments needed (1-3).

Which is better, Sculptra or BBL?

Knowing if Sculptra butt injections or a BBL is better, is dependent on the client’s baseline and what their aesthetic goals are for the buttock area. A break down of what these procedures do is provided below:

  • Sculptra Injections: Collagen stimulating injections that can add volume to the butt, help with skin elasticity/cellulite, and build collagen/elastin after a series of treatments. The results from this are a little more natural and subtle.
  • BBL: A Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is where a plastic surgeon takes excess fat from the body and transfers it into the buttock area to build and sculpt the area to client’s desired results. This is a surgical correction to the body that requires anesthesia and recovery post-op. 

Overall, Sculptra results will be more natural/subtle and the treatment is non-surgical, whereas BBL surgery results will be more pronounced. 

⭐️ It is important to go to a provider who will give you realistic expectations and direct you to the treatment option that is best fitting to your needs and goals. 

How long do butt injections last?

Butt injection longevity is based on the injectable product used during treatment. Collagen stimulating injectables like Sculptra usually last 2-3 years after a series of 3-6 treatments due to its ability to stimulate the body’s own natural collagen. Other injectable/filler products, like Radiesse, usually provide results for 1-2 years, again depending on the individual and product used. 

Read more about the differences between Sculptra and HA fillers below.

What is the best filler for butt injections?

At Elite Medical and Aesthetics we prefer to use either Sculptra or Radiesse for butt injections, because they both provide great results, while also stimulating the body’s own natural collagen. Deciding which filler is best suited for you can be discussed between you and a provider. 

How can I get rid of hip dips?

It is possible to lessen the prominence of hip dips with butt injections. It is simply just a difference in the technique and injection site of the area 

  • Example: injecting into the hip dip region versus into the butt area 

However, Ali, NP believes that hip dips are beautiful, and often a result of a defined muscle to provide the body with strength (especially for athletes and people who work out often or do pilates). We are not all meant to have the perfect pear shape curves that you see the Kardashian’s, and many other celebrities, have. This creates an insecurity and an unrealistic expectation for real women who do not have the resources to get cosmetic surgeries often. While it is important to get treatments done that make you feel good, it is also important to find the beauty in your body and nourish it through balanced diets and healthy exercise 💜 

Who is a good candidate for butt injections?

A good candidate for butt injections may include some of the following criteria:

  • You are a healthy individual with no underlying complications/contraindications for the injectables 
  • Have realistic expectations on what butt injections can do for your individual concerns 
  • You want to subtly change the shape/roundness of your butt
  • Buttocks are asymmetrical 
  • Looking for the skin tissue to be more firm/tight

Overall, a good candidate is someone who is looking to enhance their behind region while staying committed to their treatment plan. 

What is a non-surgical butt injection treatment like?

An inside to a non-surgical butt injection treatment can be described in the following steps below 👇 

  1. First, your provider will walk you through what to expect, have you read/sign consent forms, take photos for charting, and run through basic information of the treatment. 
  2. Once all questions are answered, the provider will clean and prep the skin for injections.
  3. After the skin is prepped and marked out, the injectables begin. The amount of product being injected, and where, will vary based on what you and the provider discussed for best treatment outcome.
  4. Your provider will walk you through the areas they are injecting to ensure you are comfortable and aware, starting with one side and working their way over to the other. This usually takes about 20-30 minutes (give or take).
  5.  After the injections are completed, the provider will apply an antiseptic ointment (possibly small bandaids over injection sites), go over the after-care instructions, and answer any follow up questions you may have. 
  6. To end the treatment, your provider will recommend scheduling a follow up appointment to ensure desired results are achieved, and to schedule future appointments. 

Note: it is best to wear loose fitting clothing like sport shorts, a dress, or skirt to the appointment, to keep your skin comfortable and avoid any harsh rubbing/abrasion to the area.

Ali, NP pictured with Dr. Sadaat during her Sculptra advanced injection course where she trained on butt injections.

Do non-surgical butt injections hurt?

Butt injections tend to be tolerable for most clients as there is also numbing (lidocaine) injected into the area along with the filler product. This helps to make the area fairly numb and comfortable for clients. However, is it best to ask your provider about numbing options (topical and local) that will keep you comfortable during treatment!

What is the downtime after getting butt injections?

The downtime associated with butt injections is fairly easy and may include the following:

  • 24 hours of redness and small pinpoint bleeding at injection sites (most practices will apply small bandaids to the areas)
  • Not touching, picking, or rubbing the area during healing (minimum 24-48 hours) 
  • Expect 10-14 days of swelling and bruising from the injections (expect 2 weeks to fully settle)
  • Tenderness in the area for a few days 
  • Avoiding intense exercise and exposure to heat for 24-48 hours 
  • Avoiding sauna, baths, hot tubs and pools for 48 hours
  • Wearing loose fitting clothing for a few days after (mainly for comfortability)

Always follow your provider’s post-treatment instructions and contact them ASAP if you are in any severe pain or notice abnormalities.

⭐️ Keep in mind that non surgical butt injections require different downtime/recovery than surgical BBL’s. 

Should I get Sculptra butt injections or a BBL?

This is up to you and the desired results you are looking to achieve. As mentioned earlier, butt injections tend to give a more subtle/natural results, whereas BBL’s (fat transfers or butt implants) are surgical and can add noticeable definition/volume. 

  • If you are unsure what is best for you, consult with a trusted provider that will give you helpful information and guide you in the right treatment direction.

What are the risks/side effects of butt injections?

Common side effects accompanied by butt injections include:

  • Bleeding at initial injection site 
  • Bruising 
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness

These risks listed above usually subside within a few days after treatment. Bruising & swelling can last 10-14 days, but note this is normal and can take a full 2 weeks for treatment to fully settle.

Rare, but potential risks include:

  • Vascular occlusion
  • Infection 
  • Allergic reaction to product used 
  • Scarring 

Note: If you are experiencing any of the rare side effects, contact your injector immediately! Ensure your provider has explained these risks before treatment and you feel that your safety is top priority during AND after the treatment. We also suggest to schedule a 2 week follow up after all facial filler treatments to ensure client satisfaction. 

To Recap:

While we empower women to do treatments that make them feel their best, it is also important to note that we see ALL body types as beautiful and that you do not have to do treatments to "fit a mold" or to look a certain way either. Do what makes you feel your best, we are here to help along the way

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO. Our staff of Nurse Practitioners provide a holistic approach to natural results with safety as a #1 priority.

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Jawline Filler 101


Bringing harmony and balance to one’s facial features is always the goal with injections and this oftentimes includes jawline filler. This injectable treatment is very discreet, yet makes a naturally beautiful difference in the overall facial appearance. 

Jawline filler is most commonly known to help with the following:

  • Contouring the jawline 
  • Reducing the prominence of jowls 
  • Balancing facial profiles
  • Smoothing unwanted lines and wrinkles 

This article will help cover more about jawline filler basics, commonly asked questions, and before and after images of our real clients. (p.s. we often incorporate jawline filler in our customized full face filler treatments 😉)

Table of Contents

What is jawline filler?

Jawline filler is a non-surgical injectable procedure, that defines the jawline and reduces lines, wrinkles, and folds in the area. 

This is a great treatment for those who have lost jawline structure (due to normal aging), want to help reduce the appearance of jowls, or simply want to contour to the jaw for a balanced profile! 

How long does jawline filler last?

Jawline filler typically lasts 10-12 months depending on the type of injectable product used and how quickly the individual metabolizes the product. Some injectable products like Radiesse and Sculptra actually help to build collagen in the area of injections, which may extend the longevity of the treatment. 

Check out the difference between Sculptra and HA fillers in the article below.

How do I know if I need jawline filler?

If you are looking to balance your facial profile, are lacking jawline contour, or have a loss of volume due to the normal aging process, then you might be a good candidate for this treatment! 

  • However, at Elite, we encourage an initial consultation with one of our Nurse Practitioner injectors. Consultations ensure the client is a good fit for the treatment, has all questions answered, and understands expectations of what the treatment does!

Here, Ali NP and owner of Elite Medical & Aesthetics, is artistically injecting our client with Radiesse in the jawline area, for full face rejuvenation. 

How do I prepare for jawline filler?

To best prepare for jawline filler, talk with your provider about the full list of pre-treatment instructions specific to you. 

But here is a common list of “do’s and dont’s” to help you better prepare:


  • Do stop all blood thinning medications at least 48 hours before appointment (if prescribed for medical conditions talk with your provider)
  • Do stop drinking alcoholic beverages 48 hours before appointment 
  • Do Eat pineapple 1 week leading up to the appointment or take bromelain tablets 24 hours before, to reduce risks of swelling 
  • Do consider taking arnica tablets to reduce bruising 
  • Do come with a clean, make-up free face to your appointment 
  • Do ask any medical questions you have, before your appointment


  • Don’t work out 24-48 hours after injections
  • Don’t touch or massage the injection site with dirty hands 
  • Don’t drink alcoholic beverages for 24-48 hours after treatment
  • Don’t participate in any heat inducing activities 24-48 hours after treatment

Is jawline filler painful?

Jawline filler is very tolerable for most clients and the majority of the injecting products contain lidocaine in them to help with comfortability. However, it is not uncommon for the area to feel sore or “heavy feeling” after the injections and this will subside after a few days. Always contact your provider if you are experiencing any severe pain or complications.

What are the risks of jawline filler?

Common risks accompanied by jawline filler include:

  • Bleeding at initial injection site 
  • Bruising 
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness

These risks listed above usually subside within a few days after treatment. Bruising & swelling can last 10-14 days, but note this is normal and can take a full 2 weeks to settle.

Rare, but potential risks include:

  • Vascular occlusion
  • Infection 
  • Allergic reaction to product used 
  • Scarring 

If you are experiencing any of the rare side effects, contact your injector immediately! Ensure your provider has explained these risks before treatment and you feel that your safety is top priority during AND after the treatment. We also suggest to schedule a 2 week follow up after all facial filler treatments to ensure client satisfaction. Any needed touch ups can be done at this time too!

Is botox or filler better for the jawline?

Botox and filler are both injectable treatments that can help with jaw concerns, however knowing which treatment is best for you, and your aesthetic goals, is best decided between you and the injector! The difference between the two are explained a little more below 👇 

⭐️ Note: We err on the side of caution with injecting Tox for TMJ or clenching reasons, because this is usually a result of an underlying concern such as stress, anxiety etc. 

Watch this video to learn more about why you shouldn’t get botox for clenching without addressing the underlying cause.

  • Jawline filler is an injectable that is used to sculpt and build the jawline, while blending into the chin region. Overall, jawline filler is going to give back shape, structure, and contour to the jawline. 

Botox for jawline:

Filler for jawline:

How many syringes are needed for jawline filler?

It is not uncommon to use one syringe of filler per side, equaling 2 syringes in total, for the whole treatment. Again, since everyone is different, this is a great question to address with your provider in the initial consultation to get a better understanding and for budgeting purposes.


  • At Elite Medical & Aesthetics, our Nurse Practitioner providers give our clients a very thorough consultation to ensure the client knows all about the treatment, what to expect, estimated pricing, and an overall “game plan”. 

What is the downtime of jawline filler?

Jawline filler downtime may include:

  • Bruising 
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Redness/pin-point bleeding at injection site 

Bruising and swelling may last 10-14 days, as it takes a full 2 weeks for most filler to fully settle. After a few days, tenderness and redness will subside! We recommend to follow the post-care instructions provided to you, and always contact your provider if you have any questions or concerns.


Watch the video below of Elite’s Post-Treatment Care Packages that all clients receive after a treatment at our office 😊 

What is the best filler to use for the jawline?

The best filler to use for the jawline is determined by several factors:

  • The clients’s anatomy
  • Aesthetic concerns & goals
  • Longevity of treatment
  • Healthy history

We most commonly use a firm hyaluronic acid (HA) filler like RHA 4 or a collagen stimulating injectable like Radiesse because they provide more structure for the area.  Our NP injectors carry many different product options for our clients and tend to use cleaner, less toxic products to keep client safety as our number one priority.  

Does jawline filler give you a masculine appearance?

Jawline filler has the ability to give a more masculine look, but this is only if someone is wanting to achieve that look, particularly men (as below).  Artistic injectors have the eye and ability to use aesthetic treatments, like filler, to bring harmony and balance to one’s face for multiple different outcomes. This is preferred to injectors that just inject everyone the same. 

For Example 👇 

  • If a male is looking to enhance their jawline for a more masculine appearance, then the injector will use a specific technique to achieve this look (if its appropriate/achievable for the client)
  • If a female is looking for an overall facial rejuvenation, then using jawline filler to add volume and structure back to the jawline, while still keeping a heart shaped feminine look, is a different injecting technique. 

Does jawline filler make you look slimmer?

Jawline filler does have the potential to make someone look slimmer because of the contouring of the filler and how it can reduce prominence of jowls or even double chin. Oftentimes, jawline filler is also used in conjunction with other treatments to help slim the lower face.

 Those other treatments may include:

  • Kybella: an injection used to dissolve unwanted fat pads such as a “double chin”
  • Chin filler: an injectable treatment used to bring structure back to the chin and even facial profile
  • Skin/neck tightening treatments: a mix of laser/microneedling treatments, and potentially injectable treatments like Sculptra, to tighten the neck and reduce loose skin

Explore more on these individual treatments below

How much does jawline filler cost?

Jawline filler is priced on how many syringes are used during the treatment. On average a syringe of filler costs around $700-$800. Most commonly, two syringes are used on each side of the jawline.

⭐️ We offer Cherry Payment Plans, and also have an in-house rewards system, Elite Wallet, that helps our clients with budgeting.

Does jawline filler help with jowls?

Jawline filler alone does not necessarily target jowls. However, when the jawline region is more defined it can help to reduce the appearance of jowls, making them look less dominant. If jowling is a main concern, there may be different treatments better suited for the individual, or even a referral for surgical correction. 

Also, keep in mind that if a different treatment is better suited for your concerns, to go to a medical spa that puts “people over profits” and is honest with what treatment will give you the best outcome.

What is the difference between jawline filler and Kybella?

The difference between jawline filler and Kybella is that they are used to target different aesthetic concerns. More explained below 👇 

Kybella/DCPC Injections: An injection that dissolves unwanted fat commonly used in the double chin area.

Jawline Filler: Dermal filler that is used to replace loss of volume and build structure along the jawline region

These treatments can be used together to achieve client goals, as well.

Jawline filler before and after

Below are all before and after images of Elite Medical & Aesthetics real clients. Most images are of full face filler that include jawline filler. 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO. Our all nursing staff of Nurse Practitioners take a holistic approach to natural results with safety as #1 priority. 

Talk with one of our providers.

What’s the Difference Between Sculptra & Fillers?


By now you have probably heard about Sculptra, an injectable treatment that stimulates natural collagen production. While this product has become a popular “new” treatment on social media, it’s actually been around since 1999! 

There are many questions we get at Elite Medical and Aesthetics about the differences between Sculptra and fillers, and this blog will help break down those differences and cover additional common questions. 😊 

Table of Contents

How is Sculptra different than fillers?

The main difference between Sculptra and hyaluronic acid (HA) based fillers is that Sculptra stimulates the production of natural collagen. Sculptra is an FDA approved injectable that replaces lost collagen for up to 2-4 years, making it a more natural treatment that dermal fillers. 

A more definitive breakdown of the two injectables is explained below 👇 

  • Traditional HA fillers are made of a smooth, gel-like substance called hyaluronic acid. Once this is injected into the desired area, there is an instant change in volume restoration after one treatment. HA fillers last around 10-12 months depending on the product and person and CAN be dissolved.
  • Sculptra, on the other hand, is made of Poly-L Lactic Acid (PLLA) that works to stimulate the body’s own natural collagen. Results are shown over a period of time and a series of treatments, rather than instantly. Results typically last 2-4 years and it CANNOT be dissolved.

Does Sculptra last longer than fillers?

Yes, Sculptra does last longer than fillers! As mentioned, Sculptra is made of PLLA, which is the same material sutures are made from for surgical stitching. PLLA stimulates collagen and elastin production. Overall, most people enjoy results around 2 years, and some up to 4 years. Whereas HA fillers, are metabolized over a 10-12 month time frame, depending on the filler product used. However, keep in mind that Sculptra injections do require a series of treatments, and HA filler results are typically immediate after one treatment.

Is Sculptra more expensive than fillers?

Per vial, Sculptra is priced similar to a syringe of filler (around $800 for a single vial). Keep in mind though, it does take an average of 3 treatments, and the number of vials needed is determined in a consultation prior to the treatment.

Overall, this does make Sculptra more expensive than HA fillers, but the results last longer than HA fillers typically. 

  • Note: injectable treatments like filler and Sculptra are an investment, especially when seeing a licensed and trained provider. “You get what you pay for” when it comes to treatments like these. Rest assured at Elite, we offer Cherry Payment Plans and Elite Wallet to help with budgeting. Learn more below 👇 

Is Sculptra safer than fillers?

There is not enough published evidence to prove that Sculptra is any safer than HA fillers. However, there is a theoretical decreased risk of vascular occlusion since Sculptra is more liquid than fillers. Dr. David Saadat said at a 2022 training in Valencia, CA that you can “put Sculptra anywhere” and “cannot occlude a vessel with it because it is a liquid” (when it is mixed correctly). A review of the literature does show cases of vascular occlusion but we cannot know how it was mixed. Infection, pain, swelling and bruising are always a risk any time you puncture the skin.  

So, basically all injectable treatments come with risks and potential side effects. It is important to go to a medically trained and licensed injector to ensure that your safety is top priority, regardless of the treatment/product is being administered. 

Does Sculptra treat different areas that filler can't?

Sculptra treats many of the facial areas that filler can with the exception of the lips and close to the eyes. See image for a visual on where Sculptra is most commonly injected.

There are a few areas on the body that Sculptra can treat as well, including:

  • Buttocks
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms

Is Sculptra permanent?

No, results from Sculptra are not permanent. While this injectable treatment has long-lasting results up to 2-4 years, the PLLA is still metabolized by the body over time. However, the production of collagen is natural and lasting, but keep in mind as we age we continue to lose collagen and elastin in our skin (hence, why this is a great anti-aging treatment 😉).

  • At EMA, we recommend talking to a provider about your aesthetic goals and concerns to ensure you are on a customized treatment plan best for you!

Which is better, Sculptra or Radiesse?

Which injectable is “better” for YOU is a question that should be discussed with your provider during a consultation, because some people are better candidates for different injectables. However, the main differences between Radiesse and Sculptra are:


  • Provides instant volume in a single treatment when used at full strength
  • Can also be used diluted and used as a collagen stimulator similar to Sculptra
  • Produces collagen by acting like a bridge of minerals (calcium hydroxylapetite based)
  • Produces natural appearing results


  • Simply a stimulator for collagen production (takes up to 3 sessions for visible results)
  • Does not provide instant volume, but build’s the body’s own collagen
  • Produces collagen through an inflammatory process
  • Stimulates collagen using PLLA (the same material sutures are made of)
  • Produces natural appearing results

Sculptra and Radiesse are both considered advanced injectables and require specialized training to prevent side effects such as lumps, bumps, and inflammatory nodules. 

Again, it is best to consult with a provider to see which kind of injectable treatment is best suited for your anatomy, goals, budget, and time frame. Our providers take the time to assess and get to know clients on a more personal level, in order to provide the best treatment plan and provide explanations. 

Is Sculptra the best filler option?

Sculptra is a great injectable option for many people, however knowing if it is the best option for you is determined with your provider! It is important to learn about the various treatment options suitable for your concerns and goals, risk factors, what to expect, and ask as many questions possible! 

We pride ourselves on our thorough consultations where we put “people over profits” and genuinely help you decide what treatment is best for you, even if it’s no treatment at all!

Book a consult below to talk with one of our providers:

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa located in Lone Tree, CO that takes a holistic approach to natural results. We pride ourselves in having an all nursing staff of NP’s that put safety as #1 priority.

Book a Consult

Talk with one of our providers about Sculptra

Our Favorite “Glow up” Treatments


The New Year is symbolic of new beginnings, and there’s often a theme within peoples’ New Years resolutions: Bettering Themselves. If bettering yourself includes skincare and aesthetics, you came to the right place!

Better skincare can also happen all year round. So, no matter when YOU decide is best for a “glow-up”, we are honored to be a part of the process! 

In this article, we break down what a glow up even is as well as our favorite aesthetic treatments to get your glow on. 

Table of Contents

What is a "glow up"?

A “glow-up” is simply the process of making a major positive transformation in your life, whether that be emotionally, physically, or spiritually. And it is not just for teens and 20 somethings on social media by the way. You can have a glow-up at ANY age. What do you want to change in your life to look and feel better, for YOU? 

So long as it’s for the right motivations (again, for you), aesthetics and skincare treatments can be a very helpful part of anyone’s glow-up journey. As the saying goes “when you look good, you feel good”. Apparently you can also make more money when you spend more time on your appearance, around 20% more according to this study

We know that looks are not always the most important, but feeling your best is! That’s why we love what we do! Our goal is always for people to feel better when they leave our office than when they came in, even if they choose to have NO treatments. 

What aesthetic treatments give you a glow up?

Depending on your skin goals, the aesthetics industry has something for everyone. From non-invasive facials, peels and skincare to more aggressive lasers, injectables, and skin tightening treatments. 

For fast results check out services such as: dermal filler, botulinum toxin injections, and IPL.

 If you’re willing to be a bit more patient, check out: Collagen stimulating injections, lasers, microneedling, and Kybella

Overall, we offer many services here at Elite but in this article we want to share some of our favorites from personal experience. Keep reading to see what we have had done!

MB's favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate "glow up"

Mini Lip Plump

Elite’s signature Mini Lip Plump is the perfect addition for adding volume and symmetry to the lips! This treatment provides a total confidence boost for anyone who has thinner lips, or just wants a better pout! 

  • The Mini Lip Plump is Mary Beth’s favorite aesthetic treatment for a glow up, because a lot of people do not need a full syringe of filler in their lips to feel confident (a little plump, goes a long way 😉 ). This treatment also balances facial profiles and accentuates lip definition, all while looking and feeling incredibly natural when done by the right injector 

Below you can see MB’s before and after images of one mini lip plump by Ali, NP.

Does lip filler give you a glow up?

When done by the right injector, lip filler can definitely be a glow up treatment. The smile and lips are often a focal point of one’s face, and lip filler can accentuate the shape, volume, and fullness of the lips all while still looking natural. 

Lip filler can especially be a glow up for those with thinner lips or asymmetrical lips. At Elite, we pride ourselves on having injectors with artistic backgrounds that customize filler to each unique face, rather than just injecting filler the same into everyone. 

Talk with one of our providers about your lip goals below 👇 

Does lip filler make you prettier?

Lip filler making someone prettier is a relative question. Sure, some people are better candidates for lip filler than others, but this is where aesthetic treatments can fuel someone’s confidence without the judgement of others. If it makes YOU feel prettier, then YOU will attract more confident, beautiful, and powerful energy, thus making you even more beautiful!

Simone's favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate "glow up"

Kybella/Deoxycholic Acid

Kybella is hands-down 🙌  one of the most transformative treatments for anyone who is experiencing an unwanted “double chin” (submandibular fat) taking away chin/jawline definition.

  • Oftentimes a “double chin” concern can make someone look and feel heavier than they actually are, no matter their weight or health status. Simone has personally experienced a major difference in her confidence after just one Kybella/DA treatment. Kybella/DA by permanently decreasing the fat pad it creates contour to the chin and jawline area. Overall, Kybella/DA makes the facial profile even more beautiful and contoured than before…hello glow-up!

Below you can see Simone’s results from one Kybella/DA treatment. 

Please note it usually takes 3-6 treatments for most people and not everyone is a candidate. 

Does Kybella give you a glow up?

Ultimately, YES! Kybella/DA is a great treatments for a double chin for the right candidate, because it provides permanent slimming effects without having to undergo surgery or invasive procedures. Clients who might be good candidates for Kybella/DA are typically at a healthy body weight and have a “double chin” no matter what their weight is. 

Does Kybella make you look younger?

Yes, Kybella/DA has the effect of making someone look younger because it permanently dissolves unwanted fat, resulting in a more contoured jawline and chin. 

However, someone with already sagging neck skin may also need a surgical referral for a neck lift as removing the fat can increase loose skin in certain individuals. 

Does Kybella slim the face?

Yes, Kybella/DA can have a slimming effect for the entire face. Especially if it is injected off-label for jowls or mild buccal fat pad slimming.

Talk with one of our providers about your Kybella/DA questions

Ali's favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate "glow up"

IPL 3-in-1

Ali, NP’s favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate glow up (and one of her favorite treatments to recommend to clients) is an IPL 3-in-1 treatment. 

Why? 👇 

  • Evens out skin complexion from freckles, sun/age spots, redness, or acne
  • Reverses DNA damage from the sun, resulting in healthier skin
  • There’s no downtime or broken skin
  • Has a beneficial “tightening” effect to the skin’s tissue  
  • Almost everyone is a candidate

An IPL (Intense Pulse Light) 3-in-1 treatment uses light energy that is converted to heat energy into targeted cells, which then causes destruction of the damaged cells to regenerate healthy cells, all with no downtime! Below are pictures of Ali’s skin right after an IPL treatment, and 7 days after. To learn more about what to expect after an IPL treatment, click the button below.

We call it a 3-in-1 IPL treatment because at Elite we do a full pass for age spots/freckles then targeted passes for small vessels and another for stubborn spots. Clients have described getting the results from 1 treatment that they got in 3 at other clinics. 

Does IPL make your skin glow?

Yes, IPL 3-in-1 treatment results in healthy, glowing skin. IPL is one of Elite’s most loved aesthetic treatments, because it is effective in evening out the skin’s complexion, and requires no downtime! It is common for our providers to use this treatment to treat freckles, sun/age spots, redness, and acne, with a goal that our clients can feel confident in their skin (bye-bye makeup!). IPL addresses many concerns, and after a few short days post-treatment, glowing skin is revealed.

How long do IPL results last?

Essentially forever…if we never went outside again. However, as we continue to get sun exposure and age, sun/age spots and freckles will appear. It is best to do 3-6 IPL treatments, 4 weeks apart, and then complete maintenance sessions throughout the year, especially after summertime. This will ensure you are maintaining your results, and of course, keeping your skin healthy and glowing.

Does IPL make your skin look younger?

IPL is a great treatment option for those who want to address several signs of aging. Wether the concern is uneven skin tone, redness, dull skin, or hyperpigmentation; IPL works wonders at achieving even, more youthful appearing skin. 

Talk with one of our providers about your skin concerns and goals to get on a customized treatment plan!

Before and after images of Elite’s clients after just 1 IPL treatment to target hyperpigmentation and sun/age spots 👆 

Our all-time favorite aesthetic treatment for an ultimate "glow up"

Tox Injections

Tox injections (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) provide clients with a glow up by smoothing lines and wrinkles that start to form as we age. Common areas that cause static (at rest) and dynamic (in-motion) wrinkles are the 11’s, forehead, and crows feet, with a few other off label areas as well.

 All three of us personally love Tox for many reasons 👇 

  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles and smooths the skin 
  • With consistent injections, can help smooth static lines that are visible at rest
  • A quick, little-to-no-pain treatment that provides results within 2 weeks 
  • Little downtime, usually just a day of restrictions 
  • Perfect as a preventative treatment 

Tox injections not only help to smooth lines and wrinkles, but they can also give a more youthful appearance. Many of our clients at Elite report higher self-esteem after they receive their Tox, making it an ultimate glow up aesthetic treatment. 

Does botox give you a glow?

Yes, Botox or (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) gives you a glow by smoothing lines and wrinkles and making the skin appear more glowy. Tox can be applied topically to the skin through a micro-needling device, also known as our Elite Diamond Facial. This improves the texture of the skin, making it much more smooth and tight, also providing a glowing complexion. 

Ps: we love Xeomin because it is a cleaner drug with fewer additives and provides lasting results! At Elite we specialize in a holistic approach to aesthetics, offering products that are more natural and just as effective 😘 

Does botox make you prettier?

Potentially yes, and here’s why 👇 

Tox injections help to smooth wrinkles and lines that can cause frowning or upset appearing faces, even at rest.

  • For example: someone constantly looks upset because the 11’s (glabella lines) are pronounced, even when they are happy or showing no emotion at all. The Tox injections smooth those lines and wrinkles, assisting in a happier appearance at rest and in motion.

But rest assured, when injected by the right provider, you will not be frozen or expressionless. Results provided will be natural and customized to your goals. Check out some before and after images of 11’s Tox below 👇 


Aesthetic treatments can be a great stepping stone for a glow up this year! There are a wide range of services that we offer to fit individual concerns and goals, but we hope this article named a few that may be of interest to you. 

Wether you are looking for subtle changes in a skincare routine or a total transformation, our providers at Elite take a holistic and artistic approach to treatments that give our clients natural, beautifully enhanced results. 

If you are located in the Lone Tree, CO area, talk with one of our providers about your aesthetic goals. Elite is a premier med spa with an all RN and NP nursing staff. We prioritize safety and provide holistic, natural results.

How to Make the Most Out of Your Aesthetic Treatments


It takes time, money, and even some “downtime” to reach your aesthetic goals with various treatments…so of course, you want the results to last as long as possible! At Elite, we want to ensure you are well educated on ways that you can extend the longevity of your favorite treatments, too. 

Keep reading below for tips on how to:

  • Make your Tox last longer
  • Make your lip filler last longer
  • Make the results of your IPL treatment last longer
  • How overall health and wellness impacts your aesthetic treatments

Table of Contents

How can I make my Botox last longer?

While we all wish that our Tox (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) never wore off, there are a few things we recommend doing at Elite, to ensure you are getting the full 3-4 months of Tox results. Below are 3 tips from Nurse Practitioner injectors:

1. Take a Zinc supplement: a few studies have shown that taking a high-quality zinc supplement  may enhance the uptake of neurotoxins (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) leading to longevity of the treatment

2. Make facial movements in the areas that were treated 1 hour after injections: post-treatment facial exercises (where treated with Tox) can be shown to speed up the wrinkle-reducing effects, and further activates the Tox medication 

3. Avoid vaccines 2-4 weeks before and after initial injections: this is best practice to ensure that your Tox treatment & results, do not interfere with your vaccine (and to avoid potential complications, overall)

As a bonus tip, be sure to listen to the recommendations of your injector on what dose you need to last a full 3-4 months. Under-dosing can lead to shorter duration of the medication. 

For more information about how to make your botox last longer, click on the button below.

Does applying retinol make your botox last longer?

Unfortunately, no. Topical application of retinol is a great addition to a healthy skincare routine to prevent signs of aging and turn over skin cells quicker, but it does not have any effect on the Tox medication or its longevity.

Does caffeine effect botox?

Caffeine does not effect botox directly, nor does it make it last longer/shorter. However we do recommend avoiding caffeine before initial Tox (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) injections to prevent potential bruising

Learn more about how to prep for botox by clicking on the button below.

Does botox last longer if you use more?

Botulinum toxin results are dose dependent. Meaning that in the FDA trials that determined longevity, an average dose was determined for each area in order for it to last 3-months. These results were:

Forehead: 20 units

Glabella (11’s): 20 units

Crow’s feet: 24 units 

Treating with more than the above can increase longevity but at the risk of other side effects, such as droopy brows. These doses are also just averages and will not work for everyone; treatment should be individualized. It’s always best to talk to your provider about what is best for your personal aesthetic goals

Maintaining and committing to getting your injections every 3-4 months can give you longer lasting results than just getting injections every-so-often as well. 

How can I make my lip filler last longer?

There are a few recommendations to ensure lip filler lasts as long as it possibly can (without migration, too):

1. Do not bite down on your lips: this can potentially cause the lip filler to migrate

2. Do not use straws or purse your lips together: this is a great habit to practice in general, because constant “sucking of straw movement” or pursing lips together, leads to lip lines and wrinkles as well as potential migration

3. Avoid dental work 2-4 weeks before and after treatment: this is best to reduce potential risk of infections, filler migration, or any complications that may arise 

4. Avoid vaccines 2-4 weeks before and after treatment: again, this is best practice to ensure your immune system is not over-whelmed and cause complications for your filler

Added tip, go to an experienced artistic injector that will tell you “NO” if you’re not ready for more filler. 

Do different types of lip filler last longer?

There are some HA filler brands that claim longer results, such as Juvederm. However, in order to make a filler last longer they have to heavily cross link the hyaluronic acid (HA) with chemicals

The more chemicals that are added, the higher the risk for your immune system to recognize the HA as foreign and attack it. This can happen years later when the immune system is triggered by a seasonal illness, vaccine, or if someone develops auto-immune disease. 

At Elite, we ensure we are using products that are best suited for each individuals’ needs, instead of using one type of product or brand on everyone. We pride ourselves in taking the time to assess and analyze what treatments and products/brands will give our clients naturally beautiful results, SAFELY, because everyone is different!

Read more below about the best lip filler and different options that may be considered before lip injection treatments

Does your second round of lip fillers last longer?

This is dependent on when you decide to get the 2nd treatment done. If you are trying to build volume without migration, getting lips re-filled every 3-6 months can make the HA last a little longer, because there is more of it. However, the longevity of the lip filler’s HA is dependent on how fast your body metabolizes it, overall. Talking with a provider about what treatment plan is best for you, and what to expect, is recommended.

Below are some before and after images of lip filler treatments done at EMA!

How often should lip fillers be re-done?

At Elite, we recommend getting your lip filler re-done about every 12 months to maintain your results and build on to your desired lip shape and fullness. However, we also say, “if it looks good, leave it alone!“. There’s no exact time frame to get lip filler done for each person. 

Make sure you have an honest, and artistic injector, that will prioritize the harmony of your face over just doing filler whenever you come in to ask.

How can I make my IPL results last longer?

Below are some simple recommendations for long lasting results after an IPL treatment.

1. Avoid the sun, especially right after your treatment: your skin will be more photo-sensitive and you do not want to create more sun damage

2. Wear SPF 30 every day and re-apply liberally: protecting your skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays is the best thing to do to keep your skin healthy and even-toned (especially after treatments 😉 ). We like to recommend quality mineral SPF 30+ for daily use 

3. Complete 3 treatments in a row for optimal results, then get 2-3 IPL’s a year for maintenance 

Learn more about IPL treatments, and all of the skin benefits below!

How do you maintain IPL results?

Maintaining IPL results includes a customized skincare routine, protecting your skin from the sun, and your overall health/wellbeing. At Elite, we recommend using medical grade skincare that includes retinols and occasional AHA/BHA exfoliants. It is also important to focus on a healthy, balanced diet and hydration (inner beauty is just as important as outer beauty). Lastly, being diligent with SPF 30+ is crucial, not only for maintaining results, but for keeping your skin protected from harmful UVA/UVB rays.

How long do the benefits of IPL last?

The benefits of IPL last forever, essentially. But as we continue to age and spend time outdoors/in the sun, we accumulate more age spots, freckles, and pigmentation that will need future treatments to address. 

Check out some of our before and after images of real clients from IPL treatments below.

Do you have to continue doing IPL treatments forever?

Like mentioned above, to maintain optimal skin health and results, continuing IPL treatments is essential! Even though the benefits from each treatment are lasting, it is important to keep maintaining with IPL treatments, because we will continue aging and getting sun damage that leads to pigmentation/sun spots. 

Consistent IPL/BBL treatments can also increase collagen production in the skin and reverse DNA damage from the sun. This leads to more youthful appearing, healthy skin. 

Does your overall health effect how long your botox, filler, and facial treatments last?

Yes! While this often goes over-looked, it is important to focus on overall health to ensure your aesthetic treatments are long-lasting.

Some tips to consider:

  • Stress management 
  • Well-balanced diet: nourishing your skin from the inside out 
  • Hydration
  • Mental health 

Your overall health is also crucial for receiving and healing from treatments (if applicable). Potential swelling, bruising, and skin sensitivities are common when getting procedures done. Someone who is generally healthier, tends to heal faster and avoids the major risks/downtime associated with aesthetic treatments. 

Additionally, we love to incorporate wellness treatments such as IV Therapy to help support inner beauty health. Check out more on IV Therapy below.

If you are located in the Lone Tree, CO area, talk with one of our providers about aesthetic treatments best fit for you!

Ready to book?

Schedule a consult below

All About Under Eyes


Under eye concerns are a common topic of conversations here at EMA. Whether the concern is dark circles, puffiness, hollowing, or a blue-ish discoloration, this blog will guide you towards an aesthetic treatment(s) that are appropriate for each concern. 

For a quick 3 min explanation of the most common concerns, watch this video below:

Table of Contents

Under Eye Hollowing:

What is under eye hollowing?

Under eye hollowing, often referred to as tear troughs, is simply the loss of volume/fat underneath the eye socket that may cause someone to look really tired, older than they are, or even sickly.

What causes under eye hollowing?

There can be several factors the lead to or cause under eye hollowing, but some of the main causes include the following:

  • Genetics 
  • Natural aging process
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of sleep/exhaustion 
  • Lack of proper nutrients

What treatments can I have done for under eye hollowing?

The best aesthetic treatment for under eye hollowing consists of dermal filler and cheek filler to give the under eye area support if there is a volume deficit. The type of dermal filler will be chosen by the provider/injector after a consultation and anatomy assessment, but some of the more popular filler products for this concern include: Belotero, Restylane, or  RHA.

This area is very tricky when it comes to injecting, and oftentimes the area is not treated properly, or is over-filled, leaving the under eyes looking puffy. Ensure you see a licensed, experienced injector before going through with this treatment if you are a good candidate. 

Below is a before and after image of under eye filler for a candidate that had hollowing, courtesy of Ali Wagstaff, NP.

To learn more about under eye filler, specifically, click the button below.

How long does under eye filler last?

On average, under eye filler lasts about 12 months. This time frame can also be dependent on the type of filler used and the individual’s lifestyle, age, and severity of hollowing. We recommend talking with your provider to understand realistic expectations with your treatment.

Under Eye Bags:

What are under eye bags?

Under eye bags are usually associated with raised pockets underneath the eye area that are puffy and may be slightly swollen or tender to the touch.

What causes under eye bags?

The cause of under eye bags differ for each individual, but some common causes of under eye bags are listed below:

  • Natural aging process 
  • Weakening of muscle/tissue under the eye
  • Genetics
  • Fluid retention
  • Lifestyle and diet 

What are the best treatments for under eye bags?

The best aesthetic treatments for under eye bag concerns include: RF Microneedling, referral for Agnes RF, and surgical referral to a plastic surgeon. At Elite, we have successfully treated under eye bags using our RF Microneedling device. It works by reducing the fat pad and also creating collagen in the treated area which in turns thickens and strengthens the skin to lessen the appearance of the raised under eye bags. This treatment can take time and multiple sessions to see improvement.

  • Below is a before and after image of a client wanting to improve under eye bags. Treatment results courtesy of Ali Wagstaff, NP

To learn more about RF microneedling, specifically, click the button below.

Can I permanently get rid of under eye bags?

The best way to permanently get rid of under eye bags is surgical referral to a plastic surgeon. In most cases, they will suggest removing the excess skin and fat pad via a procedure called a blepharoplasty. We recommend seeing a licensed, well experienced plastic surgeon for this concern if you are not a good candidate for minimally invasive aesthetic treatments.

Under Eye Darkening:

What are dark under eye circles?

Dark under eye circles are usually associated with darkening color underneath the eye area that can look tan or gray-ish. Learn more about the causes of this below:

What causes dark under eye circles?

Dark circles usually appear from the following causes:

  • Genetics/a family history of dark under eye circles
  • Lifestyle- dehydration, lack of nutrients, allergies
  • Exhaustion or excessive stress

What are the best treatments for dark under eye circles?

The best aesthetic treatments for dark under eye circles include topical products like hyrdoquinone, laser treatments such as IPL or ResurFX, and sometimes a lightening chemical peel. 

  • Lightening topical products work well to even the skin tone and reduce the visibility of the darkness under the eyes, however this treatment can take time and consistency to see improvement.
  • Laser treatments like IPL and ResurFX work to lighten the area too, via light technology and resurfacing attributes. A series of laser treatments are usually needed to see improvement, but we recommend to consult with a provider to see which laser would be best for your concerns. 
  • Lastly, some chemical peels may be beneficial, as certain lightening acids can even out the skin tone (must proceed with caution around the eye area).

To learn more about IPL/lasers, specifically, click the button below.

Blue Discoloration:

What is blue discoloration under the eyes?

Blue discoloration is a type of dark under eye circle that can be classified as “A blue or purple hue to the under eye skin”.

What causes blue discoloration under the eyes?

Having a blue discoloration under the eye are can be a result of the following causes:

  • Fair skin that shows the blood vessels underneath 
  • Thin skin tissue in the area 
  • Poorly placed filler
  • Genetics
  • Exhaustion

What are the best treatments for blue discoloration under the eyes?

The best aesthetic treatments for this under eye concern is to dissolve old dermal filler if it is present. Then try treatments that thicken the under eye skin such as: PRP/PRF injectionsRF Microneedling and regular microneedling. Other than the above there is not a lot to be done about this since the blue color is coming from the (presumed healthy) blood vessels around the eyes. 

Can under eye circles be removed naturally?

The short answer on whether dark circles can be removed naturally depends on the underlying cause. If they are from lack of sleep or poor nutrition then some improvement may be seen with better sleep and nutrition.

If there is genetic hyperpigmentation (darkening) then usually medical grade products and procedures are needed for lasting effects. However, a small modest change may be seen with at home topicals like retinoids and vitamin C and of course using a concealer. 

Remember that whatever you buy over the counter is usually 1/2 the strength and only 70% pure whereas medical grade can be prescription strength and must be 99% pure

Overall, it is best to consult with a trusted provider to discuss your under eye concerns, and the best treatments that can help you achieve results. If you are located in the Lone Tree, CO area be sure to schedule a consultation below.

Summer Skin Guide

Table of Contents


There is no doubt that summer months are often busier and sunnier, but your skincare routine doesn’t need to drastically change. Often times the media scares people into never doing any skin treatments during the summer months, because you are exposed to the sun more. While you may be outdoors more often, do not let your skin care routine fall off path, or else all of your “hard work” may have to start at ground zero again, or close to it 😉.

This blog will cover the recommended treatments for summertime, from our licensed professionals, to maintain a youthful, healthy complexion.

Best sunscreen for summer

First things first, SPF!!! If there is one simple product that you could use every day, and age gracefully, is sunscreen. At Elite Medical & Aesthetics we emphasize and educate every patient about the importance of wearing mineral based sunscreen 30+ every sing day, and to reapply! We are not saying you cannot ever go out in the sun, just protect when you do!

Sunscreen protection is for everyone, wether you are receiving aesthetic treatments or not, because the UVA/UVB harmful rays can cause pre-mature aging and skin cancer. However, this is especially important if you are receiving any type of laser, chemical peel, or using clinical grade skincare products. 

Some helpful tips:

  1. Choose a sunscreen that you will actually wear every day. This may be different for everyone depending on their skin type, but there are many options.
  2. Reapplying can be a hassle, so finding a loose powder like, Matte Green Tea SPF Powder, makes this step easy and gives a sheer coverage.
  3. Pair your sunscreen with a cute hat when out in the sun for extended periods of time.

Below are two of our favorite sunscreen options that provide adequate protection without harmful chemicals or a “greasy” feeling.

Elite Matte SPF50 Green Tea Powder
Elite Tinted SPF

Summer spray tans

Opting for a quality spray tan over laying out in the sun and tanning is always the better option. It is understandable that feeling tan and getting color gives a boost of confidence, especially in the summer months. Luckily, there are many great options for spray tans that provide a natural glow, without the risks of UVA/UVB damage to the skin. Just remember, tan skin may look sexy when you are younger, but not so much as you age! Tan skin does not equal healthy skin, and once the sun damage has been done, it takes commitment, money, and time to reverse even a fraction of it.

Botox and filler in the summer

Continuing your provider’s recommended injectable routine is safe and just as effective in the summer. There are no contraindications, or risks, in the summer versus any other time of the year to get Botox, Xeomin, or any filler. If you wait to get your Tox or filler treatment too far after your last treatment, just because it is summer time, you may end up having to pay more money to get the results you want because the neurotoxin and filler substance is completely metabolized. 

Learn more about the differences between Botox and filler, and what they’re best for, by watching the video below.

Summer laser hair removal

Not having to constantly shave or letting your hair grow out to wax in the summertime is always a plus. Permanently reduce any unwanted hair with EMA’s Laser hair removal! We have newly advanced technology that makes this treatment safe for all skin types, all year around. Gain a boost of confidence, time, and money (in the long run) with laser hair removal. Treatments are quick, comfortable, and usually 4-6 weeks apart for 3-6 sessions depending on your goals and history. 

To talk with a provider about this treatment, please book a consultation below.

Microneedling and laser in the summer

Microneedling treatments such as, normal microneedling and RF microneedling can be done on any skin-type year round. Some lasers such as ResurFX can also be done year round. Since these specific treatments don’t target pigment you can even be tan (though we don’t recommend ever being tan unless it’s a spray 🙂 ). 


Each of these works to increase collagen, fade scarring, and reverse fine lines and wrinkles, year round. We still recommend being cautious in the sun after to maintain your results. Follow your provider’s after care instructions and continue your treatment plan as decided.

IPL in the summer

IPL, or intense pulsed light, should be done every 4 months to keep pigmentation and wrinkles at bay. In this study about the effectiveness of IPL/BBL treatments every 4 months for anti-aging, it is to be concluded that candidates looked 10 years younger than their actual age with no other treatments done.

IPL can be continued in the summer months for those who are diligent about not tanning and wearing SPF 30 or above with a wide brim hat. In most cases, people would rather be diligent with sun protection and staying out of the sun, rather than getting more sun damage and compromising the results from their treatment plans. 

***Note: Do not neglect your neck and chest! Bringing your skincare and SPF down to your chest is important! Also, ask your provider to add your neck and chest at your next treatment appointment. Just remember, your face is everything from the boobs, up 😉 

Monthly routine facials in the summer

In the summer, you may need facials more than any other time of the year, because of the extra sweat and oils we naturally accumulate from warmer temperatures. Facials like dermaplane, microdermabrasion, OxyGeneo, and enzyme signature facials are crucial in your skincare routines to properly exfoliate, hydrate, and keep your pores unclogged. 

Summertime IV therapy

Summertime can be accompanied by dehydrating activities and hot, dry weather which can wreak havoc on your vitamin and mineral balance. IV therapy is a great option for optimal hydration, especially when it is added to any facial treatment. At Elite, we offer an array of “cocktails” that can be customized to your inner and outer beauty needs. For more information on our IV Therapy, click the pink button below.

What is a good skincare routine for the summer?

Like all skincare routines, summer routines should be kept simple yet effective. Using a foaming/exfoliating cleanser in the summer months are beneficial since we tend to get more sweaty from the heat. Including a balancing toner can be helpful after cleansing, too. Incorporating a lighter moisturizer can be smart for the skin, as heavier creams can sometimes be too much. Ensuring you are continuing to use a clinical grade vitamin c serum in the morning and a retinol in the evening is best. There is no need to stop using “active ingredients” such as acids, retinols, or vitamin c’s in the summer if you are committed to using a quality mineral based SPF (which should be worn every day of the year). Again, reapply your SPF and wear a wide brim hat when out in the sun for extended periods of time. 

To shop clinical grade, private label skincare visit HERE.

Discover more about your skin by taking our skin quiz above!

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When to Consider Botox vs Dermal Filler


It is not uncommon for people to get confused when they go in for an injectable appointment thinking they need Botox, when really they might need dermal filler, or vice versa. Sometimes misinformation can be given from social media, the internet, or even other injectors. 

This blog will help you understand the differences between what Botox is intended for, and what filler is intended for. 

Watch our YouTube video below for a visual representation of information that this blog will cover, too.

Table of Contents

How does Botox work?

Botox, or Botulinum Toxin, is a prescription medication used to treat fine lines and wrinkles. Botox, or other brands of neurotoxin like Xeomin and Dysport, work to stop muscles from creating a repetitive movement that lead to unwanted lines and wrinkles. Botox injections are also preventative, to keep lines from worsening. 

For more information about Botox injections read our blog “Botox for Dummies” below.

How does filler work?

Most dermal fillers are made of a gel-like substance called Hyaluronic Acid (HA) that are used to restore lost volume, fill lines and wrinkles, sculpt areas of the face, and plump. When filler is injected properly into the desired areas, it instantly plumps or fills the areas of volume depletion, giving you a refreshed, natural, and youthful appearance. 

If you are curious about filler injections, and want to learn more, be sure to click on the pink button!

What areas can I get Botox injections?

The most common areas for Botox injections, or Botulinum ToxinA, are the glabella (11’s), forehead, and crows feet. There are several other areas that are considered “off label” that can be treated with neurotoxin, too, such as:

  • Bunny lines: lines on either side of the nose when you scrunch
  • DAO’s: depressor anguli oris muscle (around the mouth)
  • Platysmal bands: neck bands
  • Masseter muscle: jaw muscle  
  • Lip Flips

What areas can I get filler injections?

The most common areas for filler injections are probably the lips and the cheeks but other areas include:

  • Under eyes
  • Jawline
  • Temples
  • Chin
  • Nasolabrial folds
  • Marionette lines
Certain types, like Radiesse, can also be used to help create collagen in the face, neck and body. 

Remember, filler is considered much more dangerous than Botulinum Toxin injections because the gel like substance is more like an implant (usually lasting around a year) and can also occlude vessels. Some areas are higher risk than others and you want to go to an injector that knows the risks and how to treat them. 

Does Botox or filler help forehead lines & wrinkles?

Botox helps with forehead lines and wrinkles, and is our recommendation here over filler due to to less risk (see below). When you inject neurotoxin into the forehead muscles, it stops the repetitive muscle movement that causes lines and gives a refreshed appearance. 

Forehead lines treated with neurotoxin

Can you inject filler in forehead lines?

We do not recommend injecting filler into deep forehead lines, because there is a risk for vascular occlusion (filler that gets into an artery) that can lead to blindness. 

Vascular occlusion can happen anytime filler is injected but in high risk areas such as the forehead, glabella, and nose blindness or even a stroke could occur. As far as we know there are no cases where the blindness was able to be reversed when it was caused by filler. 

Some clinicians will do these injections, and if you decide to have it done, make sure you ask about their experience doing it and what they would do in case of emergency. 

There are several other treatments that can help with forehead lines and wrinkles such as Botox, microneedling, laser treatments or a surgical referral. 

Does Botox or filler help with Glabella (11's) lines?

Botox is recommended for Glabella lines over filler. This is because  when you continually scowl or frown, the glabella muscles are activated to move, and over time those constant movements cause lines. Botulinum toxin injections, once injected into the muscle, stop the constant scowl or frowning and thus softens the lines and wrinkles.

11’s treated with neurotoxin

Can you inject filler in the Glabella (11's) lines?

Technically, you can inject filler in the 11’s, but we do not recommend it. Like mentioned above, injecting filler in this area has a high risk for vision complications. Safety is a priority when it comes to injectables. If you have deep 11’s lines that are there at rest, and Botulinum Toxin injections have not worked for you, book a consult to see what else can be done.

Can I get Botox injections for my smile lines?

No, you should not get Botox injections in your smile lines because it could cause your face to look distorted or drop your top lip. 

Specifically in the nasolabrial fold area, there is a muscle called the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi (LLSAN) that is injected intentionally for people with a “gummy smile” to drop the top lip. If you don’t have a gummy smile, you don’t want to inject this area or it can lengthen your philtrum column (more below). 

Getting Botox injections in your smile lines can cause a ducky lip.

As above, if you inject Botox into the smile lines, it’s possible to cause the philtrum column (the distance between the bottom of nose and mouth) to lengthen. A longer philtrum column can create a ducky upper lip appearance with or without lip filler. 

Ensure you are going to an experiened licensed injector so these types of side effects/risks are avoided. However, Botox is not permanent, so side effects will wear off in 3-4 months.

Can I get filler injections for my smile lines?

Yes, filler injections are an appropriate treatment for smile lines. Smile lines can become static and more defined as we age, and people tend to dislike these lines. Filler is the best option because we want to fill the lines and wrinkles with volume to restore a natural look in the area. 

Full face filler, including smile lines

Can I get Botox injections in my cheeks?

No, getting regular Botox injections in the cheek region can cause unwanted side effects. These side effects cause face distortion to your smile and talking movements. Sometimes microtox or “baby botox” can be used to smooth the skin but it can still cause unwanted side effects.

What happens if Botox is injected into cheeks?

If Botox was injected into the cheek muscles, there is a risk that your smile will look as if you had a stroke or Bell’s Palsy. This is because the muscles in the cheek connect to the corner of the mouth to lift it when you smile. If these muscles are disabled, you will not be able to lift the corner of your mouth.  

These risks should be discussed in a consultation with your provider, along with other treatment options intended for cheek wrinkles. Book Consultation Now!

To learn more about specific areas to avoid injecting Botox in, watch our YouTube Video here. Our NP injector, Ali, demonstrates a visual representation of what could happen if Botox is injected into unintended muscles.

Can I get filler injections in my cheeks?

Yes, it is very common to get filler injected into the cheek region. Filler can enhance the appearance of lost volume in the cheeks, contour the cheeks for definition, and add structure to the cheek for other areas of concern to be treated such as under eyes.

What does Botox treat that filler doesn't?

What if I don't know if I need Botox or filler?

Do not worry! Being unsure of what treatment may be best for you is not uncommon. In most cases, we recommend scheduling a consultation to talk with a trusted provider about your concerns and gather information about what treatments you are a candidate for. 

What can I expect in an aesthetic consultation?

The goal of a consultation is to provide you with as much information as possible for you to make an informed decision on which treatment you want to do. Areas of conversation may include:

  • Addressing concerns
  • Goals of the patient
  • Anatomy assessment
  • Risk factors with treatments
  • Are you a candidate for the desired treatment?
  • Pricing and packages
  • Any other questions you may have

For more information about what you can expect in an aesthetic consultation, read this article


If you are in the Lone Tree, CO area, be sure to stop by our office or schedule a consultation by clicking on the pink “book now” button below. Our trusted providers will ensure they are there for you every step of the way. If you are not located in the area, make sure to schedule a consultation with a licensed injector whom you trust.