6 Tips on How to Choose an Injector


It can be really intimidating trying to find an injector. This is your face we’re talking about here! Not only is safety a top priority, but so are results (before and after images), attitude and the entire vibe of the medical office! So we’re here to help with what to look for by going over what we would look for as injectors choosing an injector. 

Keep reading to learn more!

Table of Contents

How do I choose a Botox or filler injector?

Here is a quick guide on choosing a botox (or Xeomin, Dysport) and filler injector/provider:

  1. Simple Research: look into the company’s/injector’s website, social media, before and after galleries, reviews, credentials, “about” page etc. This can give you a really good “feel” for the injector and their aesthetic style. Follow our 6-tips below during your research then: 
  2. Book a consultation: before getting any treatments, book a consultation to get a feel for the office and the injector. This is a great time to discuss your goals, what’s important to you, budget, and ask lots of questions! 
  3. Get a second opinion: this step can be extremely helpful because it gives you perspective and can often solidify your decision before going through with treatments and selecting an injector. This can be beneficial if you are newer to the aesthetic world, too.
  4. Reflect: take the time to absorb all of the knowledge and even further some of your research if new ideas or questions arise.  Any “good” injector will not be pushy during this time, but instead will follow up to ensure you don’t have any lingering questions.

Below is a video of Ali, NP explaining traits and qualities that she would look for in an injector AS an injector. 

Learn more about Ali, NP HERE

What should I look for in an injector?

There are many elements to look into when choosing an injector, and this is where our top 6 tips for finding an injector come into play. Keep reading below 👇 

Tip #1 : Has medical background

Medical background, trainings, and experience are very important to ensure your safety isn’t on the line! Aesthetic treatments are medical treatments and not spa treatments. Every injector should have a medical background and education to understand anatomy & physiology, risk factors, health complications and SO MUCH MORE. You can usually find this information posted on the website, and if not be sure to ask during an initial consultation. 

Tip #2 : Does aesthetics full-time

The aesthetic industry is constantly changing and evolving, so it is important to go to a provider that makes aesthetics their priority and is up-to-date with the latest information and techniques. Also, injectors who inject full-time generally have better skillsets, because they see a variety of different clients on a daily basis! 

Tip #3 : Has an artistic eye/abilities

 At Elite, we take pride in our providers’ artistic backgrounds and abilities, because it enhances their skillsets. To look at someone and harmonize their individual features is a work of art, rather than just injecting everyone with the same techniques.

Tip #4 : Collaborative

Collaboration here is actually two-fold: 

A good provider will collaborate with their patient first in order to understand their goals and come up with a plan together. The best injectors also collaborate with their team and other injectors in order to stay up to date or get a second opinion if needed. Collaboration over competition is better for everyone!

Tip #5 : Looks "normal"

If you want to look “normal” it is crucial to go to an injector that “looks normal” and not overdone…or at least they look like the aesthetic goal you are seeking. Oftentimes you can tell an injector’s style or aesthetic preference by simply looking at their features. 

Tip #6 : Isn't afraid to say "no"

An injector that has people’s best interest at heart, and is not afraid to say no, is definitely a trait to look for. At Elite we always stay true to the motto, “people over profits”, because we put safety and natural results as our priority (and sometimes that requires saying no 😉 ). 

What is a medical injector?

A medical injector is someone with a medical background such as a RN, NP, PA, or Physician who safely performs aesthetic treatments and injectables such as: Tox, dermal fillers, Lasers, IPL, IV Therapy, and other injectable services. 

Should you get botox from a doctor or a nurse?

Getting Botox, or any type of neurotoxin like Xeomin & Dysport, from a nurse, PA , nurse practitioner or doctor is a personal decision. We recommend that regardless of title, the injector follows the six tips above and overall makes you feel comfortable. Both nurses and doctors have medical experience, but neither of those titles mean they are good Tox injectors 😉. 

Also remember that you want the one that has the most experience doing injections to do your treatment. Some doctors may have gone to school for a long time, but if their RN does all of the injections he/she is likely the better choice. 

Who is the best person to inject botox and fillers?

The best person to inject botox and fillers are nurses, nurse practitioners, physician associates and physicians. Simply because they have the medical background and experiences needed to safely administer and provide these types of treatments. However, it is important to also take into consideration the following:

  • Before and after images of their work
  • Referrals and reviews
  • Personality and bedside manner
  • Their looks and aesthetic preferences

Lastly, book a consultation with the provider you may be interested in seeing to ensure it is a good fit 😊 

What questions should I ask my injector?

Some important questions to ask your injector/provider before doing any treatments may include the following:

  • What type of medical background, trainings and certifications do you have?
  • How long have you been an injector/experience with injectables?
  • What treatment do you perform most frequently?
  • How often do I need to receive injections/treatments to reach my end goal?
  • What are the risks with these treatments?
  • Is there downtime involved with these treatments?
  • If something goes wrong who do I contact?

There are many different questions to ask, and we recommend asking questions that are most important to you, but these are a start. 

Should I tip my injector?

No, it is not legal for medical professionals/offices to accept tips on medical procedures, which is what most aesthetic treatments and injectables are. At Elite, our providers feel that enough of a “tip” is having wonderful, loyal clients! Or if you want to go above and beyond, you can always leave your injector a review online :).

If you are located in the Lone Tree, CO area and are seeking an experienced injector, click the button below to schedule a consultation. 

Elite Medical & Aesthetics is a premier med spa with an all nursing staff of NP’s with safety as our #1 priority.

What to expect after an IPL


Oftentimes, when people hear about facial  treatments, they worry about the aftermath of what their skin may look like and fear the “healing” or “downtime”. At Elite, we love IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), or a photofacial, for many reasons: there is minimal downtime with no open skin, the treatment is effective, and you can apply your make-up right after, and carry on business as usual. 

This is a client favorite for many reasons, so keep reading for information about what to expect after an IPL. 👇 

Table of Contents

What does your skin look like immediately after an IPL?

Right after your IPL photofacial treatment, your skin may look blotchy, red, a little swollen, and you will start to notice sun spots or pigmentation darkening. It is also common for the skin to feel tight or like you have a mild sunburn. However, you can apply makeup/tinted SPF after this treatment, because there is no open skin! 

Below is an image of Ali, NP immediately after her IPL treatment.

Do's and Dont's after an IPL

It is best to always follow your provider’s post care instructions, but in general below are some do’s and dont’s after an IPL:


  • Wear SPF 30+ daily and reapply 
  • Hydrate and moisturize the skin often
  • Wash your face 2x daily with a gentle cleanser 
  • Be gentle with your skin, overall


  • Apply hot water to the skin
  • Skip out on SPF
  • Use harsh ingredients on the skin like retinols and exfoliants
  • Pick or scratch at your skin
  • Have sun exposure on your face

Does an IPL cause the skin to be open or wounded?

No! An IPL treatment does not open the skin or cause any wounds. In fact, you can apply SPF and makeup to the skin immediately after the treatment. IPL works to diminish age/sun spots, freckles, pigmentation, red spots, and capillaries through targeted light therapy. The light energy is converted to heat energy into targeted cells, which causes destruction of the damaged cells and regeneration of new cells. 

To learn more about IPL and how this treatment works, click on the button below.

Does your skin hurt after an IPL?

Like mentioned earlier, your skin may feel tight and have a sunburn feeling for up to a few hours after the treatment. In terms of “hurting”, usually the answer is no. However, everyone has different pain tolerances. In general, your skin may feel more sensitive and tight, but it should not feel painful.

Can you wear makeup after an IPL?

Yes, you can apply any type of makeup or tinted SPF right after the treatment. In fact, your provider should be putting on a mineral SPF 30+ before you leave the appointment to protect your skin from the sun. As far as applying makeup after treatment, that is a personal choice! Makeup can be applied all throughout the healing stages, too, for coverage if desired.

How does the skin texture feel after an IPL?

Your skin texture will feel tight and dry after an IPL. Also, around day 2-7 you may notice a slight bumpy or rough texture as the skin is sloughing off the darkened pigmentation. Most people experience dry skin and darkening pigmentation, also known as “coffee grounds”. Once a full 7-10 days of healing is completed, your skin texture should feel smooth and healthy. Read more about IPL by clicking the button below.

What should I avoid after an IPL?

Since an IPL does not open the skin, there are very few things that are needed to avoid after treatment. It is important to follow your provider’s post-care instructions, but in general it is best to avoid the following:

  • Sun exposure
  • Active skincare ingredients such as retinol, AHA/BHA, and exfoliants
  • Intense exercise/sweating for 24 hours post treatment
  • Scratching or picking at the “coffee ground” areas which will halt the healing process

Other than that, it is business as usual after an IPL treatment, which makes this treatment a “go-to” for many people! 😊 

What products should I use after an IPL?

For best results, we recommend using a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and a mineral SPF 30+ until the skin has fully healed, then you can return to your normal skincare regime. Also, wash the skin with cool water and avoid all active ingredients such as retinol, AHA/BHA, and gritty exfoliants until the skin has fully healed around 7-10 days. At Elite, we send our clients home with an after-care cream or nectar that helps to speed up the healing process and soothe any irritated/dry skin.

How long does it take for brown spots to fade after an IPL?

The darkened pigmentation or spots that often look like “coffee grounds” take about 7-10 days to fade or sough off. Every individual is different, though, so some may take longer to fade than others. It is best to talk with your provider to get a realistic time frame based on your treatment and to follow their post-treatment guidelines.

How long after an IPL do you see results?

Results from an IPL are gradual. You typically won’t see improvement right away, the soonest you will start seeing positive change in the skin is 7-10 days post treatment (after the skin has fully healed and the darkening spots have sloughed off). Final results are usually revealed around 4 weeks after treatment, though.

How many days does it take for your skin to fully heal after an IPL?

Generally, it takes the skin 7-10 days to fully heal from an IPL. This varies for each individual and their aesthetic concerns (why they are receiving the IPL in the first place). Blow is a general day-by-day time line of an IPL for pigmentation, that may help as a guideline or reference: 

  1. Day 1- skin may be red, blotchy, has a sunburn feeling and darkening of spots/pigmentation starts
  2. Day 2-3- skin may be feeling tight and dry, and the dark spots are looking like “coffee grounds”
  3. Day 4-6- skin is especially dry due to the dark spots starting to slough off and starting to gradually fade
  4. Day 7-10- continual sloughing and fading of dark spots, but skin is returning back to normal and is looking more even-toned, radiant, and healthy. YES!

Below are 2 images of Ali after her IPL treatment. 1st picture is showing day 4 of her healing and picture 2 is showing day 7 of her healing (with tinted SPF on). You can see how the skin quickly changes and heals from this treatment, yet still provides outstanding results!

How long do IPL results last?

IPL results are essentially permanent! That is, if we were to never go outside nor age. So, you will continue to get sun/age spots and pigmentation as you naturally age and live life (no matter how much SPF you apply). It is best to get a series of 3-6 IPL’s and then complete maintenance treatments in between. If you are struggling with pigmentation or sun spots, learn more about this condition below by clicking on the button.

How often should I get an IPL?

This is dependent on your aesthetic concerns (baseline) and your goals. Usually it is best to get a series of 3-6 4 weeks apart and then get maintenance IPL treatments to maintain your skin’s results. However, talk to a provider to see what your individualized treatment plan would be!

FYI: Did you know IPL can also tighten the skin?

IPL treatments are also known for their skin-tightening effects to the skin. How? The light that is not absorbed by the pigment scatters throughout the skin, and actually heats up the water in the tissue that creates a collagen-stimulating effect. This collagen-stimulating effect can help with diminishing fine lines and wrinkles over time, and tighten the tissue overall. IPL can be done on any part of the body (i.e. neck, chest, arms, legs), too! 

Read more about how IPL can tighten the skin by clicking the button below.

What are other skin benefits of an IPL?

There are several skin benefits from an IPL treatment. Listed below are many more benefits of an IPL, other than just for skin discoloration or pigmentation like discussed in the blog:

Click the link below to learn more about what to expect from an IPL treatment

If you are located in the Lone, Tree CO area and are interested to see if IPL would be a good treatment for you, schedule a consult below and talk with one of our providers today!

IPL in Lone Tree, CO

How to get into Aesthetic Nursing

By: Ali Wagstaff, NP

One of the most frequent questions I get asked by friends, colleagues and random people on the internet is how to become an aesthetic injector.

This path is different depending on your medical title: RN, PA, NP or Physician and I have other articles that answer general med spa questions, like who can inject and even how to open a medical spa.

This article will focus specifically on nursing, for Registered Nurses (RNs) and Nurse Practitioners (NPs) that want to get into aesthetics.

Becoming a RN Injector

First off, know your state guidelines because in certain states, such as Florida, RNs cannot inject at all. Only providers (NP, PA and Physicians can).

In other states, such as here in Colorado, RNs can inject with a Physician Medical Director overseeing them or in some cases a Nurse Practitioner Medical Director. 

In general it’s very competitive to get a job in this field. I get at least one email or DM every few days from nurses looking for a job or asking how to get into aesthetics. 

I usually ask what experience they have and 9/10 times they have none and have done nothing to try to get any. Maybe they have applied for a few jobs but that is it. 

I usually tell them to take some classes so they have something to put on their resume. Show that they’re interested and willing to put in the work. Also consider offering to intern at a place if you really want to work there! Showing that initiative will go a long ways. 

It’s a huge investment training a nurse in this specialty and half the people want training so they can go start their own thing. If I am going to invest in someone they need to show they are willing to invest in themselves first and want to be part of a great team long-term. 

Becoming a NP injector

If you’re a NP looking for a job as an injector then I would follow all of the same advice above. Take some initiative and get some training. Not only do you want to do trainings to make sure you like this specialty but also to have something on your resume when you apply.

If you are a NP and want to open your own practice, still get the experience. The laws are vague for NPs in independent practice and you have to be able to prove you had adequate education and training in whatever specialty you are going into.

You also have to have prescriptive authority in your focus area in order to be independent. So in CO you must have 3 years of work experience as a RN or NP and then complete the 1000 (may be 750 hrs now) of supervised prescribing before you can apply for prescriptive authority. 

So for perspective I am a dual certified NP with prescriptive authority for AG-ACNP and FNP and I’m a fellow in aesthetic medicine. My fellowship was an additional 160 hours of aesthetic specific training on top of the hundreds of hours of experience and training I already had.

People often ask me if they can practice independently if they are a CRNA, acute care only NP, or other specialty. I don’t know as I am not a lawyer and I’m not on the state board of nursing. Unfortunately if you call the CO state board 1/2 will tell you you can’t practice and the other half say you can with adequate training and experience and must call yourself a “Nurse Medical Director”. Apparently the Nurse Practice Act was written to be vague in order to not limit our scope of practice but some people use it to try to limit our scope. 

But if you’re a FNP or AGNP and in any position to advocate for NP independent practice in aesthetics for your state, here are just a few arguments for it:

  •  NPs are holistic practitioners and aesthetics is part of caring for a whole person and falls under the primary care focus. It’s just another system like cardiac, pulmonary, or mental health. Anti-aging medicine is hugely important for holistic care and quality of life for many patients. 
  • There is no aesthetics training for Physicians in residency. So NPs sit in the same classes as Physicians to learn aesthetic injectables and laser. My fellowship was about 75% Physicians in fact. So why should they supervise us if we do the same training?
  • In relation to the above, I recently reached out to a medical director agency after hearing NPs were being told in CO that they had to have a medical director. The agency told me it would be a minimum of $750/month and honestly it would be an ER physician that knew less than I did about aesthetics. How would that be beneficial or safer for clients?
  • If NPs have independent practice in the state but the state does not allow independent practice only in aesthetics then there could be legal ramifications against the state. They cannot support/endorse Physician owned practices in this one specialty of medicine only (per lawyers, not my language)
  • Lastly, many of us have prescribed and supervised much more dangerous drugs. For instance I worked in ICU and often prescribed opioids, sedatives, vasoactive drugs, and other dangerous meds. Botox and fillers are not even controlled substances and the prescription and administration of them fall under our prescriptive authority. If they didn’t, then pharmaceutical companies would not allow us to order them. 
With all of that being said, don’t try to go out on your own in any specialty without getting adequate education and training. And if you have a great physician mentor or colleague there’s nothing wrong with teaming up! This is simply to say that it doesn’t make any sense (in my opinion) to be required to have a physician medical director just to have a physician on staff. Especially when most physicians have less training than the aesthetic NP they would be supervising. 

Getting off my soap box… but long story short, you need to research your specific situation and scope, get lots of education and training and consider legal consults before practicing independently in aesthetics.

A Simple Guide to Skincare (by age)


Table of Contents

Ultimate Skincare Products

With how many products are available over the counter AND at your provider’s office, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which skincare products to buy. This is a quick guide on what products and ingredients are most important and we’ve broken it down by age. Now keep in mind that skincare, even by age, is not one size fits all. So it’s still good to have a trusted skincare expert you can go to to get recommendations based on your unique skin. If you’re near Denver, CO click below to book a consult with one of our experts!

A quick note on diagnosing skin conditions

Keep in mind that some skin conditions do really need to be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional. The only providers that can legally diagnose and treat are Physicians, Nurse Practitioners (NPs), and Physician Associates (PAs). Often what looks like acne could actually be a staph infection, a complex dermatitis or even rare types of herpes outbreaks. So if you’re ever unsure, please see a pro. A good aesthetician will also know when to refer to a medical provider. As usual, nothing in this article is meant as medical advice or to diagnose and treat. We can’t do that without seeing you in person so talk to your prescribing provider before trying anything new :-). 

Basic Skincare Routine For Teen's

  • For teens, it’s recommended to use a gentle, non-medicated cleanser most days, with an option to incorporate a salicylic acid based cleanser a few times a week to prevent acne. The salicylic acid could be increased to daily use for moderate acne (more on acne in next section). 
  • DO NOT use a toner or exfoliating pads (or at the very least use extreme caution). Many toners and pads, especially those tailored towards teens and acne-prone skin, are loaded with drying alcohols (SD alcohol, alcohol denat.) that strip the skin of oil, which may seem good in the short term, but this can lead to increased oil production, damage to the skin’s microbiome, and worsening acne. Consider witch hazel as an alternative to harsh toners.
  • Moisturizing is important, even for oily skin. They make moisturizers for all skin types for a reason, so just because someone has oily skin doesn’t mean their skin doesn’t need hydration—in fact it can help balance oil production and keep the skin from feeling and looking tight and shiny.
  • Always wear sunscreen every day. Usually hybrid organic/inorganic (“chemical” and mineral) filters are best for oilier skin types (ie. octinoxate and zinc oxide) because they tend to be less oily. Sunscreen not only protects from the sun but can prevent scarring from acne and is also anti-aging. 
  • Keep the routine simple, and if you’re struggling, consider seeing an aesthetician for an initial evaluation or going straight to a dermatologist for more complex skin issues. 

Teen skincare regime step-by-step

  1.  Cleanse nightly with a gentle cleanser
  2. Optional salicylic cleanser for acne prone skin
  3. Avoid alcohol based toners and exfoliating pads
  4. Moisturize and use sunscreen daily
  5. See an aesthetician or get referral to dermatology for complex issues

Best Skincare for Acne Prone Skin

  • The best acne skincare routine depends on the type of acne like shown in the image above.
  • Superficial and mild acne typically responds well to salicylic acid cleansers and light hydration. Salicylic acids can penetrate deep into the pores to break up oil and kill bacteria.
  • For moderate acne, a combination of a benzoyl peroxide face wash a few days a week to kill bacteria (and a gentle cleanser other days) and a topical retinoid serum/cream like retinol, retinaldehyde or adapalene gel can help unclog pores and speed up cell turnover. Remember to never use benzoyl peroxide with hydroquinone (a skin “lightening” agent) as dark staining of the skin may occur. 
  • For severe and hormonal acne, seek out help from a specialist like a dermatologist, who may work with an esthetician as well to come up with a series of specific treatments such as chemical peels or laser, and at home care.
  • Also consider working with a nutritionist to determine if you have an imbalance in your gut or food sensitivities that could be contributing to acne. 
  • In general, monthly chemical peels in a series of 3-6 are a great option for those suffering from mild to moderate acne.
  • Avoid products containing high amounts of drying alcohol.
  • Always wear sunscreen and keep skin hydrated to prevent scarring.
  •  Blue LED light or IPL can also be very beneficial for acne. 

Acne Prone Skin Summary:

  1. Mild acne salicylic acid cleansers or pads
  2. Moderate acne add in benzoyl peroxide and retinoid products
  3. Severe acne or hormonal acne seek help from dermatologist or skincare expert
  4. Consider working with a nutritionist to see if a gut imbalance or food intolerance is contributing
  5. Do regular facials and peels
  6. Always wear sunscreen
  7. Blue light therapy may be helpful

What is the best skincare routine in your 20’s?

  • This is a great age to start coming in for regular monthly facials. Regular facials are very helpful to have your skin looked at monthly and they can also speed up cell turnover.
  • Weekly exfoliating cleansers or leave on exfoliants such as salicylic acid or glycolic acid can be started or continued.
  • Consider introducing a topical vitamin c serum. Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant that helps protect your skin from damage. It also acts a light exfoliant. Look for ascorbic acid, ascorbyl glucoside and/or tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate.
  • Consider changing to a more hydrating moisturizer as skin typically changes from puberty, and ends up producing less oil. Look for ceramides and fatty alcohols.
  • Consider starting a retinoid. Look for retinol or retinal/retinaldehyde as they tend to be more gentle. Start slowly and always reduce use if there is irritation. 
  • Continue to wear sunscreen daily.
  • In the mid to late 20’s consider starting preventative Botox
  • Microneedling can also be great for those with acne scars or those that want to do something to prevent lines and wrinkles

Skincare in 20's Summary:

  1. Start monthly facials and peels
  2. Use at home exfoliants
  3. Start retinoids
  4. Always wear sunscreen
  5. Consider preventative Botox and microneedling

What is the best skincare routine in your 30’s?

  • Consider switching to glycolic or lactic based exfoliants instead of salicylic acid for non-acne prone skin.
  • Start to consider quarterly Botox and even yearly preventative fillers. We all lose about 1 syringe of filler per side of volume after age 25-30. 
  • Consider microneedling and IPL to help tighten skin, rebuild collagen, address any scarring or hyperpigmentation caused from past acne or sun exposure.
  • See an esthetician for monthly facials/peels.
  • Continue using a retinol in the evening (or every other evening) and vitamin c in the morning (if able to tolerate both), and wear sunscreen daily. Don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every 1.5-2 hours when in direct sunlight! There are great powder SPF sunscreens available that can be used over make-up

Skincare in 30's Summary:

  1. Use lactic acid or glycolic acid exfoliates if having less break-outs
  2. Consider quarterly Botox and yearly preventative fillers
  3. Consider microneedling and IPL
  4. Monthly facials and peels
  5. Continue retinoids, vitamin C and sunscreen

What is the best skincare routine in your 40’s?

  • Skin is usually dryer, so using a lactic acid or enzyme-based exfoliant can be helpful.
  • Consider deeper, more nourishing creams that contain things like ceramides, plant sterols, and amino acids/peptides. This product is a great option.
  • Quarterly Botox, yearly fillers and IPL are usually more essential now to make up for volume loss and to smooth out expression lines.
  • See an esthetician for monthly facials/peels.
  • Continue using retinol and vitamin c serums, and of course wearing sunscreen every single day. 
  • See a dermatologist for annual skin cancer checkups if you haven’t already (can start at any age, the sooner the better).
  • Consider resurfacing lasers for deeper lines and wrinkles. 

Skincare in 40's Summary:

  1. Use lactic acid or enzyme based exfoliants.
  2. Use nourishing creams that contain ceramides, plant sterols and amino acids/peptides.
  3. Quarterly Botox, yearly fillers and IPL are more essential now.
  4. Continue monthly facials and peels.
  5. See a dermatologist yearly for skin checks.
  6. Continue retinoids, vitamin C and sunscreen. 
  7. Consider resurfacing lasers.

What is the best skincare routine in your 50’s and 60's?

  • Use enzyme and lactic based exfoliants as they are gentler and less drying on mature skin.
  • Use hydrating, cream-based cleansers that can nourish the skin and keep it more hydrated.
  • Use thick cream moisturizers with fatty alcohols, oils, plant sterols, and amino acids/peptides. Maybe even consider adding a facial oil to the evening routine for extra moisture. 
  • Quarterly Botox, yearly fillers and IPL treatments are essential. You may even want to consider laser.
  • See an esthetician for monthly facials/peels.
  • Continue using retinol and vitamin c serums, and wearing sunscreen daily.
  • See the dermatologist for annual skin cancer checkups.

Skincare in 50's and 60's Summary:

  1. Use lactic acid or enzyme based exfoliants
  2. Use nourishing creams that contain ceramides, plant sterols and amino acids/peptides
  3. Quarterly Botox, yearly fillers and IPL are essential
  4. Continue monthly facials and peels
  5. See a dermatologist yearly for skin checks
  6. Continue retinoids, vitamin C and sunscreen
  7. Consider resurfacing lasers

Were do I start with skincare?

If you’re reading this and you’re feeling way behind because you haven’t started anything, that’s ok! It’s never too late to start good skincare. At any age here are the absolute essentials with each additional add on:

What are skincare essentials?

  • Wash your face every night with a gentle cleanser. It’s important to wash off make-up, dirt, oil, grease and whatever else from the day, every day.
  • Wear sunscreen EVERYDAY! No, your tinted moisturizer or makeup does not count! Wear a broad spectrum SPF 30+ every day under your make-up. Then re-apply every 2 hours if by a window, driving, or in direct sunlight. You can use a sunscreen powder over make-up to make this easier. 
  • Consider adding in a retinoid. Retinoids help speed up turnover of skin cells which in turn, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, decreases discoloration and they can actually reverse DNA damage from the sun. 
  • Consider adding in a Vitamin C serum, if you can tolerate this with a retinol. If you can’t, prioritize the retinoids. 
  • Consider Botox or Xeomin, Fillers, and IPL/Lasers. We never think we need services, until we start to age and see the years catching up with lines, wrinkles, lost volume and discoloration. Maintenance treatments are key when aging gracefully and naturally.
  • Consider monthly facials and peels for regular skin assessments. Consider getting a VI Peel that is more advanced, a few times a year, too.

What is medical grade skincare?

Medical grade skincare requires more rigorous testing and has to be proven to be 99% pure. Cosmetic grade, or what you can get over the counter, only has to be 70% pure. So many over the counter products are great but if you have any skin conditions or want to be able to guarantee the quality of your products you want medical grade.


When it comes to skincare products, do your research or talk to your skincare expert to decide what is best for you. 

What should I avoid to prevent aging?

In conjunction with the information above, here are 2 things that you must avoid to prevent aging!

  • Avoid tanning beds unless it’s just for the red light therapy. You may look good tan in your 20’s and 30’s but as you age you will look older and older because of damage from tanning beds. Consider a spray tan, instead. Many people will say things like, “well fat looks better tan”, but tanning damages skin making it thinner- this causes more cellulite to show and skin to appear thin and wrinkly.
  • Quit smoking tobacco. This is tough because it’s a very hard habit to break. However, if you are prioritizing anti-aging, you have to quit smoking! Smoking is the next biggest contributor to premature aging, after sunlight.

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All about under eye filler

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Introduction: All about under-eye filler

Have you gotten tired of trying under-eye creams hoping that they would help you get rid of the dark sunken look under your eyes? For many clients this area is extremely frustrating, but the good news is that there is a solution. Under-eye (tear trough) filler can give the area under your eyes increased volume and reduce the appearance of dark hollows. In this article we’ll dive into what types of fillers are used, what the procedure is like, and what under-eye fillers cost.

For visual learners, watch this YouTube video that features NP, Ali Wagstaff, and her take on under-eye concerns and treatments to help. 

What is under-eye filler?

Tear trough filler (aka under-eye filler) is a treatment where hyaluronic acid (HA) dermal fillers are injected using a needle or cannula into and around the dark hollows under the eyes. It can be done alone or in conjunction with cheek filler. 

Why is under-eye filler sometimes done with cheek filler?

It’s important to address the whole face when treating this area for a natural and balanced look. Oftentimes under eye hollows can be from loss of volume in the cheeks. Always determine the underlying cause of the deficit before treating.

Also, it is crucial to go to an experienced provider, as this area can not only be dangerous to inject, but also difficult to inject in the correct plane (or level).

Below is a before and after photo of a patient who needed cheek support along with under eye correction. The two go hand-in-hand.

What types of filler can be used in the under-eye region?

Most of the softer, thinner HA (hyaluronic acid) fillers can be used in the under-eye area. Sometimes firmer HA’s can be used in severe cases, or when they are diluted. It is not advised to use non-HA fillers in this thin, sensitive area. 

The most commonly used hyaluronic acid fillers for under-eyes are:

Other fillers such as collagen, Sculptra and Radiesse are NOT recommended in this area due to risk of overfilling, pain, reaction and nodules. This is a high movement area that needs a soft and gentle HA filler for best results.  

For more information on fillers, check out our filler guide.

What does tear trough filler treat?

Our bodies naturally lose volume in our tear trough as we age. We also have separation of the fat pads under the eyes and the cheeks. This leaves an indentation, or dark hollowing, under the eye which can be softened with dermal fillers for a more refreshed “awake” appearance. Below are some before and after photos that help visualize tear trough filler.

Who is a good candidate for under-eye filler?

A good candidate is someone who:

  • Has always had dark under eye hollows genetically 
  • Developed dark under eye hollows with aging 
  • Has good skin quality & cheek support

A poor candidate is someone who:

  • Has large under eye bags rather than hollows
  • Has extremely thin or fragile skin that appears to be “see-through”
  • Has full face hollowing and requires full-face intervention prior to under eye filler

If you previously had a poor under eye filler treatment, and don’t know what to do, be sure to schedule a free consultation! In the mean time, read how you can reverse “bad” filler.

Are tear trough fillers safe?

Yes, under-eye fillers done by experienced medical providers can be done safely. It’s important to consult with your injecting provider, like our Nurse Practitioner Ali, to discuss the risks and benefits of any procedure. See below for risks

Are there risks involved with under eye filler?

All medical and aesthetic procedures come with risks. Some of these risks involved in tear trough filler include:

  1. A poor result, usually over-filling with a puffy appearance
  2. Prolonged swelling from poor product selection or placement
  3. A blue tinge under the eyes (tyndall effect) from too much filler, filler placed too superficially or filler placed on a poor candidate
  4. A vascular occlusion where dermal filler gets into the artery (angular artery) which can lead to severe complications

What are the benefits of tear trough filler?

  • Tear trough filler can add volume to lessen the “hollowness” under the eyes
  • It can give you a more rested and youthful appearance 
  • Filler will diminish under-eye bags (in certain cases) 
  • It will eliminate or lessen dark circles under the eyes

How much does under-eye filler cost?

Under-eye filler varies in cost based on the type that you receive, where you have the procedure done, and who is performing the procedure. Below is a breakdown of the cost, on average.

  • Hyaluronic Acid Fillers like Juvederm, Belotero, and Restylane generally cost between $600-$1200 per treatment. This does not include any other filler that may be recommended. When combined with other facial fillers the cost for the under-eye portion may be lower. 

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How do you prepare for under-eye filler?

Talk to your injecting provider for a complete list of instructions, but in general, it will likely be recommended to:

  • Avoid over the counter medications that may thin your blood like aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil  (unless prescribed)
  • Do not consume alcohol 24-48 hours before your procedure
  • Come to your appointment with a clean face and no make-up (if possible) 

Some additional recommendations to help you prepare:

Taking arnica tablets help to prevent bruising/swelling, too (as with any supplement, talk to your provider before you take OTC medications or supplements)

Consider icing the under eyes for 10-20 minutes prior fo your procedure to decrease the risk of swelling/bruising

What is an under-eye filler treatment like?

Under-eye filler appointments are generally about 30-60 minutes. The actual procedure itself may only take about 5-minutes per side, but the preparation and discussions prior to the appointment will take up extra time. Your injector may also recommend injecting other areas first, such as the cheeks and mid-face, to support the tear trough area and for a better result which takes additional time. 

If you are curious about what our filler appointments generally look like, read our blog here. The more you know, the more comfortable you can be (:

What is under-eye filler aftercare like?

Every injector will have their own specific aftercare instructions. Below are some of the general recommendations for under eye filler aftercare:

  • Try to avoid using concealer or other eye makeup for the first 24 hours.
  • Do not rub the treated area for at least 24-48 hours after your injections. 
  • Avoid intense physical activity for 24-48 hours, if possible, as exercise may increase swelling to the area treated
  • Consider avoiding alcohol for 48 hours after your treatment. Drinking could increase the swelling and bruising.
  • Use an ice pack to ice the area for 5-10 minutes off and on for the first 48 hours. This will help you reduce  swelling quicker. It’s also a great reason to sit on the couch and relax.

For more tips and tricks on how to avoid swelling from filler, in general, read this

When will I see results from tear trough filler?

Immediately after the procedure you will be able to see your results! For many people, there will also be some swelling immediately post-procedure. The swelling will start to go down in about 48 hours. You will be able to see the final results in 7 to 14 days in most cases but in rare cases, it may take longer, especially during allergy season.

How long do under-eye fillers last?

Over the years we have discovered that filler tends to last much longer in this area than in other high movement areas. Lasting even longer than the lips. The same filler brand that may only last 6-8 months in the lips may last 1-2 years under the eyes.  More cross-linked fillers, such as the Juvederm family, can last 2-3 years, but this does come with an increased risk of reactions and late-onset nodules. Talk to your injecting provider about what dermal filler is best for you. Schedule a consultation HERE.

What is the best under-eye filler?

Hyaluronic acid fillers are the best fillers for under-eye treatments and we have tried almost all of the available brands on the U.S. market. Our favorites have been Belotero Balance and Restylane-L for most cases. 

We also use other, firmer HA fillers or Radiesse in the cheeks prior to doing under-eye fillers to support the area and also give a more natural look. 

For a full list on fillers and what areas they’re best for, READ THIS!

Is tear trough filler worth it?

Yes, tear trough filler is worth it. This is one of the procedures that we get excellent feedback on. It’s a subtle result that makes a huge impact for clients that feel like they constantly look tired. It also has minimal downtime and is not obvious to others that it was done. 

Under eye filler before and after


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